Chapter 1813 Sophistry

However, Rong Bao is not intimidating, and Tong Baozhai is not without such masters. Moreover, Mr. Lan is also an incarnation outside the body, and his deity is also the great power of Ning Xinqingyi.

After completing the basic etiquette, Rong Baotu saw it poorly and said, "However, I don't like to hear Elder Jin Lu's words."

Jin Lu sneered, "Why don't you like to listen?"

"No, of course I don't like to hear it."

Rong Bao said to Mr. Lan: "Mr. Lan, let's clear up this matter?"

Mr. Lan said: "Say it!"

Rong Bao said: "Elder Jin Lu said that I knew that person, this is nonsense, I don't know him, how can someone come to Fengming City?

But the question is what is the reason for me to send people to Fengming City? "

"Mr. Lan, I told you the news about the presence of human beings, right?"

Mr. Lan said: "That's right!"

Rong Bao continued: "It was my buddy who gave me the news and took you to Lingyun Tower, right?"

Mr. Lan nodded and said, "That's right!"

Rong Bao said: "Then we are doing things for the city lord at the end of the day, isn't there any problem?"

Mr. Lan said: "It's no problem. I told you about it. I will accept it as the city lord. We of the Phoenix lineage are very grateful. If you turn around and report to the patriarch, your benefit will be indispensable."

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "Then I don't understand. I helped you find someone, and he was brought to you well. He doesn't want to marry Xie Feng, and there is also the matter of running away. How could it have anything to do with me?" Woolen cloth?

If I wanted to help him, wouldn't it be fine if I didn't tell you the news from the beginning, and didn't bring anyone to you?

So, Mr. Lan, am I right? "


Mr. Lan smiled and said: "I believe this matter has nothing to do with Tongbaozhai, but Huang Hengsan should not have such a large stock in other places, only a big name like Tongbaozhai can have it." Inventory, that’s why I came here to ask, that’s all, nothing else.”

Rong Bao saluted and said: "Mr. Lan, as long as you believe it, as for who stole the things, I will definitely do my best to investigate. After all, we and Baozhai also lost a lot of other property."

Mr. Lan nodded and said: "Tongbaozhai was stolen from Fengming, and there is also the reason why our Fenghuang lineage is not good at patrolling. We will help to investigate."

Rong Bao looked at Jin Lu and Bai Quan and said, "Elder Jin Lu, I am a junior, and some things I said are inappropriate, but I still want to say that you want to kill that person, right?"

Jin Lu nodded and said, "Yes!"

Rong Bao said: "He has become Xie Feng's husband, so it's not easy for you to kill him?

So, if you kill him before he agrees, Mr. Lan won't be able to hold you accountable, right? "

Jin Lu said: "It's true that our True Dragon Bloodline really wanted to kill him, but we didn't do it."

Mr. Lan glanced at Jin Lu and said: "Jin Lu, I advise you not to touch him, as long as he loses a single hair, our Phoenix family will never die with you!"

The blood of the evil phoenix!

This is almost 100% sure that the bloodline will become an unworldly master in the future, and after having Qiao Ye, it means that the Xiefeng bloodline can continue for at least one more generation. Decline, so whoever kills Qiao Ye is the enemy of the Phoenix lineage!

Jin Lu said with his hands behind his back: "I came here precisely for this purpose. The dragon-handed guillotine in this person's hand is something that our true dragon lineage must never leave behind. Our main purpose is the knife, not people. Therefore, I think this It's a matter of discussion, as long as he is willing to hand over the knife, it doesn't matter whether people kill or not, so we can cooperate, if you want someone from the Phoenix lineage, and we need the sword from the True Dragon lineage, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Jin Lu came here to escort Jin Jiu, and his purpose was naturally to let Jin Jiu marry Xie Feng, and bet on whether the blood of Xie Feng could be passed on as a mixed blood.

However, knowing that the Phoenix lineage has found a human being, Jin Lu knows that this matter is probably over. People from the Phoenix lineage will only choose Jin Jiu unless they are stupid. No, it should be said that since there are humans If the inheritance of the Xiefeng bloodline can be guaranteed 100%, it is impossible for the Phoenix lineage to consider any other bloodlines.

The only way is to kill Qiao Ye.

However, in the current situation, Jin Lu knew very well that if he could kill Qiao Ye secretly, he might as well give it a try, but if he couldn't kill Qiao Ye secretly, it would be better not to touch Qiao Ye.

After all, let the Phoenix lineage know that they killed Qiao Ye, they will definitely hate the real dragon lineage to the bone, and they will never marry Xie Feng to the real dragon lineage. , There are so many powerful and excellent bloodlines, there is no need to choose the bloodline of the real dragon.

That being the case, it's better to ensure that the dragon head guillotine can be brought back first. Other things can be ignored for the time being, and Qiao Ye's life is not that important.

On the other side, Mr. Lan thought for a moment and said: "This matter is negotiable, let's find the person first."

Jin Lu said: "Aren't people in Tongbaozhai?"


Rong Bao cursed, but he stopped pretending and had a showdown, pointing to Jin Lu and said, "I'm not dead, I've already given you enough face with nice words, so you're going to pour dirty water on me, right?

Do you really think we have no one with Baozhai?

When we evil spirits are easy to bully?

Grandma Liang, Grandma Liang, where are you?

A bug is coming to your door! "

"Junior of the Rong family, don't yell at me."

Jin Lu said: "I said that the person is in Tongbaozhai, but I didn't say that you must have hidden it. What are you in a hurry for?"

Rong Bao said: "I have no one here, how can I not know?"

Jin Lu hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled, a little weirdly.

"It's hard to talk about this!"


Just as Jin Lu finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly sounded.

Rong Bao shrank his pupils, looked at Jin Lu and said, "What did you do?"

Jin Lu said: "Everyone is in Tongbaozhai after everything has been said."

At the same time, Tong Baozhai's backyard.

Holding a black halberd, Qiao Ye quickly jumped onto the roof, and the moment Qiao Ye jumped up...


A piece of the ground exploded, and a dark gray ground dragon came out from the ground, baring its teeth and claws at Qiao Ye!

Xiao Ji waved her hand forward, and the surrounding rocks pierced through the air, and slammed into the ground dragon, but at the moment when it was about to hit, the ground dragon twisted its body, directly broke through the ground and burrowed into the ground again.

Xiaoji immediately stretched out her hand and patted the ground, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground continued to explode, and the beautiful backyard was razed to the ground in an instant.

It's just that Xiao Ji failed to catch the ground dragon!

Qiao Ye frowned slightly, the ground dragon was quite unusual, otherwise Xiao Ji should be able to capture it easily.


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