Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1796 That's great

Chapter 1796 That's Great

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye winked at Xiao Ji.

It's really not an option to go on like this.

I have turned more than thirty somersaults on the ground, and the dust rolled up can choke myself to death.

Xiao Ji understood what Qiao Ye meant, and the moment she raised the stone wall to defend, her eyes shone with brilliance.


Following Xiao Ji's gaze, there was a slight sound suddenly on the bodies of the two stone statues, followed by a small crack.

At this moment...

"Yin-yang double-click!"

Yan Jiuyou let out a low cry, and pushed two balls of light, one black and one white, towards the front again, and then...


A stone statue was knocked into the air, and then a shatter appeared on its chest, and large pieces of stone debris fell towards the ground.

Excited in Yan Jiuyou's eyes, he said, "It's done! The attack is finally effective."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, what a fart, Xiao Ji's credit is good!

Of course, Qiao Ye would not say this out loud, and Xue Sanniang and the three saw that their hard work had finally paid off, so they naturally attacked more violently.


Finally, the stone statue holding the sword made a loud noise first, and then shattered, its body turned into a pile of rubble and scattered on the ground.

However, the stone sword in the hand of the stone statue holding the sword did not shatter, but after falling to the ground, it kept trembling, and then a layer of stone chips fell on the surface, turning into a pair of shining twin swords!

The sword body was silver and bright, and the blade was sharp, and it felt chilly when it fell on the ground.

This pair of double swords is definitely a good thing just by looking at it.

Excitedly, Yan Jiuyou wanted to step forward to take the sword, but at this moment, an arm was first protruded out.

Qiao Ye rushed in front of Yan Jiuyou and picked up the pair of double swords from the ground.

"Not bad!"

Qiao Ye looked at the two swords with satisfaction, and said, "Hurry up, there's one more!"

The muscles on Yan Jiuyou's face twitched involuntarily, but he still rushed towards another stone statue holding a knife!

Xiao Ji just moved some hands and feet to damage the body of the stone statue, not to fix the stone statue directly. In this way, Xue Sanniang and the three didn't find the problem, and they wouldn't be able to kill the stone statue immediately. Continue After fighting for about a quarter of an hour, the body of the stone statue holding the knife shattered.

Xue Sanniang and the others looked at the stone knife excitedly. Unfortunately, after the stone knife was broken, it was just a stone knife with nothing inside.

The faces of Xue Sanniang and the three showed regret, but they were not too surprised.

After reaching the thirteenth level, they have entered the Ciyun Stream several times, so it is clear that the rewards of the Ciyun Stream are random.

This kind of randomness means that each level may have a reward, or there may be no reward, and the rewards are often different. A elixir was given, and even the rewards were random, sometimes better and sometimes worse.

Relatively speaking, elixir and spiritual materials are definitely not satisfactory, but if it is treasures, weapons, armors, and classics of exercises, then the value will immediately increase.

Therefore, two stone statues, both with rewards, or neither of them are possible.

Getting a pair of double swords now is considered a very lucky situation.

Xue Sanniang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Little brother, that sword..."

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, I'm not working hard."

Qiao Ye hurriedly interrupted: "I can just hold it, don't worry about getting tired."

The three of Xue Sanniang stared at the question mark on their heads, are we worried that you are tired?

At this time, Qiao Ye added with a smile: "Anyway, they have to be reassigned when they go out, right."

Xue Sanniang held the corner of her mouth and said, "Yes, you can take it."

After Xue Sanniang finished speaking, she quietly gestured to Yan Jiuhua and Yan Jiuyou, and then mouthed: "Kill it!"

Yan Jiuyou approached Xue Sanniang quietly, and said in a low voice, "It's only fourteenth level, so why do you start so early?

These two guys are still useful! "

Xue Sanniang said: "The two stone statues are so difficult to beat, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to pass the fifteenth level, even if we pass the fifteenth level by luck, there are still three levels?

This treasury has nothing to do with us for the time being, since that's the case..."

Xue Sanniang's eyes turned hard, and she made another killing move.

"Get the good things in your hands and talk about them!"

Yan Jiuyou nodded and said, "Understood!"

Xue Sanniang and the three of them are very familiar with this matter, either don't do it, or do it in the small world of Ciyun Stream.

Leaving the small world, Qiao Ye can escape, and there is no guarantee that he will succeed if he can kill but cannot. However, in the small world, Qiao Ye cannot escape.

There are only three ways to leave here, or if the person is dead, it will be regarded as a failure of the challenge and sent out of the small world, secondly, everyone chooses to give up and leave, and the last one is of course not successful in breaking through the level, and will also be sent out of this place.

As long as Xue Sanniang and the others don't give up, Qiao Ye will either turn into a dead person, or try to forcefully break through and fail before they can leave.

The option of the dead must be excluded, but do you want to forcibly break through the level...

When Xue Sanniang and the three were picking people, they usually picked inexperienced newcomers to come here. Even if the other party wanted to break through the level by force, they usually didn't even know where the next level was.

As it is now, the three of Xue Sanniang have killed thirteen levels at most, so they only know where the fourteenth level is, and where the next fifteen levels are, the three of them don't know, they need to explore slowly, since In this way, Qiao Ye didn't know even more.

On the other side, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji were walking forward, suddenly raised their eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Be careful!"

Yan Jiuyou leaned over to polish his shoes, and purposely landed behind Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji, while Xue Sanniang quietly moved towards the flank.

Yan Jiuhua was supposed to open the way, but now he slowed down obviously, and adjusted his position, just in front of Qiao Ye, blocking Qiao Ye's way forward.

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of his mouth, these three guys were experienced, but he was not a rookie, so he knew what the three guys were up to at a glance.

Xue Sanniang said: "Little brother, there is a little distance to the next level, you can withdraw the exercises first, so as to save excessive consumption."

Qiao Ye said with a smile: "I didn't use the exercises in the first place."


Xue Sanniang said: "When your kung fu is running, will your whole body glow with golden light?"


Qiao Ye said: "It's a normal state now."

Xue Sanniang raised the corner of her mouth and said, "That would be great!"

Suddenly, Xue Sanniang raised her hand and patted Qiao Ye's direction with a palm, and then a large swath of wind and snow suddenly rolled up all around, and fell towards Qiao Ye overwhelmingly.


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