Chapter 1784 Rules

After Qiao Ye and Rong Bao separated again, they went to Tianzhu Mountain.

Although Rong Bao had already told Qiao Ye that it was impossible to find the Law of Thunder in Tianzhu Mountain, Qiao Ye still planned to go there.

The reason is very simple, the law can not only be found, but also understood!

Observing all phenomena of nature may comprehend the great way of nature, and seeing through the cycle of life and death may comprehend the great way of reincarnation. Therefore, the law does not have to be found, and those with outstanding talents can realize it by themselves.

However, to comprehend this matter, it also needs some opportunities, and it is not like you just sit there in a daze, and then you will realize it when you say you have realized it.

The environment is very important, so Qiao Ye still plans to go to Tianzhu Mountain to watch the Thunder Sea.

Of course, Qiao Ye himself is not entangled in this matter. Enlightenment, it's good to realize it, but if you don't understand it, you will fall down, Qiao Ye is just giving it a try!

Entering the Heavenly Scourge Mountain, Qiao Ye's first reaction was harsh.

There are bursts of thunder, almost never stopping, and it will resound once in a few breaths, and even, occasionally, several thunders will come together, which is deafening.

In the sky, the entire mountain was shrouded in dark clouds. The dark clouds in the sky were continuous and extremely low. Even the top of Tianzhu Mountain was always standing in the dark clouds.

All the way up, to the position near the top of the mountain, surrounded by a sea of ​​dark clouds.

In the black sea of ​​clouds, thunder light churned, one after another thunder was like a long dragon, constantly churning and roaring.

And just above this sea of ​​clouds, something called Thunder Stone will be produced.

The so-called Thunder Stone is the condensed crystal of Thunder, which can be found after reaching a certain height in Tianzhu Mountain.

These lightning stones can also be regarded as the condensed essence of heaven and earth, but the value is not very high. Generally, according to the quality, there are between fifteen and thirty star stones. Of course, they are just ordinary spar stones.

Normally speaking, if you try hard to search in Tianzhu Mountain, you can probably find about ten thunderstones a day, but if you convert it, it is still only a small sum of money.

However, even for small money, Qiao Ye still saw many people looking for it along the way.

Without exception, these people are down and out.

Most people are very high-spirited when they enter the Heaven of Disruption. However, Qiao Ye feels that there is no difference between the Nine Realms of the Canglan Star and the world of Primordial Void, that is, the survival of the fittest.

There are many cases of fights due to a disagreement. If you are lucky, you will lose your family fortune, and if you are unlucky, you will lose your life.

Those who wandered around in Tianzhu Mountain were down and out, but at least they could still save their lives, which is not bad.

Of course, sometimes it doesn't necessarily mean being robbed.

The belongings you carry with you become less and less as you use them. However, the cost of wandering around in the Cutoff Jietian is not small, and you don’t have enough skills to get things, and then your assets become less and less, which is what it is now.

Qiao Ye didn't have any big thoughts about Lei Shi. If he saw it, he would pick it up. If he didn't see it, it would count.

What Qiao Ye cared about was still the power of law, but, as Rong Bao said, Qiao Ye didn't find any power of law along the way.

The sea of ​​thunder in Tianzhu Mountain can indeed condense the law of thunder, but it takes time. The time since it was taken away by Tong Baozhai last time is too short, and there is no sign of condensing it at all.

Then try to see if you can comprehend it yourself!

All the way to the top of Tianzhu Mountain, this is an excellent place to watch the Thunder Sea.

Qiao Ye found a hill and sat down cross-legged.

"Only seven days."

Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji and said, "I will observe and enlighten for seven days, if we fail in seven days, we will leave."

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "I'll help you guard."

Qiao Ye smiled and said: "Thunder, although you don't like it, it is the essence of heaven and earth after all, you just need to absorb it and cultivate it, if you feel bored..."

Qiao Ye opened the imperial beast cage, released Sibuxiang and said, "Let this little guy accompany you."

It's inconvenient for Sibuxiang to show up, and it's very troublesome for the orcs to see Qiao Ye taming the beast. However, there are not many people coming and going to the Tianzhu Mountain, and there are even fewer people coming from the top of the mountain, so they are not very afraid of being seen.

After Qiao Ye finished admonishing her, she looked at Lei Hai in front of her and entered a state of ecstasy!


Fengming City, Tongbaozhai.

"Young Master Rong, Young Master Rong..."

Just as Rong Bao entered the gate of Tongbaozhai, a waiter rushed up.

"What are you doing in a hurry?"

Rong Bao yawned and said, "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep for a while, if the shopkeeper comes back, tell me I'm not awake yet."

The guy said: "Young Master Rong, sleep later..."

Rong Bao interrupted dissatisfied: "Also, how many times have I said it, don't call me Young Master Rong."

The guy said: "The young master..."

"Don't call me master either."

Rong Bao said: "I am a boy just like you."

The guy rolled his eyes and said, "Master, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard this year."

Rong Bao said: "Then you have to ask those old people in the family why they sent me to this ghost place, by the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

"Oh, someone is looking for it."

The buddy slapped his head and said, "It's all because of you interrupting, young master. I almost forgot that it's from the Dragon Clan."

Rong Bao said: "From the Dragon Clan?

It's coming very fast, let's go, I'll go and have a look! "

While talking, Rong Bao came to the back hall.

There are a total of three dragons with true dragon blood. However, one sits drinking tea while the other two stand. The priority is quite clear.

When Rong Bao entered the back hall, he was not polite. He sat down on the main seat, took a sip from the teacup, and said before the other party opened his mouth, "I know you, your name is Bai Quan, a descendant of Lingshan Shuilong. , I heard that you are very talented and strong. You have been the leader of the ninth ring in the Tiandao ring?

Want to hit the battle of the throne ring this time? "

Just as Bai Quan was about to speak, Rong Bao interrupted again: "Give up, you don't have that ability, even your little ability is not worthy of lifting Qingmei's shoes!"

The muscles on Baiquan's face twitched, and then he suppressed his anger and said: "This is a matter within the Dragon Clan, so don't bother Posha Xingjun to care about it. I'm here to inquire about someone..."

Rong Bao interrupted again: "I know who you are looking for."

Bai Quan said: "May I ask where this person is?"

Rong Bao said, "Why did I tell you?"

Bai Quan took out a bag of Starry Stones and said, "I understand the rules."

"No, you are very unruly."

Rong Bao turned cold and said, "You better not know the rules."

Bai Quan said, "What's the explanation?"

A stern look appeared on Rong Bao's face: "You don't understand the rules, I can forgive you once, but if you understand the rules and come here, then I can only take it as a provocation."

While talking, Rong Bao put down the teacup.

Just at that moment...

Bai Quan felt a strong killing intent, and then the hair crown on his head suddenly split, and Bai Quan's long hair fell loose.


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