Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1785 Young Master of the Rong Family

Chapter 1785 Young Master of the Rong Family

Bai Quan felt his hand holding the tea cup tremble, and then quietly put it in his sleeve.

Bai Quan suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to come directly to Tongbaozhai. The guy in front of him didn't have any respect or fear for the Dragon Clan.

But thinking about it, this guy is the most talented man of the Rong family's generation.

Nowadays, the Heavens are cut off, the Heavenly Dao arena...

The master of the fourth ring!

Also, he is rich.

Tongbaozhai is the property of the Rong family, and the man in front of him is also the one who has the best chance of inheriting Tongbaozhai in the future!

In this world, money can always do many things, even if the strength is not outstanding, it can still make many outstanding people work for themselves!

What's more, Rongbao belongs to both rich and powerful.

Bai Quan stood up and apologized, "I really don't know where I broke the rules."

Rong Bao glanced at the bag of star stones on the table and said: "As long as you have money, you can buy everything in Tongbaozhai, but we don't sell customer information, this is the bottom line of our business."

Bai Quan said: "So, that person is a customer of Tongbaozhai?"

"Need me to tell you about my transaction with him?"

Rong Bao sneered, "As long as you dare to listen!"

Bai Quan said: "But, I'm also a customer of Tongbaozhai, aren't I?

I spend a lot in Tongbaozhai. "

"Of course, I admit it."

Rong Bao laughed and said, "As long as you don't do anything against the rules, I'll be happy to serve you."

Bai Quan raised his eyebrows, as if he could hear the meaning, and said, "So, if I find him, Tong Baozhai won't care, will he?"

Rong Bao took a sip of tea and said, "How can I care about this?

We Tong Baozhai, it is impossible to stop doing business with someone because they have a grudge against you, and of course we will not have business dealings with that person, so we will not let you settle the grudge. After all, we are just running a shop. Welcoming and sending off, whoever comes is a customer, but as long as customers fight, as long as they are not in my shop, it's none of my business. "

Bai Quan laughed and said, "That's good!"

Bai Quan would also like to inquire about Qiao Ye's news, but Rong Bao's attitude in this regard is very clear, he will not tell him anything about Qiao Ye, and of course, he will not tell Qiao Ye, who is going to hunt him down he.

That being the case, it doesn't matter to Bai Quan, there are many ways to find someone, Bai Quan is most worried about Tong Baozhai's involvement in this matter, after all, Tong Baozhai is not easy to mess with!

However, it's just an ordinary business transaction, and it's nothing.

Rong Bao said: "However, let me say the ugly words first, you have nothing to do with me, but if someone sends me something that you really don't want to see, I will accept it anyway."

Bai Quan's pupils shrank.

What is the thing that the real dragon does not want to see?

Of course, someone else sold the corpse of the dragon clan as a spiritual material and elixir!

"rest assured!"

Bai Quan said: "He has no chance."

Rong Bao regretted: "Then I will lose a lot of business, what a pity."

Bai Quan couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his mouth again, he didn't want to argue with Rong Bao, since he already got the answer he wanted anyway, and the other party didn't have Tong Baozhai as the backstage.

Therefore, Bai Quan directly clasped his fists and said, "I've been bothering you for a long time, so I'll take my leave first."

Rong Bao put down his teacup and said, "No, go slowly!"

Bai Quan didn't say anything more, and took people away.

After Bai Quan left, the former guy came to Rong Bao and said, "You seem to be protecting the person they are looking for."


Rong Bao said: "I'm just discussing the matter. We have a rule not to divulge customer information. Moreover, that guy actually practiced the way of killing like me. Compared with these bugs, he is indeed a little more pleasing, but it is only a little more pleasing. That's all, it's not enough for me to protect him."

The buddy thought for a while and said, "That's why the young master hates the dragon clan."

Rong Bao said: "I don't deny that."

The buddy said: "I heard that the young master was assigned this time because he pulled the tendons of the kid from Jielong's lineage. The ancestor of Jielong's lineage found the head of the family, and the head of the family sent you here."

Rong Bao said cursingly: "That kid wants to touch my woman, is my cramp too much?

Lao Tzu has spared his life, who knows that this kid can't afford it, even sues him if he can't beat him, and doesn't talk about Wude. "


The guy said with a smirk: "To put it bluntly, it's still for the girl with green eyebrows."

Rong Bao rolled his eyes and said, "It shows that you are well-informed, doesn't it?"


The guy said: "I just want to tell the young master that before the green-browed girl agrees, she is not considered your woman."

"I see you are looking for a fight!"

Rong Bao picked up the teacup and wanted to hit him, but the guy was not an ordinary person, his figure flashed, he had already arrived at the door, made a face at Rong Bao, and then rushed to the front hall!


Primordial Void!

A bridge of stars spans the black void.

Everything seemed lonely.

A figure came alone from the star bridge, with a feeling of loneliness and emptiness all over his body.

A moment later, at the end of the star bridge, a void crack appeared.

Ye Xuan came from above the star bridge and stepped directly into the void crack.

There is actually a hole in the crack in the void. After entering, it is a scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Ye Xuan glanced into the distance, suddenly the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When Ye Xuan appeared again, he had already arrived on a mountain plain.

There is a huge sycamore tree on the hillside, and there is a stone table under the sycamore tree. An old man with white hair and beard is sitting at the table, playing chess alone.

The old man didn't seem surprised by Ye Xuan's appearance, and said with a smile, "Master Yong Ye, why are you in the mood to come to my small place?"

Ye Xuandao: "Can you call me another name?"

The old man smiled and said, "Then, Lord Tiandao?"

"As you please."

Ye Xuan sat down at the table and said, "I've come to you to explain my doubts."

The old man said: "You are the representative of the way of heaven in the world, you are the incarnation of the way of heaven, since you are the sky, how can there be anything under the sky that you don't know?"

Ye Xuandao: "However, I recently discovered that I really don't know something."

The old man put down the chess pieces with a smile and said: "If you don't even know about the Dao of Heaven, how can I not know about it?

Even if I stand tall, there is no way to be higher than the sky. "

"I'll be punished by heaven and earth, and I'll let the heavens have no eyes!"

Ye Xuan looked directly at the old man and said: "Not everyone dares to say this, so, if there are things in this world that Heaven and Dao don't know, then the person who can know must be you, it must be the Yuming family!"

The Yuming family is the origin of the legend of a flash in the pan, and also the first mortal who dared to challenge the way of heaven!

it's said……


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