Chapter 1778 Confrontation

You Sha said: "This is a forbidden item of the Dragon Clan!"

Qiao Ye said: "What does the forbidden dragon clan matter to me?"

Qiao Ye's indifferent attitude made people feel full of provocation. The two dragons behind You Sha were furious and wanted to rush up, but You Sha stretched out his hand to stop him.

You Sha said: "I'll just repeat it again, put down that knife and kill yourself, at least you can die with dignity."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then said: "You will come to chase me, you must know what the real name of this knife is, right?

Then let me just say it again, I have no grudges or enmities with the dragon clan, and I have no intention of slaying dragons, but if you insist on courting death, I can only let this knife open its mouth. It's nostalgia! "

Yousha's expression was still indifferent, but the raised arms were lowered at this moment.

"Kill him!"

The two dragons behind You Sha jumped forward at the same time.

Qiao Ye raised his eyelids, and reached out to hold the handle of the dragon head guillotine.

However, before Qiao Ye could make a move, the ground in front of him suddenly trembled crazily, and cracks continued to spread in all directions.

Xiao Ji made a move!

At the moment when the two dragons rushed over, ground thorns continued to rise one by one, criss-crossing and heading towards the two dragons.

The two dragons looked at each other, then opened their mouths and roared forward!

The sound of dragon chant appeared, shaking the sky!

The ground thorns constantly stabbing out from the ground burst into pieces amidst the sound of the dragon's roar!


The shattered ground thorns did not dissipate, but flew forward, and then melted continuously, turning into mud and falling on the bodies of the two dragons.

The mud smeared on the body, and the stone instantly congealed, like shackles, locking the bodies of the two dragons.

The two dragons couldn't help roaring, trying to break free, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break the mud and stone shackles on their bodies!

You Sha opened his slightly closed eyes and said, "It turns out that she is the daughter of the sky, a creature conceived from the origin of the earth!"

You Sha walked forward, stretched out his hand to pinch the rocks on the bodies of the two dragons, and suddenly exerted force, crushing the rocks abruptly.

The two dragons lost their restraints and wanted to rush towards Xiao Ji and Qiao Ye again, but were stopped by You Sha.

"You are no match for her."

You Sha said: "Let me come!"

Xiao Ji raised her eyebrows, her aura suddenly rose, and she became terrified.

The breath of extinction!

Manipulating earth and rocks is just Xiaoji's most basic ability.

Xiaoji's real ability is...

Everything dies!

The surrounding ground continued to dry and crack, and the surrounding trees began to wither almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The emerald green leaves began to roll up, and slowly turned into a withered yellow color, falling from the tree continuously.

next moment...

Xiao Ji stretched out her hand towards the front!

The ground under her feet suddenly shattered, turning into yellow gravel, which spun continuously under Xiao Ji's palm, and then Xiao Ji raised her hand violently, and slapped forward.

The yellow sand moved forward, and directly turned into a terrifying dragon roll and began to sweep!

The tornado was only two or three meters in the beginning, but as it continued to push forward, it also continued to grow larger, and it soared to a height of nearly ten meters in the blink of an eye, which looked extremely terrifying.

You Sha was not afraid, and with a low growl, he punched forward.

The surging breath erupted at this moment, and collided with the tornado, and then there was a loud cracking sound in the air, and the tornado burst instantly.

Countless Sha Shuo drifted around and sprinkled in the air.

You Sha tilted his head, looked at Xiao Ji and said: "As long as there is earth in this world, the daughter of heaven will be immortal, unless you can have the rare earth of Hongmeng, so I have no way to kill you, but death is never the most important thing in this world. Horrible thing."

You Sha raised his hand, and slightly clenched his fist with a pair of dragon claws.

"I can imprison you..." You Sha sneered, "Until eternity!"

The moment Yousha finished speaking, he pulled his hands away violently!

"Blue Dragon Power!"

You Sha let out a low growl, "Long Roaring Mountains and Rivers!"

The moment Yousha's words fell, he slammed forward with a palm!

In the next moment, the sound of a dragon chant was earth-shattering, and along with You Sha's palm forward, a condensed green dragon suddenly appeared, fangs and claws moving towards the front, constantly pushing forward!

Xiaoji's eyes flashed brightly, and then, she raised her foot and stomped hard on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

As Xiao Ji stepped on the ground, the ground trembled, and the stone walls continued to rise one after another. Then, the green dragon collided with the stone walls continuously, shattering the stone walls.

Seeing that the stone wall was unable to stop the green dragon, Xiao Ji took a deep breath and ran directly towards the green dragon.


Xiaoji collided with Qinglong.

After a loud noise, the green dragon was smashed to pieces, but Xiao Ji was also sent flying, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth!

You Sha couldn't help but smile triumphantly, but at the next moment...

The smile on You Sha's face suddenly froze, and then looked at his arm in horror.

Yousha's arm shriveled rapidly at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, as if the blood and moisture of the entire arm had been sucked dry, and this shriveling was constantly spreading.


You Sha immediately roared, and slapped his elbow with a palm.

With a click, the elbow was broken by You Sha, and then the whole forearm broke, flew out to the side, and fell to the ground.

You Sha's complexion was pale, and he kept pushing back.

You Sha gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Ji and said, "The ability to take away life!"

The annihilation of all things is the ability to deprive life force.

However, to be precise, it is actually depriving the blood and water in the body!

Where Xiaoji passed, there were thousands of miles of loess, and not a single blade of grass grew. The fundamental reason was that Xiaoji's ability could dry up the water contained in the earth, trees, flowers and plants. Even the blood in the living beings would be no exception. Under the action of Xiaoji's ability, she dried up.

More directly, as long as there is liquid in the body, Xiaoji's ability can take effect.

However, this ability cannot appear out of thin air.

If Xiao Ji glanced at You Sha, and You Sha became like this, then Xiao Ji would be invincible in the world. Who would dare to stand in front of Xiao Ji in this world?

After one glance, the body's water and blood are dry, how to fight?

You Sha said in a deep voice, "It's stone dust!"

You Sha quickly discovered the clue.

The medium for Xiaoji to display her abilities is stone chips, and those stone chips were exactly the green dragon that transformed into it, after it repeatedly smashed into the stone wall, it drifted to You Sha.

at the same time……

Xiaoji also silently stood up again.

Injuries belong to injuries, but it is impossible to kill Xiao Ji, except that the world is completely destroyed, there is no land, or the use of Hongmeng rare earth to absorb Xiao Ji, otherwise, Xiao Ji will be immortal.

Therefore, this swap, Xiao Ji is not at a loss!


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