Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1779 Can't hold back anymore

Chapter 1779 Can't hold back anymore

"It's amazing that you can lose one of my arms!"

You Sha has always been quite sublime, but when he was severely injured, You Sha also tore off his gentleman's mask in an instant, and said ferociously: "But that's all, from now on, the sand you raised Don't even think about meeting me again!"

Xiao Ji ignored You Sha at all.

Xiaoji's style is...

Don't be naughty if you can do it!

Boom, boom, boom!

Xiao Ji stretched out her hand towards the front, the ground made a loud noise again, and then it shattered with a bang, and then the ground thorns rose one after another!

After suffering a loss, the normal choice should be to avoid Xiaoji's attack.

After all, Xiao Ji's attack is not what it seems on the surface.


The horror of Xiaoji's attack is not the manipulation of the mud and rocks, but the back move, even if those ground thorns are smashed, as long as the mud and sand are contaminated, the liquid in the body will dry up.

So, normally speaking, after discovering this, the best choice should be to dodge!

In comparison, dodging the touch of those ground thorns is easier than dodging the flying Shashuo.



You Sha still punched forward without hesitation!

Boom, boom, boom!

Those ground thorns continued to shatter, and then Yousha's ankle twisted suddenly, and his body kept spinning.

"Blue Dragon Dance!"

You Sha shouted in a low voice: "Body protection!"

A green dragon appeared beside You Sha, circling continuously around You Sha's body, and then a cyan light ball appeared beside You Sha, spinning continuously, and then isolated all the flying Sha Shuo.

You Sha sneered and said: "I said, from now on, your Sha Shuo will never touch me again, and as long as your Sha Shuo doesn't touch me, the Heavenly Daughter is nothing special!"

The moment You Sha finished speaking, he punched out again!

A green dragon was condensed again, even bigger than before, with mighty might, approaching Xiao Ji crazily.

Xiao Ji's eyes were gloomy, and she continued to back away, intending to avoid the past.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye slowly raised his head.

Look at Yousha!

Because, the knife in Qiao Ye's hand...

I can't stand it anymore!

The dragon head guillotine kept trembling in Qiao Ye's hands, and the sound of the knife kept ringing out.

Moreover, You Sha's strength is indeed impressive, and Xiao Ji seems to be restrained.

That being the case...


Qiao Ye looked down at the dragon head guillotine and said, "Then satisfy you, let's kill!"

Almost for a moment, Qiao Ye's figure did not move, and the sound of a saber groaning soared into the sky, and then a saber intent erupted from the dragon's head guillotine, moving forward overwhelmingly!

The sword intent was terrifying, like a hurricane sweeping forward!

And at the moment when the sword intent passed by, cracks appeared on the surface of the green dragon condensed by You Sha, and then...


Like smashed glass, the green dragon's body was directly torn apart, turning into a large halo and falling in all directions.

You Sha was shocked, and performed the Azure Dragon Dance again, covering his whole body with the ball of light!


Click, click!

On the ball of light, cracks appeared one after another, and Yousha could clearly feel that the power in his body was constantly weakening, being swallowed by the saber intent.

You Sha's face changed greatly: "This is the reason why this sword slays the dragon?

It was able to suppress the blood of the real dragon! "

Not only You Sha found out, but Qiao Ye also found out.

The dragon head guillotine in my hand...

Tianke Dragon Clan!

This knife was not cut by Qiao Ye at all, it was completely attacked by the Dragon Head Guillotine itself.

In this world, no matter how good a knife is, it is still not a weapon. No one wields a knife, and the sword's power and sword will always be incomplete, but that sword can suppress You Sha!

To be precise, You Sha's cultivation base is very high and her strength is very strong.

The other party's ability to be tough on Xiaoji also represents some problems in itself.

This meant that You Sha's strength was definitely not inferior to Xiao Ji and Qiao Ye's, but the Dragon Head Guillotine suppressed it.

And Joey...

Although Qiao Ye didn't receive the third saber in the weapon spectrum, but the first two sabers were done with solid skills.

That being the case, how could Yousha not be able to catch it?

Because, at that moment, Yousha's strength was greatly weakened.

Of course, Qiao Ye couldn't see why You Sha's strength was weakened, but You Sha said it himself, and this answer was a very terrifying answer for the Dragon Clan.

It turned out that the power of the bloodline was suppressed!

Bloodline power is a devastating blow to dragons, no, to be precise, to all orcs!

Almost all the strength of the beast clan comes from the power of the blood, and their own blood is also the biggest reliance of the beast clan!

At this moment, Yousha's heart was also filled with turbulent waves.

The name of Dragon Slaying has always been circulated in the Dragon Clan, and even all the Dragon Clans who entered Duan Liujietian will be ordered to keep an eye on the Dragon Slaying in the weapon spectrum and not be taken away by anyone.

As for whether the dragon clan wants to take away Zhanlong and seal it up forever?

Of course, I have thought about it, but with the blood of the real dragon, it is impossible for any dragon clan to take away Zhanlong, so Zhanlong can only be left in the weapon list forever.

However, only those ancient monsters of the Dragon Clan know the answer to why the Dragon Clan cares so much about Zhanlong, prevent Zhanlong from leaving the weapon spectrum, and prevent Zhanlong from reappearing in the world.

And now, Yousha also knows!

Moreover, Yousha also knew why the seniors of the Dragon Clan didn't announce this answer, because it would cause panic!

"Go together!"

You Sha became extremely ferocious, and roared angrily: "This guy must be killed, for the sake of the dragon clan's rise and fall, this knife will never see the light of day!"

The moment You Sha finished speaking, he rushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The two dragons behind You Sha were also not to be outdone, they let out a low growl, and then followed You Sha and rushed towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye raised his knife and slashed forward!

Qiao Ye is not very proficient in knife skills, but he can barely do it. However, the shape of the dragon head guillotine is peculiar, and ordinary knife skills are useless, so it doesn't matter whether Qiao Ye knows it or not.

Fortunately, they were facing three dragons.

Even if Qiao Ye can't make the dragon head guillotine agile, it doesn't matter, as long as he can raise and swing the knife, that's enough!

Qiao Ye is just a tool man at the moment, fighting to hold the knife.

A simple knife, which is extremely ordinary, is to lift the knife high, and then cut it forward.

However, with such an ordinary and simple saber, the moment it was swung, the saber movement around it was as terrifying as a violent storm.

The surrounding branches kept waving, and the leaves "rustled".


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