Chapter 1808 Ice Phoenix

Another young man raised his hand, the arms were covered with frost, which quickly turned into two ice blades.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, both of them are of Bingfeng blood!

This bloodline is a bit powerful!

Most of the blood of the phoenix are all kinds of flames, so the ice phoenix is ​​a different kind, it is the blood of the phoenix mixed with the frost dragon.

Although it is not a pure blood, it can be ranked among the top three among the numerous Phoenix bloodlines.

Even, to a certain extent, the blood of the ice phoenix is ​​more rare than the pure blood of the phoenix. After all, the probability of mixed blood is there, and too many are abolished, and those who can fuse the blood are naturally extremely powerful.

Now there are two ice phoenixes appearing at once, moreover, they look very similar in appearance, they are brothers in all likelihood, Qiao Ye has to say something, it is quite stressful.

At the same time, the other party was quite polite, and one of them opened his posture and said, "I'm offended!"


The next moment, the two jumped out at the same time, rushing towards Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

The two ice phoenixes each looked for an opponent. Obviously, Qiao Ye knew that he was underestimated.

If the other party is really a brother, needless to say the degree of tacit understanding, it is definitely more appropriate to fight together. One-on-one split fighting means that the other party thinks that in a one-on-one situation, they can win Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

However, this result seems to be good for Qiao Ye!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye exchanged a glance with Xiao Ji, and then greeted each other.

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji are not the type who are good at teaming up.

One on one, just do it!

This is in line with Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji's wishes.

Xiao Ji spread out her hands directly, and the surrounding ice began to melt quickly.

The ice phoenix is ​​very strong, but it is more unlucky for Xiaoji. Where the daughter of the sky has passed, there have been severe droughts and thousands of miles of dryness. Under Xiaoji's ability, the power of the frost will be greatly weakened, because , Frost could not last long in front of Xiaoji.

However, the other party is not afraid.

With the blood of the phoenix and the frost dragon, what he possesses is not only the ability to freeze everything, but also...

Extremely strong body!

The Frost Giant Dragon has a strong body and is well-known in the lineage of real dragons, ranking among the top five, while the bloodlines of these two people inherited from the Phoenix are...

Iron Phoenix!

Metal and stone are the body, in terms of the physical body alone, Tiefeng is the most powerful in the Phoenix lineage, the combination of the two, in addition to the ability to freeze, also brings an extremely powerful body.

The ice phoenix youth didn't panic at all when he saw his frost was melting, and directly punched him out.

It's just the fist wind, and there are flying sand and rocks all around, and the surrounding buildings are constantly cracked and cracked.

Xiao Ji quickly condensed a stone wall, but in just an instant, the stone wall was covered with cracks and shattered.

the other side……

Qiao Ye watched the other party rushing, took a deep breath, spread his arms to the sides, and a large cloud of black smoke billowed and surged towards the surroundings.

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the physical body and the physical body will be reduced at the same time, and the rank of any treasure will be temporarily reduced by one rank, and within the coverage area of ​​the Nether Demon Realm, the location of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move freely.

The domain was formed, and the black smoke churning around Qiao Ye was like a black ocean. When the layers of smoke were rolled up, it was like a wave rewinding, with one wave higher than the other!

Boom, boom, boom!

The huge roar sounded continuously.

Bones, rocky mountains, and a gloomy atmosphere!

The moment the domain was formed, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to drop to freezing point in an instant, with a strong sense of evil.

After all, they are facing the extremely tyrannical Phoenix lineage among the orcs. In terms of pure blood power, the Phoenix lineage definitely ranks among the top five among all the orcs, and it is also the extremely rare Ice Phoenix lineage.

Qiao Ye is also willing to give enough respect to fight against such an opponent.

As the black smoke dispersed, the Bingfeng youth didn't intend to back down, and rushed directly into the black smoke, raising his fist and blasting at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth and said, "You made a wrong decision!"

The realm of the Netherworld is open, if you can't get out of the realm, then the best choice should be to stay away from the black smoke.

This is not difficult to judge. After all, the black smoke is a means to form a domain, and the opponent rushed in, either because he underestimated Qiao Ye, or because he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

And the result is...

That punch came and fell through.

Qiao Ye used the black smoke to shatter the void to move, and came directly behind the opponent.

The Bingfeng youth couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then there was a strong wind blowing from his side, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand, and he swept towards the Bingfeng youth fiercely.



The dull impact sounded!

Qiao Ye slashed the face of Bingfeng youth with one blow, but...

There is no real sense of being cut!

The next moment, the ice phoenix youth turned around slowly, his cheeks were covered with a layer of frost, like a solid armor, blocking Qiao Ye's black halberd from falling.

The moment he turned around, the Bingfeng youth punched Qiao Ye, but the moment he hit Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye's figure disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he was already ten meters away.

Qiao Ye looked at the black halberd in his hand, and said with a smile, "Well, I didn't expect this kind of attack to succeed either!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd in his hand again.


It seemed as if something exploded in the air, and the black smoke from Qiao Ye's body shot up to the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth, forming an extremely terrifying smoke column.

next moment...

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, raised the black halberd high, and then swung the halberd forward. In an instant, the vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared.

A large piece of black light burst out suddenly on the black halberd, and at the same time, a terrifying coercion appeared all around.

In the sky, suddenly there was a storm, and a thundercloud appeared, covering the sky and covering the earth with darkness.

The halberd blasted out, and the sound of thunder suddenly appeared, and it fell towards the bottom, and then a halberd light blasted out, and fell towards the front.

The first form of the six evil spirits without life!

Severe evil wind and cloud: a halberd across the sky, attracting the vision of wind and cloud, sweeping all directions.

This halberd was so powerful that the people fighting in the arena not far away stopped. Everyone on the street gathered their eyes, and when they were close to the battle circle, everyone instinctively started to back away. , so as not to be affected by this blow.

That Bingfeng youth raised his head to look at the sky, showing a bit of seriousness!


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