Chapter 1812 Master

Rong Bao said: "If you don't want to get married, you can only run away."

Qiao Ye said: "Is there a way to run away?

After all, this is Fengming City. "

Rong Bao said: "The only troublesome place is Fengming City. As long as you can leave Fengming City, this matter is very simple. No matter how powerful the Phoenix lineage is, it is impossible to spread all over the entire Duoling Jietian. How can there be such a thing at that time?" Easy to find you."

Qiao Ye said: "So, is there any way to leave Fengming City?"

Rong Bao said: "I didn't expect that."


Qiao Ye directly raised her foot, and kicked Rong Bao's ass resentfully, causing Rong Bao to stagger.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Rong Bao hurriedly said, "There is a way!"

Qiao Ye threatened: "You'd better think it over before you speak to me. I can tell you, if I can't do without the matter of breaking the flow and breaking the cocoon, you don't have to count on it for the rest of your life."

Rong Bao said: "I have a treasure of disguise, which is very powerful. It can not only change your face, but also your figure. It's like a different person. When you turn around, you walk out of the city gate openly. It’s okay, there will be absolutely no problem.”

Qiao Ye said, "It's best that things go as smoothly as you said."

Rong Bao said: "Don't worry, you are my partner now, how could I cheat you?"

Qiao Ye said, "I'm skeptical about this."

While talking, Rong Bao also stopped, gestured to the top of his head, and then pushed a brick board to the side with force, and then took the lead to climb out.

Qiao Ye followed closely, and then looked around. It seemed to be a bedroom, not small in size, with a screen on the other side, and the other side of the screen should be a desk.

Qiao Ye couldn't help asking, "Where is this?"

Rong Bao said: "My bedroom has already returned to Tongbaozhai."

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

As soon as Rong Bao finished speaking, a string of bells hanging on the beam of the door shook at this moment, making crisp and clear sounds.

Rong Bao took a breath and said, "Isn't it?"

Qiao Ye said, "What's the situation?"

Rong Bao said: "When this thing rings, it means that an important guest is passing by, and you need to pick it up in person, so it should be people from the Phoenix lineage, but it shouldn't be, they know that I saved you ?

What I did was very clean, those Huang Hengsan were thrown out from all directions, how could you know that I did it? "

Qiao Ye said: "The important guests must be from the Phoenix family?"

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "In Fengming City, apart from the Phoenix lineage, what other guests are worthy of my reception?"

This is a bit arrogant, but it seems to make sense.

Rong Bao said: "Hide in my room first and don't come out. I'll go out and see the situation."

While talking, Rong Bao quickly came to the back of the screen and changed his clothes. The clothes were covered with mud. If he didn't change them, there would be too many flaws.

After changing his clothes, Rong Bao left the bedroom and came to the front hall. It was really Mr. Lan standing there with Lan Bao and Lan Tian.

Rong Bao hurriedly stepped forward to laugh with him and said, "Mr. Lan, how is the matter going?

Did anyone catch it?

I saw the trouble, so I ran away first. "

Mr. Lan nodded and said, "Have you seen the situation at that time?"

Rong Bao said: "I see."

Mr. Lan said: "The other party used Huang Hang San, and the quantity was large. You should be the only ones who can have so many Huang Heng San."

"It's wrong!"

Rong Bao hurriedly yelled: "Mr. Lan, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me, and I definitely did not do it."

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Mr. Lan said: "I just want to ask, has there been a large number of acquisitions of Huang Hengsan recently?"

"Ah, I have to ask about that."

Rong Bao wiped off his cold sweat, he was a bit miscalculated, he really didn't think about Huang Heng's loose inventory, he could only call a clerk and said, "Has anyone bought Huang Heng's powder recently, the quantity is large."

The guy said: "Master, isn't that..."

Rong Bao turned his back to Mr. Lan, and gave the guy a vicious look.

The buddy realized that he rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't that stolen!"

Rong Bao said in amazement: "Stolen?"

The man said, "Yes, both boxes were stolen."

Mr. Lan frowned and said, "What a coincidence?

When did this happen? "

Lan Tian couldn't help but interjected: "Huang Heng powder is not something valuable, why steal that?"

The man said: "Huang Hengsan was not the only one that was stolen last night. We counted the inventory and piled some things in the yard. We wanted to continue this morning, but when we got up this morning, it was gone. Except for two boxes of Huang Heng scattered, and the other three boxes of goods were taken away, and the loss was heavy."

Mr. Lan looked at Rongbao and said, "You didn't even know that something was stolen from the store?"


Rong Baogan smiled and said: "I'm not here, I went outside to receive the goods, and then I went to join in the fun!"

Mr. Lan said: "How about the investigation?

Do you know who did it? "

The guy said: "I haven't found it yet."

Can this matter be found out?

The things are not taken by Rongbao.

Rong Bao said: "It must be a good thing done by the guys of the real dragon lineage. You have also seen that they wanted to kill that human being at that time, so they took the risk of taking him away with this method."

"Master Rong, don't talk nonsense."

At this time, a voice came from outside the store, and then an old man brought Bai Quan into the store and said, "I heard that Master Rong has friendship with that human being, so it may not be that you did this thing, after all, Huang Hengsan was killed Isn't it a coincidence that it was stolen?"

Rong Bao glanced at the other party, and cursed in his heart, Bai Quan, that bastard who doesn't practice martial arts, even sent reinforcements, and asked the boss to sit in charge.

Rong Bao wanted to return to his thoughts, but he still had a smile on his face and said, "This isn't Elder Jin Lu!"

Jin Lu, one of the eight elders of the five-clawed golden dragon lineage.

Such a character shouldn't appear here, no, to be precise, he shouldn't appear in Duanliu Jietian, and with his cultivation base, he shouldn't be able to enter Duanliu Jietian at all.

However, you have Zhang Liangji, and I have the wall ladder. For those powerful people whose cultivation base is much higher than that of Da Zizai, there is only one way to enter the Duoling Jietian!

That is……

Incarnation outside the body!

As long as the cultivation base reaches the peak of Ning Xin Qingyi, completes Ning Xin, enters the stage of Qingyi, and has the relevant skills, you can cultivate the incarnation outside the body, and the incarnation outside the body can suppress the cultivation base, so, As long as the cultivation base of the incarnation outside the body is suppressed to the realm of great freedom, one can enter the Heaven of Disruption.

However, the deity is Ning Xinqingyi's master after all, even if the cultivation base of the incarnation outside the body is suppressed, the experience and means are beyond the comparison of ordinary people with a comfortable cultivation base.

Therefore, those big forces will have such masters, who will enter the Duan Liu Jie Tian to escort their children.


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