Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1788 I'm Waiting

Chapter 1788 I'm Waiting

In fact, after the orc race became stronger, they did try to mix blood!

Especially if two extremely strong bloodlines are mixed, it is possible to give birth to extremely powerful dual bloodlines.

For example, the famous Ice Phoenix ranks among the top three in the blood of the Phoenix. However, the Ice Phoenix is ​​not a pure-blooded Phoenix, but a hybrid of the Phoenix and the Frost Dragon.

Ice Phoenix lost the Phoenix Flame of the Phoenix lineage, but still retained the rebirth ability of the Phoenix lineage, and possessed the ability of the Frost Dragon to manipulate frost, which was a combination of two extremely powerful bloodlines.

Secondly, Longsheng Nine Sons is also a typical example of this kind. Each of the nine sons is not pure dragon blood, but each is quite powerful.

However, this kind of mixed blood is not worth the candle.

Because, although some extremely powerful beings were born among them, more of them became very weak due to mixed blood, and even died early, and even the greatest characteristic of the orc race, "longevity", could not be guaranteed.

What's more important is probability!

That kind of mixed blood that combines two bloodlines, there is no one, and it takes hundreds of thousands to produce one. Things, the orcs neither deliberately forced nor gave up, so occasionally some strong people with mixed blood will be born.

So, is this tengu in front of you the former or the latter?

Qiao Ye is more inclined to the latter!

Qiao Ye didn't feel a strong aura from the other party, and the other party's cultivation had not reached the level of great freedom. In this case, since the other party was not superior in cultivation base, he should be very confident in his bloodline.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye clings to the oil-paper umbrella and walks forward.

The dragon dog didn't respond to Qiao Ye's previous provocation. On the contrary, it looked very calm and sophisticated. When Qiao Ye took a step forward, he took a step back, and always kept within a certain distance from Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stopped, looked at the other party and said, "You fight and don't fight, you retreat and you don't retreat, what do you mean?"

Longgou looked up at Qiao Ye and said, "I'm waiting!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "There are reinforcements?

Have you informed the Dragon Clan yet? "

"That's too little credit!"

Longgou said: "My family is not big, and the most valuable thing is that I have the blood of a real dragon in my body. If you want to change your fate with this, you have to get enough credit. If it's just a tip-off, how can you make people happy How about a look?"

Qiao Ye said: "So, you want to kill me to get the knife."

Longgou said: "Yes!"

Qiao Ye said: "Then why not go up?"

Dragon Dog said again: "I'm waiting!"

Since he is not waiting for reinforcements, what is Longgou waiting for?

Qiao Ye will know the answer soon!

Dragon dog is waiting for the moon!

Above the dark clouds, a bright white moonlight suddenly appeared, and a round of moon gradually appeared.


The dragon dog's body was irradiated by the moonlight, and it swelled up rapidly, and there was a whimper-like roar from its throat. The clothes on its body were torn, and its upper body, except for the head and palms, completely turned into a tengu.

Qiao Ye said: "So that's how it is, your blood power is Moon Eclipse!"

Although the bloodline of the Tengu is not top-notch, it is still considered top-notch. What's more, the other party has the bloodline of the real dragon in his body. If the power of the two bloodlines can be integrated instead of weakened, they are actually quite strong!

The blood of the Tengu can be divided into two blood powers, one is to swallow the sun, and the other is to eat the moon, and the effect of the blood power is also very simple.

Swallowing the sun is under the scorching sun, and its strength will be greatly strengthened. By analogy, we can know what the blood power of the eclipse moon is!

Under the illumination of the moon, the ability of eating the blood of the moon can greatly enhance the strength of the Tengu!

The dragon dog in front of him is obviously the latter.

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "No wonder your family is not big and your fate is not good!"

The opponent is a mixed blood, but the bloodline strength is obviously biased towards the Tengu, and he has not obtained any power from the real dragon bloodline. If not, the opponent cannot come from a small family, let alone change his destiny!

No matter how you say it, the bloodline of the Tengu can be considered first-class. If it can be integrated, it is definitely worth cultivating. How could the bloodline of the real dragon be rejected?

However, Qiao Ye took a look at the Dragon Head Guillotine!

For the opponent right now, this may not be a good thing. If the bloodline of the real dragon is weak, it means that the power of the bloodline suppressed by the dragon head guillotine will be very low. After all, the opponent does not have much bloodline of the real dragon. strength.

at the same time……

The dragon dog raised its head and roared!

Under the white hair, some khaki scales faintly appeared, not many, only covering the arms and chest, and a small part of the body, which is also the blood of the real dragon.

From this point of view, the other party was also considered lucky. Although the two bloodlines did not merge, at least they did not become much weaker due to the mixture of the two bloodlines.

Although many times, mixed blood will go to two extremes, but the situation of the dragon dog in front of me is not uncommon. If one bloodline is very thin, it will not be weakened by the mixed bloodlines. On the contrary, it will be weakened by the existence of the second bloodline. Slightly strengthen some strength.

"However..." Qiao Ye raised the dragon's head guillotine and said, "If this is the reason why you are confident that you can kill me, then you are making a big mistake!"

In the next moment, a large silver light burst out from the dragon head guillotine!

A terrifying knife intent erupted from the dragon head guillotine!

There seemed to be a hurricane blowing around, and the surrounding "leaves" were rustling, swaying constantly, and flying sand in the air!

The dragon dog's hair was blown up and down, and then...

There was an incredible expression in the dragon dog's eyes, looking at his body!

The dragon scales that had just grown began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon disappeared without a trace!

The power of the bloodline of the real dragon was suppressed by the dragon head guillotine!

The next moment, Qiao Ye slashed straight down, the silver-white light of the knife condensed, and slashed straight down towards the opponent.

The dragon dog's reaction was quick, the figure flashed, turned into an afterimage, and moved sideways!

Although the blood of the real dragon was suppressed, the impact on the dragon dog was not great. Relying on the blood of the tengu, he could still fight!

This is actually why Qiao Ye thinks the Dragon Head Guillotine is weird in some respects.

When facing the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Head Guillotine is unparalleled in the world, but if the opponent is not a Dragon Clan, the grade will drop by a notch in an instant. Frankly speaking, Qiao Ye feels that using the Dragon Head Guillotine is better than transforming into a black halberd.

After all, although he has learned the thirty-eight forms of sword control, he has not yet learned the five moves of sword control. Moreover, he has just learned the sword control technique, so how can he feel comfortable using a halberd? Qiao Ye has always used a halberd before!

However, the opponent was carrying dragon's blood anyway, and the Dragon Head Guillotine had a strong fighting spirit, so Qiao Ye followed the Dragon Head Guillotine's will.


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