Chapter 1807 My Nose

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and finally felt that the best way should be...

Let's run first!


Without saying a word, Qiao Ye grabbed Xiao Ji and wanted to jump out of the window.

However, just as Qiao Ye turned around, a palm was placed on Qiao Ye's shoulder, and Qiao Ye couldn't move for a moment.

Qiao Ye looked back in surprise, and saw that Mr. Lan came behind her in an instant and held her shoulder.

This old man is so strong!

Mr. Lan smiled and said, "Little friend, where are you going in such a hurry, let's talk first."

Qiao Ye said awkwardly: "I don't know what the old gentleman wants to talk about?"

Mr. Lan said: "There is a phoenix girl in my clan who is ready to marry. You can see that the arena outside the window is set up by my clan. The people fighting on it are all those who want to marry the phoenix girl."

Qiao Ye said: "Yes, they are all young talents, congratulations, congratulations."

Mr. Lan shook his head and said, "No young talent can compare to you. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Not interested, not interested."

Qiao Ye glanced at Xiao Ji and said, "I'm already married."

Mr. Lan glanced at Xiaoji and said, "Little friend is very lucky to be able to marry the daughter of heaven."

Qiao Ye hurriedly said, "I'm unlucky, so..."

Mr. Lan directly interrupted: "It doesn't matter, our Phoenix lineage will die from one line, but you are not from the Phoenix lineage, you are human, three wives and four concubines are normal, and our Phoenix lineage will not mind."

Rong Bao stepped forward and said, "Isn't it appropriate?

Master Xiefeng is the only daughter of the patriarch, married to someone else as a concubine? "


Mr. Lan directly pushed away the bag that had been collected, and with a bang, the bag hit the side wall again.

"My nose!"

Rong Bao covered his face again, tears of pain almost fell down.

"When did I say I was a concubine?"

Mr. Lan said: "Does Wife Ping understand?"

Rong Bao hurriedly said, "I understand, I understand, I understand."

"What's the use of knowing it?"

Mr. Lan looked at Qiao Ye warmly and said, "Do you understand, little friend?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I understand too."

Mr. Lan said: "Does that kid think it's suitable?"

Qiao Ye smiled bitterly, "I don't think it's appropriate."

"How could it be inappropriate?"

Mr. Lan patted Qiao Ye's shoulder and said, "Don't feel pressured, little friend. It's definitely not you who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones. It is our Phoenix lineage who married the Phoenix girl. You can relax."

Qiao Ye couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not that this is not suitable..."

As soon as Qiao Ye finished speaking, Xiao Ji suddenly slapped Mr. Lan's chest with a palm.

Mr. Lan looked quite young, with white beard and white hair, but his skills showed no sign of old age, so he dodged his figure and avoided Xiaoji's palm.

The next moment, Xiaoji's palm hit Rong Bao's chest as he came back again.


Rong Bao let out a scream, and flew out again, hitting the wall like a pancake.

"My..." Rong Bao trembled, "Nose!"

Mr. Lan looked at Xiao Ji, then at Qiao Ye and said, "Little friend, what do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "What I said is inappropriate, it's because my wife has a temper."

Mr. Lan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Little friend, this is not acceptable, Husband Gang wants to be revitalized!"

As soon as Mr. Lan finished speaking, Xiao Ji waved her hand again, dense soil thorns suddenly grew on the surrounding walls, and flew towards Mr. Lan.

Mr. Lan smiled, looked at those stone thorns, and waved his hand casually.

The sleeve of the robe was stroked, and the surrounding stone thorns instantly became shattered, falling towards the ground like fine sand.

Mr. Lan smiled and said: "Little baby, you are not my opponent, so don't waste your efforts, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Xiao Ji didn't want to talk to the other party at all, and moved her hands together in front of her.

Mr. Lan curled his lips and waved his sleeves forward again.

"I have something to say, I have something to say..." Rong Bao just staggered and walked between the two of them, then gasped and said, "Damn it!"


A muffled sound!

A stone pillar suddenly rose from the ground, lifted the Rong Bao, and hit the ceiling straight.

The next moment, the stone pillar retracted, and the bag fell from above, just in time to be hit by Mr. Lan's sleeve, and immediately flew out again.


Rong Bao bumped against the wall and said in pain, "My nose."

Mr. Lan was about to speak again, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly raised his hand and slapped the wall.

"Heavenly Demon Dazzling!"

Almost instantly, a large cloud of black smoke crazily surged out from Qiao Ye's palm, pouring out in all directions, covering the entire private room in the blink of an eye.


Qiao Ye grabbed Xiao Ji, and quickly jumped out of the window under the cover of smoke.

A moment later, a gust of wind blew up in the private room, blowing away the black smoke.

When Mr. Lan came to the window, he happened to see Qiao Ye pulling Xiao Ji to the roof of the building on the side, and ran towards the front quickly.

Mr. Lan said: "What are you waiting for?

Aren't you going to bring your uncle back? "

The two who came with Mr. Lan nodded, quickly jumped out of the window, and chased after Qiao Ye.

Rong Bao covered his face and came to Mr. Lan's side, "I think it's better to let me..."

"It's okay..." Mr. Lan patted his bag casually and said, "It's enough that you can help me find someone, and it's enough for me to handle the next thing."


Rong Bao staggered when he was photographed, and stuck his whole body directly to the wall.

Rong Bao finally couldn't help crying, can't you just listen to me?

On the other side, the street was full of people gathered to watch the arena, Qiao Ye could only drag Xiao Ji to jump continuously on the roof to leave.

But at this moment...

A phoenix cry suddenly appeared behind Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately looked back vigilantly, and then saw a large piece of ice cones falling from the sky.

With a wave of Xiao Ji's hand, the tiles on the surrounding roofs flew up quickly, and flew out into the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

The tiles collided with the ice cone continuously, making loud noises, rolling up sand and dust.

The movement quickly attracted many people to watch the battle.

After a while, when the smoke cleared, two youths from the Phoenix lineage landed on the roof, and one of them stepped forward and said, "My lord, come back with us, don't make it difficult for us."

Qiao Ye said helplessly: "I'm not your uncle, please don't make it difficult for me to be true."

The young man shook his head and said: "Then I can only be rough, and please don't take offense."

After the young man finished speaking, he stomped his foot towards the roof, and then...

Click, click!

The sound of freezing continued to sound, and large swathes of frost appeared, spreading crazily along the roof.


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