Chapter 1817 Investigation

Qiao Ye walked forward cautiously along the roof and looked towards the street. The bustling and lively street was now empty.

However, looking around, you can see that the lights are dim, and there are lights on in large buildings.

"I see!"

Qiao Ye murmured, "Is there a curfew?"

The life at night will not stop here, but the Lord City Lord obviously enforced a curfew order, and he is not allowed to walk on the street after nightfall.

"It's really troublesome."

There was no one on the street, and there were still people patrolling, so Qiao Ye naturally couldn't act as he wanted.

"But..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Trouble is trouble, it's not so easy to trouble me."

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye jumped from the roof and walked forward along the side of the street. Suddenly, there was the sound of iron shoes stamping on the ground.

Qiao Ye paused, then stuck to the side of the wall and entered the shadows. The next moment, black smoke appeared under Qiao Ye's feet, covering Qiao Ye's body.

A moment later, a group of soldiers from the Feng clan walked by the street. At the closest time, Qiao Ye was only three feet away from the other party, but the other party didn't notice Qiao Ye's existence at all, so they just walked over.

When the other party walked away, the black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye slowly dissipated.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, she was also very good at hiding this kind of thing.

Of course, it was mainly Qiao Ye's Wuhun who could do such things.

The night was dense, and everything was hazy. The black smoke blended with the shadows. It was very difficult to find unless one looked closely. Secondly, the black smoke released by Qiao Ye's martial soul also had the effect of covering the breath.

This is very important!

A warrior who has been fighting for a long time is usually very sensitive to danger. This sensitivity can be regarded as a feeling, a sixth sense, and an instinct.

However, if you need an accurate answer, it should be the perception of breath. Any living thing has the breath of life, and you can perceive danger by sensing the breath.

However, the evil spirit in the bewildered darkness of the sky demon can also be transformed into evil spirit. Coincidentally, the evil spirit is the breath of the dead, which can completely cover Qiao Ye's breath as a living being, making it impossible for people to perceive it.

After the patrol team left, Qiao Ye continued to move forward, and soon came to the vicinity of the city wall.

At night, looking at the city wall through the hazy moonlight, the city wall seems to be even taller.

Qiao Ye hid in the shadows and watched for a while, and found that there seemed to be no way to leave.

Above the city gate is a gate tower with steps built on both sides, and a city wall has two gate towers and four steps. When changing shifts, the soldiers of the Feng clan will go up and down the steps, one up and one down.

In fact, even ordinary soldiers will not be weak in cultivation, they are all at the level of a leisurely tour, otherwise they will not be able to enter the Duoling Jietian, and the city wall can be jumped directly, but after all, it is managed in the way of the army, and there must be discipline , will not let the soldiers change shifts flying like this.

Therefore, when the shift is changed, it is Qiao Ye's opportunity. When the ups and downs alternate, the soldiers of the Feng clan will gather near the two gate towers. The middle part of the city wall away from the gate towers will form a short vacuum period.

Qiao Ye also deliberately waited for a shift change, and then got the answer that it was a little less than half a stick of incense.

In other words, Qiao Ye can use the time that is less than half a stick of incense to cross the city wall.

This is not a difficult task for Qiao Ye, but the matter is not that simple, because after leaving Fengming City, there is a wilderness. Seeing Qiao Ye leaving the city, nine out of ten the next step is to pursue him.

However, Qiao Ye had already figured out a plan in his heart.

I can use this method to leave Fengming City, and then Xiao Ji builds a tunnel under the city wall to hide myself immediately.

However, there is still a small problem. Xiao Ji is likely to be discovered by the dragon when she uses her ability, but it is more time-consuming than building a tunnel directly from the city to the outside of the city. If there are many, the probability of being discovered is greater, and the probability of being discovered is even smaller for the latter. Moreover, it will obviously take time for the ground flood to pursue or notify the people of the Phoenix lineage.

In this way, maybe you can take a gamble. As for things like risk, what are you doing without risk?

After thinking about it, Qiao Ye decided to do it this way.

Let's see if Rongbao can help him get out of the city during the day. If he can't get out, he will wait until tomorrow night to use this method to get out of the city.

After Qiao Ye planned, she also turned around and planned to go back to the inn, but at this time...



There was a sudden roar in the night, which made Qiao Ye stunned.

The next moment, a figure soared into the sky, with a ring knife in his hand, shining faintly under the dark night.

After sweeping the ring knife vigorously, a large silver blade light appeared.

Accompanied by the sword glow.

An awe-inspiring sword intent emerged, incomparably terrifying, with a strong killing intent, making people feel palpitations.

After a while, the dense silver blade light began to scatter down like rain, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

Every slash of the blade will shatter the ground, every slash of the blade will reflect everything around, and every slash of the blade will bring a loud roar.

And behind that person, there were three people chasing after him. Qiao Ye looked up and found one of them he knew, wasn't it Lan Bao!

Lan Bao also made a sudden attack at this moment, and a large piece of frost appeared from Lan Bao's body, moving towards the overwhelming tide ahead, turning into a huge frozen dome, colliding with the sword light!

Boom, boom, boom!

The loud noise of the collision reappeared, and in an instant, the shattered ice dome turned into countless hailstones, which fell towards the ground!

Lan Bao's strength is not inferior to the opponent's at all.

However, if you really want to be amazed, maybe you should reverse this statement, the opponent's strength is not inferior to Lanbao!

Lan Bao is the most outstanding member of the younger generation of Bingfeng, who was taught by Mr. Lan himself.

After a blow, Lan Bao shouted forward: "Brothers on the city wall, I am Lan Bao under Mr. Lan's sect, please help me take down this man!"

The people on the city wall had already noticed the movement, but the situation was not very clear, so they didn't do anything. Now that Lan Bao spoke, the Phoenix soldiers on the city wall naturally stopped watching coldly.

A Phoenix soldier raised his bow without hesitation, and directly drew the bow!


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