Chapter 1815 Hidden

The shopkeeper trembled, then pointed at the door and said, "Run out!"

Rong Bao cursed, "Damn it!"

Bai Quan snorted coldly, "It's quite a fake."

Rong Bao said coldly, "What do you mean?"

Bai Quan said: "Mr. Lan and Elder Jin Lu are here, where is it your turn to make a move?

The two of them went up, and they had already captured him! "


Rong Bao said: "That bastard smashed my Tongbaozhai, I can't do it anymore?"

Bai Quan said: "That's right, Tong Baozhai has been beaten like that, where are you masters of the evil spirit clan?

Why didn't that grandma Liang come out to stop him? "

Rong Bao said: "Did Grandma Liang die in the store?

Can't go out? "

"stop fighting."

Mr. Lan said in a low voice, "Master Rong, I will pay for Tong Baozhai's loss, it's a trivial matter!"

Mr. Lan looked at Jin Lu and said, "It's still the same, as long as I want someone, I can give it to me, but if there is one hair less, this matter will never stop!"

Jin Lu nodded and said: "Don't worry, if my men catch someone, they will definitely hand it over to the City Lord."

Mr. Lan nodded, and said to Lan Bao: "Seal all the gates of the city, and then call all the people in the city to search for me."

Lan Bao responded, "I promise you won't be able to fly with your wings!"

Mr. Lan is still quite calm. This Fengming City is the territory of the Phoenix lineage. As long as the opponent is in Fengming City, Mr. Lan is confident to dig him out.

Moreover, let alone, Mr. Lan was still a little excited. The more difficult Qiao Ye was, the more powerful he was, and the more promising he was.

Although the reason for falling in love with Qiao Ye is mainly because Qiao Ye is a person, but who wants to recruit a trash as a son-in-law?

Although Qiao Ye is fine as an individual, wouldn't it be better to be an individual, capable of fighting, and handsome?

at the same time……

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji stood at the entrance of the alley, looked outside quietly, and then quickly withdrew their heads.

Qiao Ye was also begging for wealth and wealth, so she didn't leave immediately, but observed the movements of Mr. Lan and the others.

This is something that Mr. Lan and the others did not expect. From their point of view, Qiao Ye must have run fast with oil on his feet. He went straight to the city gate and tried to find a way to escape from Fengming City. Therefore, he did not continue to search the surrounding area. , so that Qiao Ye escaped.

In fact, it wasn't that Qiao Ye hadn't thought about running quickly, but after thinking about it in her heart, Qiao Ye quickly concluded that running like this was impossible.

First, I can't run away from others, but a phoenix can fly!

As Qiao Ye expected, Mr. Lan immediately ordered Lan Bao and Lan Tian to block the gate of the city. How could Qiao Ye run so fast? The door just happened to cast itself into a trap, but was blocked by the other party.

Second, the area around Fengming City is a wilderness, and there is no place to hide.

Therefore, this means that he will not be able to force his way through the city gate. Even if he can rush out of Fengming City, he will not be able to escape in the face of pursuit, because there is no way to escape in the open area.

This also means that if Qiao Ye wants to leave, he must get out of Fengming City without anyone noticing, so as not to be chased by the opponent.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye signaled Xiaoji to go back.

After passing through the alley, it was much quieter, because there were no longer shops facing the street, and the backside was full of small residential courtyards.

Qiao Ye turned over the wall and took a look, then said to Xiao Ji, "Can you still turn back into a child?"

Xiao Ji nodded, and then her body began to shrink, and soon she turned into a little girl again, her clothes were dragged on the ground.

"wait for me a bit!"

Qiao Ye nodded in satisfaction, then turned over and entered a yard. After checking left and right to make sure there was no one there, she quickly took away the clothes to dry in the yard, and then turned over and left the yard one by one.

Qiao Ye handed a set of children's clothes to Xiaoji, pointed to the alley next to her and said, "Go change in the alley, and I'll guard you at the entrance of the alley."

Xiao Ji nodded and entered the alley, while Qiao Ye stood guard at the entrance of the alley and flipped through the space for the jade plaque. Soon, Qiao Ye came out with a leaf armor.

The leaf armor looked old, and there were still many traces of cutting with knives and axes. There were even faint blood stains on it, and a lot of dust could be scattered by shaking it.

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "This thing is still there!"

Qiao Ye doesn't like to wear armor. In the past, she usually dressed in long robes or military uniforms. However, Qiao Ye wore armor. It was the first time Qiao Ye wore a boundary guard when fighting evil beasts in the red soil wilderness. The uniform attire is this leaf armor.

Touching Jiayi, Qiao Ye suddenly felt nostalgic.

At this time, Xiao Ji had already changed her clothes and walked out of the alley.

Qiao Ye said, "Wait for a while!"

Qiao Ye walked into the alley, changed his clothes, and put on the leaf armor. In this way, the outfit changed completely. When the Phoenix lineage searched, it must be searched according to a man and a woman. There is still a man and a woman, but one of them has turned into a child, so naturally it is not easy to be discovered.

"But..." Qiao Ye touched her face and said, "This is a bit troublesome!"

When Qiao Ye ran out from the Lingyun Building, a lot of people saw Qiao Ye's appearance. Although not everyone in the city knew about it, it was too dangerous to just go out like this.

Qiao Ye sighed, "I've provoked someone."

After Qiao Ye muttered something, black smoke appeared in his palm and turned into a knife, and then Qiao Ye slashed at his arm.

After cutting the wound and letting out some blood, Qiao Ye smeared the blood on his armor, then smeared a little on his face, and then smeared on the ground to get the dust on his face.

As a result, Qiao Ye's face became pitch black, and then she untied her hair, loosened it, tied it with a rope, and changed her hairstyle.

In this way, Qiao Ye's original appearance was difficult to see, and she was dressed as if she had just entered Fengming City after fighting in the wild.

"So be it!"

Qiao Ye smiled and picked up Xiao Ji, put it on her shoulder and said, "It's the same as before!"

Xiao Ji showed a rare smile, then hugged Qiao Ye's head.

This is how Qiao Ye used to carry Xiao Ji around!

Walking out of the alley and returning to the street, many people turned away from Qiao Ye in disgust.

Naturally, Qiao Ye didn't care. She was afraid of being seen if she got close, especially since the Phoenix clan had clearly taken action.

Qiao Ye had just walked not far when she heard a burst of yelling. A group of soldiers from Fengming City walked across the street with weapons, telling the people in front to get out of the way, and kept looking at the faces of the people around them.

Apparently the search has already begun.

Qiao Ye lowered his head, and waited until the group of soldiers from Fengming City walked past him, then followed behind the group of soldiers and continued forward.


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