Chapter 1811 Escape

Qiao Ye said anxiously, "Hey, have you asked me?"

Mr. Lan said: "I asked before."

Qiao Ye said, "I don't agree."

There was another uproar all around, Xiefeng was not happy to marry?

This kid wants to be condemned by God?

Mr. Lan said: "What is the reason for not agreeing?"

Qiao Ye said: "I haven't seen anyone, so you let me get married?

Are you seriously ill? "

Mr. Lan smiled and said: "It's okay, I will take you to meet people before getting married."

"That's not what it means..." Qiao Ye said speechlessly, "Your lady and I have never faced each other and have no feelings for each other."

Mr. Lan said: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly after marriage."

Qiao Ye said frantically, "Old man, don't force me to come up with a trick!"

Mr. Lan smiled and said, "I want to see it."

Qiao Ye said, "I'm sick, so I can't use it!"

Mr. Lan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It doesn't matter, we from the Phoenix lineage will search for famous doctors for you and collect rare elixir, so that you can regain your glory."

Qiao Ye almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, so he didn't need to be so persistent.

Qiao Ye said helplessly: "What do you guys like about me?

I can't change it! "

Mr. Lan said: "Because you are a human being!"

Qiao Ye wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood again, and he really couldn't change this.

Since it can't be changed...

keep running!


Qiao Ye turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Mr. Lan smiled slightly, there is an old man here, how can you run away?

While thinking about it, Mr. Lan wanted to chase after Qiao Ye with a flash of his figure, but at this moment...

One by one black balls were suddenly thrown out from the surrounding crowd.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Immediately after the black balls landed, they made a bursting sound, and then a large cloud of yellow smoke drifted away from the bursting black balls.

The yellow smoke spread very quickly, and it was a vast expanse in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, there is an obvious pungent smell in the yellow smoke, like the smell of various herbs mixed together, with a faint fishy smell.

Mr. Lan's complexion changed, he raised his hand to cover his nose with his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Cover your mouth and nose, don't inhale casually, this smoke is poisonous!"

On the other side, Qiao Ye didn't care whether it was poisonous or not, so he pulled Xiao Ji and ran away.

Poison thing...

It is definitely useless to Xiao Ji, she is the source of the earth, have you ever seen a toxin that can poison a stone to death?

Secondly, without Hongmeng Rare Earth, Xiao Ji cannot be killed by any means.

As for Qiao Ye, it just so happened that poison was useless to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's Wuhun is also immune to toxins.

Running all the way forward, suddenly...

"This way, this way..."

Rong Bao suddenly poked his head out from the side alley, and waved at Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

Qiao Ye grabbed Rong Bao and said, "You bastard!"

"Don't be rough, don't be rough, just speak up when you have something to say."

Rong Bao said with a bitter face: "Let me tell you, I was also unintentional, do you believe it?"

Qiao Ye said, "What do you think?"

Rong Bao said: "I don't care if you believe it or not, I have to help you get out now, right?

Let me tell you, that Huang Heng powder can only last for a cup of tea, and they will catch up when you have time to beat me up. "

Qiao Ye let go of the bag and said, "Find a way!"

"Just follow me."

Rong Bao said: "Hurry up and follow."

While talking, Rong Bao led Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji to shuttle between the alleys. Soon, Rong Bao brought Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji to a homestay. After opening the door, there was no one inside. Behind the bed, Rong Bao took off the cover, and then pulled it hard, and there was a cover on the bed.


Rong Bao said: "Go to the tunnel!"

Qiao Ye said: "You and Baozhai did this?"

Rong Bao said: "That's right."

Qiao Ye said, "What are you doing tunnels for?"

"That's what I said."

Rong Bao said: "It will always be useful, you can use it now."

Rong Bao obviously didn't want to talk too much, but it can be seen from his attitude that this tunnel is definitely not used for doing good things.

After saying this, Rong Bao found an oil lamp, lit it and walked into the tunnel.

"Remember to replace the cover when you come down."

The tunnel is not big enough for one person to pass through, and the three of them can only stand in a row.

Rong Bao said as he walked: "I really didn't mean to trick you, I have a feud with the guys of the real dragon lineage, and this time, the real dragon lineage is also determined to marry the evil phoenix. One of the strongest bloodlines is the five-clawed golden dragon lineage, and the guy named Jin Jiu is still the leader of the second round, with eighty-seven victories, he is also one of the three most promising people."

Qiao Ye said, "You said it before, but what does it matter to me?"

Rong Bao said: "I want to disturb the things that the real dragons want to do, but the question is how to disturb them?

Even if you find someone who is better at fighting than Jin Jiu, it may not be able to 100% disturb the matter of pornography. Moreover, if you just find someone who can fight, there is no need at all. Right now, there are still Qiongqi and that wind. The gentleman is fighting with Jin Jiu, but you are different. You are a human being. Combining with Xie Feng will definitely continue the blood of Xie Feng. If this is the case, who will they choose if they don’t choose you?

Do you choose the golden worm?

The hybrid blood of the evil phoenix and the five-clawed golden dragon is of course very beautiful when you think about it, but what is the probability of the hybrid being successful?

The probability is one in hundreds of thousands, if you don't gamble, you don't gamble. Nowadays, the mixed-race masters of the orc race are almost all born by accident, so how can there be a 100% guarantee that the blood of the evil phoenix will be attractive? "

Qiao Ye said coldly: "So, you sold me?"

Rong Bao laughed dryly: "How can it be considered sold?

That's Xiefeng, how many people dream of being someone's husband but they can't. Moreover, when I released this news, I wasn't sure that you must be a person. I just wanted to use this news to give They make a little trouble, and in the end, even if you are not a human being, it’s just a mistake, but if you make people of the real dragon line feel unhappy, I will be happy. "

Qiao Ye said: "Then how do you solve this matter now?"

Rong Bao said: "Actually, according to my opinion, if you marry Xiefeng, wouldn't it be nice to hug left and right?

People of the real dragon lineage must die of anger, the key point is that they still have nothing to do with you, and with the protection of the Phoenix lineage, they can't even take back the dragon head guillotine..."


Before Rong Bao finished speaking, the stones on both sides of the tunnel suddenly pushed out and hit Rong Bao fiercely, sandwiching Rong Bao's head in the middle like a pancake.

"Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain..." Rong Bao hurriedly begged for mercy, "Grandma, can't I be wrong?

I'll think of a way, I'll think of a way now, let go! "


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