Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1810 Husband of the Phoenix

Chapter 1810 The Husband of the Phoenix

Similarly, the moment the dragon head guillotine appeared, Lan Bao also felt uncomfortable, a very uncomfortable feeling, just looking at the knife made Lan Bao extremely uncomfortable.

"My knife skills are not very good, only this knife."

Qiao Ye looked at Lan Bao and said, "You might lose control of your strength, so be careful not to die!"

The moment Qiao Ye finished speaking, he raised the dragon head guillotine high.

There were loud noises and tremors in the air, as if something invisible had been blown to pieces. The killing aura on Qiao Ye's body was even stronger, making this world seem to be a battlefield after a fight. The sea is bloody.

At the same time, Qiao Ye made a slight movement of stroking the knife.

Then, the killing atmosphere became stronger.

Cut the sky, cut the ground.

can also...

Kill the dragon!

This is the first form of the Dragon Head Guillotine's six-style knife technique!

One style, angry sky!

I turn my anger into a knife, and everything in the world can be cut!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's raising of the knife, the surroundings shone with brilliance, and this world, like a cage, was firmly sealed off, to be precise, it should be sealed off by a knife.

The dragon head guillotine in Qiao Ye's hand!

Blue Treasure's aura couldn't help becoming thicker. Just looking at the aura, Nutian is not necessarily stronger than Liusha Wusheng, but the characteristic of the dragon head guillotine can suppress the blood of all dragons.

This made Lan Bao extremely uncomfortable. For Lan Bao, Qiao Ye's knife was obviously more terrifying than the previous Liu Sha Wu Sheng.

Seeing Qiao Ye take a deep breath, he was about to chop off the knife.

But at this moment...

A dragon chant soared into the sky!

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant, several figures suddenly appeared around.

Lan Bao hadn't had time to make a move, but those people attacked Qiao Ye first, and attacked Qiao Ye in unison.

Lan Bao frowned and said, "A real dragon?"

Qiao Ye's eyes froze, and without any nonsense, he turned the blade and swept it out with one blow.

The knife swept out, and then a circle of silver knife lights pierced the air, pushing away towards the surroundings.

There were five people in the True Dragon lineage, and they planned to take over the blade light, but in the end...

Poof, poof, poof, poof...

The four of them spit out blood instantly, flew out towards the rear, and hit the ground heavily.

The dragon head guillotine's suppression of the blood of the real dragon is too deadly!

There was only a man in a white robe, with a three-foot green steel sword in his hand, pointing forward, a ten-foot-long sword light suddenly appeared, collided with the sword light, made a loud noise, and then fell back to the ground. Taking a few steps back, he was able to withstand the knife.

At the same time, Xiao Ji and Lan Tian stopped their hands and looked towards Qiao Ye.

Lan Bao stepped forward and shouted: "Bai Quan, do you know where this is?

Do you dare to play wild here? "

Bai Quan smiled and said: "Brother Lan, I naturally know that this is Fengming City. It is not suitable for anyone except the Phoenix lineage to fight here. However, it happens that I also have a grudge against this kid, so I just help you."

Qiao Ye looked at Bai Quan and said, "Have I seen you?"


Bai Quan looked at Qiao Ye and said, "But you deserve to die if you take the dragon head guillotine. Right now you only have two choices, either I kill you, or you commit suicide!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Sorry, I want a third choice..."


While talking, Qiao Ye knocked the dragon head guillotine on the ground.

Qiao Ye said: "I choose to kill the dragon!"

Bai Quan said: "What a big tone, do you think you can do anything reckless with a broken knife?"

The moment Bai Quan's words fell, the blue steel sword in his hand swept forward again, and then a blue crescent-shaped sword light swept towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye shouted, "Good job!"

Qiao Ye wanted to attack with a horizontal knife, but Lan Bao was faster and punched forward directly.

Click, click, click!

The ground was quickly frozen, and a large piece of ice thorns came out from the ground, and then collided with the sword light. With a bang, the ice thorns shattered, but the sword light also instantly turned into nothingness.

Bai Quan looked at Lan Bao in astonishment and said, "Brother Lan, what do you mean?"

Lan Bao and Qiao Ye had a lively fight, and Bai Quan only thought that Qiao Ye had also offended Phoenix's lineage for some reason. If so, how could Qiao Ye not die?

If I happen to kill someone, I can take away the dragon head guillotine and sell the face of Phoenix's lineage, so why not do it?

However, Lan Bao actually helped Qiao Ye at this moment?

What's happening here?

Bai Quan was also a little confused!

"This is our son-in-law of the Phoenix family." Lan Bao stepped forward, stood beside Qiao Ye and said, "You want to kill him?

Still let him commit suicide?

Are you humiliating us?

Believe it or not, I told you not to leave Fengming City today? "

Bai Quan was even more dumbfounded, what else is there to say?

Then why are your relatives still fighting?

Are you kidding me?

Bai Quan said in a deep voice, "Brother Lan, I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding."

"I don't think there was a misunderstanding."

Lan Bao said: "If you want to kill him, I will kill you."

Qiao Ye said: "It's a good feeling, why don't you guys fight first, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

Qiao Ye immediately wanted to take the opportunity to rub the soles of her feet with oil, but just as Qiao Ye turned around, Lan Bao grabbed Qiao Ye's shoulder.

"You can't go!"

Qiao Ye twisted her waist, broke free from Lan Bao's grasp, and then slashed at Lan Bao, forcing Lan Bao to retreat.

"Why bother!"

Qiao Ye said: "I've already said, I have a wife."

Lan Bao said: "Whether you have a wife or not has nothing to do with whether you marry Miss Jiaer or not."

"Miss Jiaer?"

Bai Quan was shocked and said, "Lan Jiaer?

evil phoenix? "

As soon as this statement came out, not only Bai Quan was shocked, but everyone watching the battle was also shocked.

Xiefeng is obviously competing in martial arts to recruit relatives, so suddenly he has a husband and son-in-law?

Then what are they still fighting to death in the ring?

Moreover, what is the origin of that little boy?

He has never seen it before, how can He De marry Xie Feng as his wife?

The most hateful thing is that he still has a wife!

Many people's eyes fell on Xiaoji because of this, and they hated her even more. She is so beautiful and turbulent. How many men's dreams are this?

This kid is not satisfied yet, and wants to marry Xiefeng!

At this moment...

Suddenly there was a strong wind blowing all around, and then Mr. Lan suddenly appeared in the field.

"As you can see..." Mr. Lan coughed and said, "This is the end of this martial arts competition, because my young lady has already found her husband-in-law."

The credibility of Lan Bao's words may be doubtful, but when Mr. Lan spoke, no one would suspect that there was something wrong with it, and there was an instant uproar in the audience.

Bai Quan was also shocked. Is this guy really the son-in-law of Phoenix?

How to kill this?

Bai Quan pondered in his mind whether he should report immediately, or even if he couldn't be killed, at least he should take back the dragon head guillotine!


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