Chapter 1809 War

"Those two are Lan Tian and Lan Bao from the Bingfeng lineage, right?"

"Yes, these two brothers belong to Mr. Lan."

"Who are the man and woman who fought with them?"

"Although I don't know who it is, but fighting with Mr. Lan means fighting with the city lord. These two guys are really daring."

"There are always guys who think too long, that's normal!"


The people around were also talking about it, and at this moment...

A black thunder pierced through the sky, and chopped down towards the Ice Phoenix youth named Lan Bao.

Lan Bao's eyes were slightly cold, looking at the falling black thunder, he punched out directly.

The fist wind was violent, and the moment it blasted out, the fist wind was like a storm, meeting the black thunder.


The fist wind collided with the black thunder, and there was a loud noise, and then, the black thunder exploded, turning into countless black lightning arcs and scattered around, like a black rain.

Lan Bao looked at Qiao Ye with the expression "just so" in his eyes.

"That's just incidental."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "You'd better look around!"

Lan Bao looked around instinctively, and then his pupils shrank.

The black smoke in the Nether Demon Realm turned into evil spirits, and almost instantly, it became more sinister and terrifying. Just standing in it can make people feel a sense of trembling.

This is the real attack of Liusha Wusheng!

That black thunder is nothing but a strange phase attracted by the evil spirit.

In the next moment, the churning evil spirit continued to gather, and soon formed a huge fist of smoke, which smashed towards Lanbao.

Lan Bao took a deep breath, then let out a roar.

That roar turned into a phoenix cry, and immediately behind Lan Bao, a pair of icy wings formed by condensed frost suddenly spread out.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and even the people who had distanced themselves to watch the battle could still feel the icy breath coming from them, and couldn't help but feel cold hands and feet.

At the sound of Fengming, Lan Bao's right arm froze, and then punched forward fiercely.


Lan Bao's fist collided with the giant smoke fist, and then the building under the two of them was overwhelmed, and instantly burst into pieces, turning into a pile of rubble and collapsing.

The invisible fluctuations swayed wildly towards the surroundings, and the surrounding buildings were crumbling under the fluctuations, and finally collapsed one by one.

The people in the building quickly fled, and the people watching the battle retreated in all directions in an instant.

After a while, the black smoke dissipated.

Qiao Ye and Lan Bao separated from each other, and then...


Lan Bao felt a tightness in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood fell to the ground and instantly froze the ground.

Lan Bao looked at Qiao Ye again, with a little more fear in his eyes.

This blow was terrifying and weird!

Lan Bao obviously blocked the smoke fist, but at that moment, Lan Bao felt that his internal organs were all injured. The strangest thing is that Lan Bao didn't understand what happened to him at all. injured.

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth, how did she get hurt?

Of course it's evil spirits entering the body!

When Lan Bao faced Liu Sha Wusheng head-on, he had already made a wrong choice.

The evil spirit of the six evil spirits is extremely sinister and evil, and it can take effect on any living being. As long as the breath enters the body, the vitality will be directly damaged, and this move is impossible to defend, because, in the face of the evil spirit, breathing is wrong. Yes, breathing will inhale evil spirits.

Even holding your breath is useless, the evil spirit will also enter the body through the pores, so the best way to face the evil spirit is to find a way to avoid it, and avoid direct contact with the evil spirit.

Inside the Lingyun Building, Mr. Lan suddenly laughed and said: "Although the cultivation base is a bit average, this method is not bad. It has been many years since Canglan Star has no human beings who can break through the shackles and cross the void. So it seems that the talent should be It is also extraordinary, if in the future there is an heir who inherits Xie Feng's bloodline and at the same time inherits impressive talents, it will be perfect."

Rong Bao wiped off his cold sweat, feeling that the better Qiao Ye performed, the harder it seemed to be to run away.

Even if Qiao Ye became the son-in-law of the Phoenix family, it didn't seem to affect the business with him. On the contrary, with the escort of the Phoenix family, the business seemed to be bigger.

However, there are two problems!

This matter has really come true, Qiao Ye might hate herself to death, is she really willing to do this business?

In addition, Qiao Ye can find other people for this business, but Rongbao can only find Qiao Ye. For example, with the power of the Phoenix line, this business can also be done. Tian?

Didn't he get kicked out?

This is the God of Wealth who just got it!

"No, it can't be like this..." Rong Bao hurriedly came to Mr. Lan's side and said, "Mr. Lan..."

"You did very well."

Mr. Lan was delighted, and before Rong Bao could finish speaking, he slapped Rong Bao on the shoulder again and said, "I will definitely report the truth to the city lord. Looking back, your business with Baozhai will be in the hands of our Phoenix family. On the site, it is absolutely unimpeded..."

As Mr. Lan was talking, his voice stopped abruptly. After talking, there was no one there. Then he looked out of the window and saw that Rong Bao was slapped by himself and fell out of the window.

Mr. Lan shook his head and said: "The young people nowadays are really weak, and they are still masters of the younger generation of the evil spirits. They are not experienced at all."

On the other side, Lan Bao vomited blood and stood up again.

Qiao Ye also licked the corner of her mouth, this guy in front of her was really difficult to deal with.

Generally speaking, the entry of evil spirit into the body is enough to severely injure the opponent.

However, the hybrid blood of Iron Phoenix and Frost Dragon is really tyrannical physically. After spitting out blood, Lan Bao actually forcibly suppressed the evil spirit in his body.

"Armor of Ice!"

After standing up again, Lan Bao's eyes were deep, and the previous contempt disappeared suddenly, and he obviously became serious.

After a low drink, the sound of "click, click" icing appeared continuously on Lanbao's body, and then the frost climbed along Lanbao's body, and soon spread all over Lanbao's body, finally forming a body made of ice. armor.

Qiao Ye saw it, and said with a smile: "It seems that I should be more serious!"

While talking, Qiao Ye let go of her hand, the black halberd fell to the ground, turned into black smoke and disappeared, and then...

Qiao Ye reached out and wiped the jade plate, and the dragon head guillotine appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

The prerequisite for the bloodline of the ice phoenix is ​​that there must be the bloodline of the frost dragon. As for the bloodline of the phoenix, the bloodline of the ice phoenix is ​​not limited to the combination of the iron phoenix and the frost dragon. .

Well, since the blood of the Frost Dragon is a necessary condition, it also means...

The dragon head guillotine can suppress the opponent's blood power belonging to the frost dragon!


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