Chapter 1794 Fourteen Levels

However, Qiao Ye didn't intend to let Xiao Ji make a move.

Qiao Ye had already figured out that there might indeed be something wrong with Xue Sanniang and the three of them.

However, it may be that having a problem is not the same thing as having a problem. Qiao Ye can't just kill someone just because someone looks at him more and suspects that the other party wants to kill him. However, if he is sure that the other party wants to kill him, Qiao Ye can People get killed.

Besides, the three of Xue Sanniang are still useful, and they are safe for the time being, so they can play a few more levels.

It's just that Qiao Ye doesn't plan to make too much contribution.


"Qiao Ye..." Xue Sanniang turned her head and said, "Come on, you can follow the direction of the white tiger, okay?"

Qiao Ye said: "Okay, small problem."

The white tiger is in charge of the military affairs, the evolution of the first level will produce a large number of phantom soldiers to attack, and what Qiao Ye has to do is...

Hold your head and start getting beat up!

As soon as the Nine Turns Golden Body opened, Qiao Ye rushed directly into the formation, then lay down on the ground with her head in her arms, and began to be beaten.

This look is a bit ugly, Xue Sanniang and the three of them all shook their heads, this look is really embarrassing, how can there be a little bit of master demeanor?

However, it was undeniable that from a certain point of view, the three felt that Qiao Ye was really perverted.

This is the eleventh level!

The transformed soldier was not comparable to the puppet before, and his strength suddenly increased by two levels, but Qiao Ye was still lying there and being beaten as if nothing happened.

You beat me up, I won't move!

Xiaoji had secretly communicated with Qiao Ye before, and she didn't try her best. She directly manipulated the earth and rocks to erect one side of the earth wall for defense, and left the attack to Xue Sanniang and the other three.

And that's enough.

The three of Xue Sanniang may not be able to see through the mystery of the four-dimensional four-element formation, nor do they necessarily know how to break the formation, but after all, they have passed through it once, so it is correct to know that they are heading east. Both Ye Beibai and Xiaoji's defensive support can break through the formation, which means that the strength is indeed excellent. Right now, Qiao Ye is holding back the attack from one direction, which greatly reduces their pressure. After tossing for half an hour, he also gave the formation to him. Forcibly rushed over.

After passing the eleventh level, Xue Sanniang breathed a sigh of relief: "Before the fourteenth level, it is considered stable."

The thirteenth round before the fourteenth round, because the three of Xue Sanniang have passed through it once, the general situation is clear, the eleventh round is the most uncertain, the three of them don't know anything about the match method, it was a bit of luck to pass through it before I'm not sure if I do it again. I didn't expect that after joining Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji, I would feel a lot easier and pass the test successfully.

As for the twelfth and thirteenth rounds, Xue Sanniang and the three are confident.

The twelfth level is more straightforward, and it is fighting with the phantom beast again, but this time the phantom beast is a bit stronger, with the dual form of the sun and the moon, and can release the sun god flame and the meridian cold wave.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, this thing is indeed very strong, it is not as strong as the six evil beasts, but it is almost as strong as the two clones of the Gu carving.

However, Xue Sanniang is full of confidence, because she possesses the Ningxue Yehan Kung Fu, which can just restrain the Sun God Flame, and the demon spirit armor cultivated by Yan Jiuhua is extremely cold, and she is not afraid of the midday cold wave. They are restrained and pass easily.

The thirteenth stage is called Xinshouguan, which is similar to the test of the third blade of the dragon head guillotine. It uses the method of spirit and soul to stimulate the most feared thing in one of them to defeat the mind. No matter how many people are in the team, as long as they pass two stages People can pass.

This kind of level is a headache, but there is an advantage. After you pass the level once, you will definitely be able to pass it the second time. After all, it is a test of the mind. When facing something that you are afraid of for the first time, it is easy to lose your mind, but you have succeeded. After one time, can you still be afraid?

Therefore, this matter is like cheating, there will always be zero and countless times.

Either you can't get through it, and after you pass it, you can always get through it.

Of course, there is another possibility that Xue Sanniang's head is broken, and Qiao Ye and Xiaoji are asked to break through. If two people who have never passed this level try to break through, the possibility of failure will definitely be greater.

It's like a man who always tells himself to live up to expectations for the first time, but it's usually not up to him whether to live up to expectations, and only by doing it a few times can it last for a long time!

Sure enough, the thirteenth level was easier. Xue Sanniang and Yan Jiuyou entered the spiritual consciousness, and passed the level smoothly after a quarter of an hour, which was easier than the twelfth level.

"The fourteenth level is ahead!"

Xue Sanniang said: "There is a dilapidated stone hall, and the treasure house is inside the stone hall. To enter, you must deal with two door gods. These two door gods are the fourteenth pass."

Qiao Ye said: "Since when you recruit, you need people who are proficient in defense, that is to say, you need people to resist the attacks of the two door gods?"

Xue Sanniang nodded.

"Is it close combat?"

Qiao Ye said: "If not, I may not be able to handle it."

Xue Sanniang said: "We have been fighting for about half an hour, and the two door gods didn't use any supernatural powers, but their own strength is boundless and their bodies are very hard. Apart from that, I don't see any other abilities."

"Then wrap it up on me."

Qiao Ye patted his chest and said, "I'm a professional when it comes to being beaten!"

While talking, he soon came to the stone hall that Xue Sanniang had mentioned. In front of the stone hall were two stone statues dressed as ancient generals. One was holding double swords and the other was holding a big knife.

Xue Sanniang nuzzled and said: "This is the two door gods!"

Qiao Ye stretched her muscles and said, "No problem, just watch mine!"

Qiao Ye strode forward and walked towards the main entrance of the Stone Palace.

100 meters!

Fifty meters!

Ten meters!

At a distance of ten meters, the eyes of the two stone statues suddenly opened, emitting a red light. At the same time, there were streaks of red light all over the body of the stone statue.

The moment Qiao Ye approached, the stone statue holding the sword jumped out first, and a pair of stone swords slashed towards Qiao Ye's head.

"Nine-turn golden body!"

Without saying a word, Qiao Ye put her hands together, and her whole body burst into golden light.


The stone sword hit Qiao Ye's head directly, and immediately after, with a bang, the ground under Qiao Ye's feet burst open, and a big hole appeared, and Qiao Ye's lower body was directly embedded in it.

Xue Sanniang couldn't help grinning and turning her head, it was too cruel.

However, when the smoke cleared...

Although Qiao Ye's lower body was directly embedded in the ground, it looked as if it had been planted there, but her whole body was shining golden, and even her fur was not hurt.

Xue Sanniang couldn't help but said: "The resistance to beating is really resistant to beating, and the hardness is really hard. It's a pity, there is only resistance to beating and hardness!"

at the same time……

The second stone statue rushed forward, and the stone knife in his hand slapped Qiao Ye's face forcefully.


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