Chapter 1814 Take the Road

Earth Jiao, from the name, it can be known that the opponent is not a pure-blooded dragon, but the blood of a combination of Jiao and dragon, but it is not considered a mixed blood.

Jiao and dragon are of the same clan, so the blood can be compatible, and the combination of earth dragon and jiao can give birth to earth jiao. However, dragon is orthodox, and it is normal to be less powerful than jiao.

However, the ground dragon in front of him is extremely strong. Otherwise, with Xiao Ji's ability, he would definitely be able to restrain the ground dragon. After all, Xiao Ji is the origin of the earth, and the power of the ground dragon is really not enough for Xiao Ji!

But the result was a bit surprising, Xiao Ji couldn't hold back the dragon on the other end.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand while thinking, and then the dragon head guillotine appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.

"It's your turn to perform!"

Qiao Ye looked at the dragon head guillotine and said, "Slaying the dragon is your skill!"


In the next moment, the sound of a saber groan rose into the sky!

Qiao Ye's sword was in front of him, and an extremely terrifying sword gesture appeared in an instant, covering the sky and covering the earth downward.

The ground dragon was shocked instantly!

Drilling into the ground is the ability of the earth dragon, but at this moment, the surrounding rocks suddenly squeezed towards him, and he felt short of breath, and his blood power was actually suppressed.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the Dragon Slaying Saber!"

Xiaoji was not able to hold down the ground dragon, but was held down by Qiao Ye.

The flood dragon didn't dare to continue digging into the ground, so it could only break through the ground, and with a bang, it shattered the ground and got out.

Seeing the timing when the earth flood came out, Qiao Ye spread out his left palm without hesitation!

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

With Qiao Ye's five fingers spread out, a large piece of radiance burst out in that palm instantly, and spread out towards the surroundings. The radiance was very strange, cold on the one hand, and red hot on the other.

In the next moment, a moon and a sun suddenly appeared in Qiao Ye's hands!

The sun and the moon are in the sky!

At this moment, the surrounding space also suddenly changed. The space seemed to be torn apart, constantly twisting and deforming. Then, one after another, void cracks appeared continuously, breaking the surrounding space open!


Qiao Ye took a deep breath, let out a roar, and stepped forward with one step, resting on the sky with one palm.

In the next moment, the sun and the moon hanging in the sky were shining brightly, one side was hot from the sun, and the other side was cold from the moonlight.

Soon, the sun and moon radiated together, condensed into one, and rushed forward!


The sun and the moon bombarded below, and amidst the loud noise, everything around began to explode!

The ground was blasted into a large deep hole, and the surrounding buildings collapsed one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they became ruins one after another.

Mr. Lan and the others also arrived at the backyard at this moment, seeing the mess in front of them, Rong Bao knelt down on the spot.

"My dear..." Rong Bao scratched his head in pain and said, "My Tong Baozhai, this time my father will definitely beat me to death!"

Mr. Lan and Jin Luze's eyes lit up, and they found someone!


Mr. Lan smiled and said, "We meet again."

Jin Lu said in a deep voice: "Boy, as long as you hand over the dragon head guillotine, everything will be easy to talk about."

Qiao Ye glanced at the two of them, but was not that surprised.

at the same time……

With a sway of the body of the earth flood dragon, it shrunk rapidly, and soon, it transformed into a human form, an old man in his sixties or seventies.

That ground dragon, like Jin Lu, is just an external incarnation of the true dragon lineage, so it's no wonder that it is a ground dragon, which should be restrained by Xiao Ji, but it can entangle with Xiao Ji, and the other party is not of an ordinary standard.

Qiao Ye arched his hands and said, "Mr. Lan, right?

Thanks to the great love, but I know that I can't afford it, so please let this matter go. "

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she looked at Jin Lu and Bai Quan again.

"One of the real dragons, isn't it?"

Qiao Ye said: "I took the knife from the weapon list with my own ability, you just hand it over if you ask me?

Although I don't have the heart to slay dragons, I have a dragon-slaying knife. If you don't believe in evil, find a way to grab it. I want to see how many dragons I can slay! "

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he turned around and jumped onto the wall of Tongbaozhai, intending to continue running away. However, how could Jin Lu and Mr. Lan let Qiao Ye leave so easily?

But before the two had time to make a move, Rong Bao had already rushed out angrily.

"You two want to go?"

Rong Bao yelled: "You ruined my Tong Baozhai, how could I let you go away?"

While talking, Rong Bao rushed towards Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

Seeing Rong Bao slap his palm towards him, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Ji, protecting Xiao Ji behind his back, then raised his palm to meet Rong Bao.


The palms of the two collided with each other, making a dull sound.

At this moment, Rong Bao blinked desperately at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye understood, and the two raised their arms at the same time, stepping back from each other.

When the others were about to rush up, Rong Bao spread out his arms and shouted furiously, "The way of evil spirits, Tianbao's six-eyed evil spirit elephant!"

Rong Bao's arms flashed in front of him, emitting a black light, and soon, the black light condensed into a strange and obscure symbol in the air.

next moment...


Rong Bao let out an angry roar, and sand and rocks flew around in an instant, and then, in the black light, a phantom like jade stone raised its body, clasped its hands together, and had six pupils on its forehead!

Rong Bao shouted, "Die to me!"

Rong Bao took a step forward, and then the phantom's palm slammed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye let out a low snort, grasped the void, and condensed a black halberd. The black smoke billowed under his feet like a wave. The sky and the earth poured out in front of them.



The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand collided fiercely with the phantom, and amidst the loud noise, the black smoke around Qiao Ye was instantly dispersed.

Xiao Ji also took the opportunity to attack, Rong Bao stretched out his hand and pushed forward without saying a word, and Xu Xiang's other fist blasted out in Xiao Ji's direction.

Bang, bang!

In an instant, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji were blasted towards the rear at the same time. Their bodies kept flying upside down, hitting the building continuously, piercing the building continuously.

Amidst the roar, one after another of sand and dust continued to rise.

Rong Bao was very relieved. Fortunately, Qiao Ye understood what he meant, and immediately shouted: "Where are you running!"

The next moment, Rong Bao took the lead and chased after him, followed by Jin Lu and Mr. Lan, rushing forward.

Pass through the smashed shop and come to the last one, which is a shop selling medicinal materials.

Rong Bao looked at the shopkeeper viciously and said, "Where's the person?"


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