Chapter 1789 Confrontation

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye smashed the dragon head guillotine to the ground.

With a bang, a crack appeared in the ground.

The next moment, a large cloud of black smoke billowed up from Qiao Ye's feet and swung towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye looked at the dragon head guillotine and said, "Slaying the dragon made you happy last time, this time I will do it myself!"

The dragon head guillotine had no intention of objecting, and was quietly held by Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye is very satisfied with this point. The knife is always just a weapon, and the will of the master should be the dominant one. Against the dragon clan with the blood of the real dragon, of course, the power of the dragon head guillotine can be borrowed, but if it is other opponents, Qiao Ye hopes that the dragon head Guillotine can be obedient.

This is also the reason why weapons with spiritual consciousness are difficult to master, because disobedient weapons will be a double-edged sword.

Fortunately, Dragon Head Guillotine did not show its rebellious side in this respect!

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Ye looked at the constantly moving dragon dog, and said in a low voice, "The Netherworld!"

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the body and the spirit are reduced at the same time, and the level of any treasure is temporarily reduced by one level, and within the coverage of the Netherworld, the position of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move arbitrarily.

Almost instantly, there was a roar in the black smoke!

In the next instant, a large number of white bones were transformed from the black smoke billowing beneath his feet, covering the entire mountain in an instant.

Stone mountains covered with skulls continued to rise one after another, surrounding the mountain flats.

In an instant, there was an evil feeling all around!

When Qiao Ye raised the corners of her mouth and laughed, that sinister feeling reached its peak in an instant!

Dead silence and horror!


Qiao Ye dragged the knife out!

The blade of the dragon head guillotine dragged across the ground, and large pieces of golden sparks exploded continuously.

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared into the black smoke, and the moment Qiao Ye emerged from the black smoke again, he had already appeared beside Longgou.

Qiao Ye ran directly behind Longgou and said, "Can you go any faster?"

Longgou was shocked, and looked back at Qiao Ye, completely unable to imagine that Qiao Ye had followed.

The speed of the Tengu, among the many bloodlines, can be ranked in the top ten!

Qiao Ye could keep up?

While thinking about it, the dragon dog stopped abruptly, then roared angrily, turned around and swept towards Qiao Ye.



Qiao Ye raised his arm and directly blocked Longgou's flying kick.

However, it was only for a moment, the dragon dog's figure turned sharply when the blow was blocked, and he circled around Qiao Ye's side, spread his palms, and stabbed towards Qiao Ye's waist with his sharp claws, and then...


Qiao Ye swung the dragon head guillotine horizontally, and collided with the dragon dog's paw, making a clear and crisp sound.

The dragon dog's figure changed again, with his palms on the ground, he turned upside down, and kicked Qiao Ye with his legs continuously.

Qiao Ye didn't panic, and leaned her body backwards, avoiding the dragon dog's attack while backing away!

After consecutive misses, Longgou was finally convinced that Qiao Ye could not only keep up with his running speed, but also completely keep up with his own attack speed.

At this moment, Longgou regretted a little. How could it be easy to deal with people who could be ordered to be hunted down by the dragon clan?

Maybe I made a wrong decision?

Compared to killing Qiao Ye, maybe he should tell the Dragon Clan where Qiao Ye is, so that at least he can get some very good rewards!

"No, that's not the case!"

Suddenly, the gaze in Longgou's eyes became firm again.

I want to change my destiny!


But also at this moment...

The dragon head guillotine in Qiao Ye's hand suddenly swept across, creating a gust of wind.

Startled, Longgou stopped quickly, leaped backwards, and then...


Longgou felt as if he had bumped into something behind him, and when he looked back, he suddenly found that Qiao Ye was behind him.

Looking at the black smoke around him, Longgou finally understood: "Void moves!"

The normal movement speed is definitely not that fast, it can only move in the void!

Qiao Ye chuckled and said, "There is actually an easier way to change fate, just reincarnate."


The dragon head guillotine in Qiao Ye's hand suddenly lifted up, and passed over Longgou's chest, leaving a wound, and bright red blood splashed out.

Enduring the pain, the dragon dog backed away quickly.

"Tch, isn't the cut deep enough?"

Qiao Ye looked at the dragon head guillotine and said, "Sure enough, I'm not very used to it."

While Qiao Ye was talking, her movements were not slow at all. She kicked her legs vigorously and jumped forward again.

Dragon Dog hurriedly crossed his arms in front of him and greeted him with his paws.


There was a crisp chirping sound, but the moment Longgou blocked Qiao Ye's knife, Qiao Ye suddenly raised his leg and kicked Longgou on the body, kicking Longgou towards the rear.

"Any other skills?"

Qiao Ye said: "If not, you can really consider reincarnation."

The dragon dog gritted his teeth, then raised his head and roared angrily.

In the next moment, a ray of moonlight suddenly shone down from the sky and landed on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

When the moon fell to the ground, there was a loud noise on the ground instantly, and it exploded continuously.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he quickly swung the knife in front of him.

The moonlight seemed to have substance, and the moment it collided with the dragon head guillotine, Qiao Ye felt an incomparably terrifying force pushing his body towards the rear.

At this moment, the dragon dog raised its head and roared again!

The second way, the third way...

Two beams of moonlight descended from the sky and turned into beams of light towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, holding a knife in one hand, resisting the push of the moonlight, and pressing the other hand forward into the void!

Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.

A strong killing intent suddenly appeared on Qiao Ye's body, and a bloody light rose from Qiao Ye's body!

In the blood energy, a blood cell slowly condensed, and then...

A blood line suddenly appeared in the center of the blood cell, and when the blood line gradually opened, a blood pupil suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye growled, "Kill!"

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's low growl, a bloody light suddenly shot out from the blood pupils, heading forward.


The blood light hit a ray of moonlight, and then the loud explosion was deafening!


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