Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1795 The Battle Breaks Out

Chapter 1795 Battle Breaks Out


The stone knife slapped Qiao Ye's face, and then picked it up, flying Qiao Ye out of the ground again.

Before landing, the stone statue with two swords struck, and another sword slashed towards Qiao Ye, chopping Qiao Ye back to the ground.

The next moment, the stone statue stepped on Qiao Ye's head, raised the stone sword in his hand, and wanted to behead Qiao Ye!

This was very humiliating, and Qiao Ye almost couldn't hold back, and directly threw this guy out.

Fortunately, Xiao Ji made a timely move.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground trembled unceasingly, piercing through one by one, crashing towards the two stone statues.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly raised his head and motioned to Xiao Ji.

This is another level that is not difficult for Xiao Ji. No matter what the core of the stone statue is, whether it is a puppet, a treasure, or some other method of manipulation, the fact that the body is a stone will not change , as long as Xiaoji thinks, she can disintegrate the two stone statues.

However, Qiao Ye still didn't intend to let Xiao Ji do her best.

Since you are pretending to be a rookie, you should pretend to be a little bit, and just keep getting beaten. The continuous fighting must be a kind of consumption, and the three of Xue Sanniang can only cause the consumption of the three of them.

Xiao Ji understood, and after forcing the two stone statues away, she did not continue to pursue.

The next moment, the stone statue holding the knife swiped forward, chopped the ground thorn into pieces, then picked up a broken ground thorn, and threw it towards Xiao Ji.

Xiaoji looked indifferent, stretched out her hand and hooked it, and a stone wall rose from the ground, and the strength was controlled to be just right for defense. When blocking the stone thorns, the stone wall also shattered.

Seeing this, Xue Sanniang felt that it would be useless to rely on Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

However, Xiao Ji was able to barely defend against the attack. Qiao Ye was pleasantly surprised, as long as she attacked physically, she would be fine no matter how hard she was beaten. In this case, it was up to them to attack.

Xue Sanniang jumped out and said, "The two of you will be responsible for the defense, and we will leave the rest to us."

Qiao Ye agreed, "No problem!"

While talking, Qiao Ye watched as the stone statue holding a sword was about to charge in the direction of Yan Jiuyou, and he dodged in front of him.


Qiao Ye flew away again!

The stone sword slashed at Qiao Ye's neck, failing to break through the nine-turn golden body, but it cut ripples on the golden light, sending Qiao Ye flying.

Qiao Ye's side was in a situation where he seemed to be in a mess all the time, but he was always fine. Moreover, being in a mess was a mess, and it did buy Yan Jiuyou time to attack.

"Yin-Yang Spirit Ball!"

Yan Jiuyou let out a low cry, and moved his hands together in front of him, and then two balls of light, one black and one white, appeared, hovering continuously in Yan Jiuyou's palm.

The next moment, Yan Jiuyou let out a low cry, and pushed with both hands, pushing out two light balls, one black and one white.


The moment the two light balls hit the stone statue, there was a loud noise, and then the stone statue was blown away.

However, in addition to being extremely powerful and fierce in attack, the stone statue was also terrifying in terms of defense. Yan Jiuyou's blow even knocked out a little bit of stone dust. Although it sent people flying, it quickly The stone statue holding the sword climbed up from the ground again.


Yan Jiuyou let out a low cry, wanting to push Yan Jiuhua to the top, and continue to attack after pulling himself, but at this moment...

"No, no, I'll do it!"

Qiao Ye suddenly jumped out from the side, and rushed towards the stone statue holding the sword.

Yan Jiuyou saw it, and thought it was okay, anyway, it was fine if someone was beaten.

On the other side, Xiaoji and Xue Sanniang cooperated to deal with the stone statue holding the sword.

Xue Sanniang is the strongest of the three, she is really very strong, she is equipped with Snow Congealing Night Cold Kung Fu to release the cold air, the surrounding area is covered with frost, and the ground is frozen.

Moreover, the sword in Xue Sanniang's hand is not ordinary.

When the sword was out of its sheath, it was forged by frost. When it was swung, snowflakes would flutter around the sword body. Combined with Ningxue Yehan Kung Fu, its power increased greatly!

Therefore, Xiaoji defends and Xue Sanniang attacks, but...

Xue Sanniang is quite powerful, but her Ningxue Yehan skill is actually not very useful against stone statues.

This Frost Technique has two major characteristics.

The first feature is frostbite, which is easy to understand. After being covered by frost, you will get frostbite, and then you will continue to suffer damage.

The second feature is freezing, the temperature of the body keeps dropping, and after the body is covered with frost, the body will become inconvenient to move, whether it is moving speed or attack speed, it will be weakened.

Therefore, the Frost Kung Fu is actually quite strong, although it is not violent, it is like a blunt knife cutting people, very uncomfortable.

However, the characteristics of the Frost Technique are useless to the two stone statues in front of him.

They are just two stone statues, and they have no flesh and blood. It is impossible to cause frostbite. The same is true for freezing. The stone statues can't feel the cold at all. How can the stone statue's body be stiff because of the cold?

Therefore, compared to the previous twelve levels, Xue Sanniang's three people's skills just restrained the phantom beasts. Facing the two stone statues this time, at least Xue Sanniang's side was obviously restrained, but Xue Sanniang Her strength is obviously higher than that of the two brothers of the Yan family, which is why she still needs to be the main attacker.

As for the Yan family brothers, Yan Jiuhua is actually a major in defensive skills, but his major in defense is not extreme, it can be regarded as a combination of offense and defense.

But this is actually just a nice way of saying it. The combination of offense and defense is very useful when the strength is evenly matched, but when facing a stronger opponent, it is not easy to use offensively and defensively.

Yan Jiuyou, like Xue Sanniang, is also an unlucky child.

This guy is a practitioner of Yinming Kung Fu!

Yinming kung fu is an evil kung fu in the Canglan Star Nine Regions, and it is more despised by people, and it has attracted many vendettas.

However, there is nothing in the void world of primordial mists. The yin and ming exercises are considered a normal school of cultivation. They will not be cast aside because of yin and evil, but they are relatively small.

And the unlucky Yan Jiuyou's unlucky child is also here. His Yinming kungfu is the same as Xue Sanniang's Ningxue Yehan kungfu, which is useless against stone statues.

People aren't alive at all, they're just stone statues, and they don't have the life characteristics of normal creatures at all. If that's the case, how can you be afraid of your evil aura?

The reason why Yan Jiuyou was not as restrained as Xue Sanniang was that he was proficient in some other methods besides the Yinming technique, but he could indeed entangle with the stone statue holding the sword.

But even so, after playing with the stone statue holding the sword for more than a dozen times, Qiao Ye could tell that even if he and Xiao Ji stood up to the attack and let the three of them attack continuously, the three guys It can't solve the two stone statues.

There is a problem with the thinking of these three guys. It's not that they can't defend against the stone statue's attack if they can't pass this level, but that the attacks of the three of them are almost useless against the stone statue.


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