Chapter 1787 Dragon Dog


The Dragon Head Guillotine did not deny it, and said directly: "No dragon wants to see me leave the weapon spectrum, because I will become the nightmare of the entire dragon clan."

Dragon head guillotine, in fact, is quite strange from some aspects.

The dragon head guillotine itself uses top-notch spiritual materials when making knives, but if it is said to be peerless spiritual materials, it is not so good. It is still a grade behind the famous weapons in the primordial void. It is above the first class, close to the top!

The same principle is also reflected in the five martial arts mentioned by Longshou Guillotine.

These five martial arts are very powerful, they can be called first-class sword skills, but they are only first-class, and they are still a level behind those top-notch martial arts.

However, as long as the opponent is of the lineage of the real dragon and has the blood of the dragon family in his body, these five martial arts skills will instantly change from first-rate to top-notch, no, top-notch is not enough to describe.

In the words of the dragon head guillotine, it is unparalleled in the world.

In the matter of slaying dragons, there is no sword or sword skill that can compare with it.

So, with such a knife existing in the world, how could the Dragon Clan be at ease?

Because of this, Qiao Ye now understood that Dragon Head Guillotine did not take his words seriously at all, because Dragon Head Guillotine knew very well that as long as Qiao Ye was willing to hold her, then it was imperative to kill the dragon. Qiao Ye has no intention of slaying the dragon, but the Dragon Clan must have the intention to kill Qiao Ye.

The dragon head guillotine said: "Actually, since I entered the weapon spectrum, I have not been in the weapon spectrum all the time, and have never been taken away by anyone. Before you, I had two masters. The first one died, and I was killed by the real dragon." I was killed by a robbery dragon from the same branch, and that robbery dragon sent me back to the weapon spectrum. The second person was also hunted down by the dragon clan, and finally chose to compromise, and sent me back to the weapon spectrum, and then left Duoliu Jietian , It’s just that not many people know about the fact that the Dragon Clan means Thunder, and most people think that I have been in the weapon spectrum and have never been taken away.”

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Why did you send you back to the weapon spectrum?"

The dragon head guillotine said: "The dragon clan has no way to destroy me, and I don't want outsiders to know my existence. Before I entered the weapon spectrum, I was found by the dragon clan. They took me back to the ancestral land to try to seal it. As a result, the ancestral land of the dragon clan The dragon aura was actually suppressed by me, the ancestral land was almost destroyed, and after countless years, I reappeared in the weapon spectrum, those dragons never thought of sealing me again, but they have been going to the weapon spectrum to check my status regularly exist."

Qiao Ye showed a stunned expression and said: "The dragon clan can't destroy you, but they can invite other top experts to destroy the knife, but they are afraid that you will fall into the other party's hands. With Zhanlong again, the threat to the Dragon Clan is even greater. If you are not successful in sealing you, you will be thrown away anywhere, and you are also afraid that someone will find you. The worst thing is that they will not know who took you at that time. Let’s go, until you appear in the weapon list, the Dragon Clan realizes that this is the most suitable place to store you.”

"Duiliu Jietian is a small world created when a big star explodes. Because of its incompleteness, cultivation levels above Dazizai are not allowed to enter. In this way, it will first prevent the masters from taking you away, and then send them in the broken world. Liu Jietian's Dragon Clan disciples are staring at them, and they will kill whoever takes you away. Relatively speaking, the people who have been in Duanliu Jietian are not that powerful. Even if they get you, they will not be able to exert their full power. The probability is still very high.”

Dragon Head Guillotine chuckled lightly, and then said: "So, it's still too late for you to regret it now, you can send me back to the weapon list!"

"It's late!"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "Before I slay the three dragons, maybe there is still room for change. Now that I have slashed, even if I hand you over, will they let me go?"

A slight sarcasm appeared on Qiao Ye's face.

"Dragon, you have been aloof throughout the ages, how can you accept such a thing?"

Dragon Head Guillotine said: "It seems that you don't even have a chance to regret it."

"So..." Qiao Ye said, "Why think about regretting it?

Just chop it up and see how much we can chop. "

Dragon Head Guillotine smiled again and said, "This is what I want!"

Qiao Ye said: "Then let's go, I will learn the five martial arts skills in another day, and get rid of those annoying guys first."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and immediately the surrounding spiritual world began to collapse, completely shattered, and everything fell into the blackness of nothingness!

at the same time……

In reality, Qiao Ye quietly opened his eyes, looked at the sea of ​​thunder in front of him, heard Sibuxiang's screams coming from beside his ears, smiled and reached out to touch Sibuxiang's head, and then slowly got up.

Qiao Ye took the oil-paper umbrella from Xiaoji and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he looked sideways at the entrance of Shanping.

"Come out when you come."

Qiao Ye said, "Do I still have to invite you?"

Now that Qiao Ye had discovered him, the other party no longer hid his tracks, and slowly walked out from behind the rock, looking at Qiao Ye with his mouth open.


Qiao Ye frowned slightly, showing doubts.

The person who came was about thirty years old, wearing a black suit, and his exposed arms did not have dragon scales, but white hair, five horns on his forehead, and a mane on his neck.

It doesn't look like a dragon, but, strangely, Qiao Ye can indeed feel the breath of the dragon from the opponent.

At this time, the consciousness of the dragon head guillotine sounded in Qiao Ye's mind: it was a mixed-breed beast, the blood of a dragon and a tengu.

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "Dragon dog?

No wonder you can find me! "

Qiao Ye's murder is still very clean. After all, although Qiao Ye is a newcomer in the world of Primordial Void, Qiao Ye has killed countless people in the Canglan Star Nine Regions, and he is definitely a professional.

Without leaving any clues, it is not an easy task for those dragon clans to find Qiao Ye. After all, with such a big situation, who knows where Qiao Ye went?

However, if the other party had the blood of the Tengu, it would be a different matter. The Tengu's sense of smell was very sensitive. As long as he found the place where Qiao Ye killed the three-headed dragon, he could come to him based on Qiao Ye's smell.

"But what if you find me?"

Qiao Ye looked at the other party and said, "Three real dragon bloodlines can't do anything to me, so just rely on you as a dragon dog?"

The foundation of the strength of the beast clan is the power of blood. The rarer and more powerful the power, the stronger it will be.

As for the blood of mixed blood, it often goes to two extremes.

One extreme is extremely terrifying and powerful!

The other extreme is the embarrassingly weak!


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