Chapter 1790 Ciyun Stream

The moment the moonlight collided with the blood light, it shattered instantly!

One red and one white!

The shattered moonlight and blood light turned into countless halos and scattered towards the surroundings.

There seemed to be heavy snow floating on the hillside.

That heavy snow, half red, half white!

Qiao Ye growled again, and immediately after the blood pupil in front of him opened and closed his eyes, two beams of blood shot forward at the same time, hitting the remaining two beams of moonlight!

Boom, boom!

The sound of the explosion reappeared, and during the collision, the remaining two beams of moonlight shattered again, turning into halos and drifting away.

The dragon dog gritted his teeth and said, "The Moon of the Sky!"

Longgou stretched out his hand towards the sky, and the surrounding halos continuously flew towards the direction of Longgou, condensed in the palm of Longgou, and turned into a silver moon dragon.

The next moment, the dragon dog roared and leaped tens of meters into the air!


The dragon dog raised the moon wheel and slammed it down.

The moon wheel kept spinning in the air, and then it got bigger and bigger, and it slashed straight on the mountain.


The moment the moon fell to the ground, a huge roar appeared.

A large cloud of smoke and dust shot up into the sky in an instant, covering the sky and the sun in a vast expanse, covering a large area of ​​the surrounding space.

And amidst the loud noise, looming between the sand and dust, the mountain flat was cut open abruptly, and slid down towards the bottom, hitting the mountain wall continuously, making loud noises.

Soon, the mountain flat fell into the cliff and disappeared!

The dragon dog fell from the sky and stood on the mountain path, gasping for breath. This level of attack should be able to kill the opponent, right?



The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded!

Longgou's eyes widened, and he looked at his waist in disbelief.

The dragon head guillotine pierced the dragon dog's body with a blow from the rear of the dragon dog!

Qiao Ye's voice sounded beside Longgou's ears: "I told you earlier, the fastest way to change your destiny is to reincarnate, don't thank me for giving you a ride!"


Qiao Ye drew the knife fiercely, bringing out a large splash of blood and splashing all around.

Blood was bleeding from the corner of Dragon Dog's mouth, and his body was trembling constantly, as if he was struggling, but finally he fell to the ground facing forward.

"You defeated a beast (dragon dog), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and got the martial soul value: 505,000 points."

Qiao Ye swung the knife, wiped the blood off the knife, picked up the dragon dog's space treasure, and threw the body off the cliff.

The dragon dog must be killed. If this guy is alive, he will definitely bring more dragons to Qiao Ye.

As for calling Rong Bao, Qiao Ye felt that it was better to forget it. A dead dragon dog with impure blood should not be worth much. It would not make much sense to ask Rong Bao to go. He could leave after collecting the things.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye waved at Sibuxiang, and when Sibuxiang pounced into Qiao Ye's arms, begging to be hugged and touched, under Sibuxiang's blank gaze, Qiao Ye threw Sibuxiang Xiang stuffed it into the imperial beast cage.

There are very few people coming and going in this broken place of Tianzhu Mountain. Even if someone occasionally sees Sibuxiang, the other party may not be a beast. But now that he is going to other places, Qiao Ye thinks it is better to let Sibuxiang stay in the imperial beast cage It's better to just stay put, the Dragon Clan is already in trouble, so don't cause yourself more trouble.

"Let's go!"

Qiao Ye opened the oil-paper umbrella and said to Xiaoji, "Let's go to Ciyun Stream for a stroll!"

There are too many places to go within Duanliu Jietian. With Rong Bao's recommendation, Qiao Ye saved a lot of effort.

It is not too far from Tianzhu Mountain to Ciyun Stream. To be precise, both places are in the same mountain range, which can be regarded as one area.

However, compared to the ruined place of Tianzhu Mountain, this Ciyun Stream has a bit of a fairyland beauty.

A small stream meanders in the mountains, with nine bends and eighteen streams, the stream is clear, and several small waterfalls will be formed on the way, and the spring water hits the rocks crisply.

There were all kinds of strange birds flying in the forest, singing and flying into the sky, and occasionally some rare beasts appeared on the opposite side of the stream, they looked at Qiao Ye from a distance, and then ran away.

Looking up and looking around, there is a beautiful scene of mountains and rivers.

After following the stream to the end, the place finally became popular, and many people gathered at the mouth of a large valley to chat with each other.

After some conversations, they will enter the valley, and after some conversations, they shake their heads and then separate.

The picture was a bit strange. After Qiao Ye thought about it, he took out the map he bought earlier. Qiao Ye hadn't left the area of ​​the map yet, so there should be a mark for Ciyunxijian.

After looking at the label of Ciyun Stream, Qiao Ye immediately understood.

Entering the Ciyun Stream, you will enter a space similar to a small world. Of course, it cannot be a real small world, but a space world made with treasures. In this world, everyone will be separated from each other, and There is a limit on the number of people.

Of course, at least one person can enter, and a maximum of five people can enter.

However, the test in Ciyunxi Stream is conducted according to the standard of five people, so although one person can enter, it will inevitably become more difficult. Therefore, everyone should try to go with five people as much as possible. If there are not enough people, they will stand at the gate of the valley and wait like this, and gather together with other people who can't get together, or have certain requirements for each other's strength and things they are good at, and try to fill up a powerful team.

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and put the dragon head guillotine into the space treasure. When others asked him what he was good at, he said he was good at slaying dragons?

How inappropriate!

As for entering with Xiaoji, Qiao Ye doesn't care. Originally, Qiao Ye didn't have much obsession with the treasures in Ciyunxi stream. She could take it if she could, but if she couldn't, she just thought that since Rongbao recommended it, it should be Still worth a visit.

Before coming to the valley, Qiao Ye looked around.

Some people would chat with each other, while others thought it was troublesome and put up a sign directly, which stated how many people were missing and what requirements they had for the recruited teammates.

After Qiao Ye came to the entrance, a man stepped forward and said, "You two, are you entering the Ciyun Stream?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Naturally."

The man said: "I don't know what the two are good at?

How is it cultivated? "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I don't seem to be particularly good at anything. My cultivation is just average. We're new here, so I don't know much about it."

The man said: "This is the first time you've come to Ciyun Stream?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The man regretted: "Sorry, our goal is to go to the end and strive to get the treasure of the treasure house of Ciyunxijian, so..."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "It's nothing, I don't care."

The man said: "We will cooperate again next time we have a chance."

After the man finished speaking, it was obvious through the conversation that he was dissatisfied with the strength of Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji, especially since they were newcomers to Ciyunxijian for the first time.


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