Chapter 1818 Accident

The sound of piercing the sky rises!

In the next moment, the arrow flew out, turning into a ray of light and heading towards the figure.


The opponent's horizontal knife collided with the arrow again, making a clear and crisp sound.

The arrow flew out and fell straight to the ground. After a roar, a huge deep pit was blasted out of the ground!

Only then did Qiao Ye see clearly the appearance of the man with the knife. He was about thirty years old, with a big beard, wearing sackcloth and a bamboo hat.

Lan Bao fell on the roof, sneered and said, "Whale Luo, you can't escape!"

Qiao Ye rubbed her chin, why does the name sound familiar?

Then he quickly showed a dazed expression, he had seen the arrest warrant for this guy himself!

Whale falls, the blood of the Kun clan, and is also a flower picker.

This family said that after ruining a lot of girls from the Feng family, after the Fenghuang lineage was furious, they also sent people to hunt them down, and posted a reward in Fengming City, whoever can get the head of Jingluo will have a big reward.

Unexpectedly, this Jingluo was so arrogant that he hid directly in Fengming City.

As for how the whale fall was found...

Qiao Ye wiped off the cold sweat, this blame must be blamed on his own head nine times out of ten, the Phoenix lineage made such a big battle to catch him, and in the end a few unlucky ones appeared by the way, Jingluo was one of them.

But what does it have to do with yourself?

Qiao Ye pouted, then turned around and wanted to run away.

But at this moment...

Jingluo roared and jumped up, obviously wanting to forcefully rush out of the city, but when Jingluo got up, the Feng clan soldiers on the city wall raised their bows and put arrows together!

The arrow flew out, and in an instant, silver light filled the sky.

Jingluo roared angrily, danced the knife in his hand, and a large piece of knife light appeared, like a river, passing through the air and colliding with it.

With a loud noise, Jingluo caught the rain of arrows abruptly, but at the moment when he was about to rush up the city wall.

Suddenly a person jumped out of the city wall, dressed in red armor, it seemed to be the guard of the city tower!

The guard gave a cold snort, and immediately rose into the sky.

A phoenix cry resounded through the sky at this moment, and the guard came directly to Jingluo, and slapped Jingluo with a palm.


Jingluo also raised his palm without hesitation, and then the two of them exchanged blows in the air.

But at this time...

A large piece of flame suddenly appeared in the palm of the guard, covering the whale fall.

Jingluo was shocked, and wanted to turn around and run away, but it was obviously a step too late.


The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded!

The churning flames shattered in an instant, and then Whale Fall was blasted down from the air.

Qiao Ye was sneaking back through the shadows, but suddenly felt something was wrong, why was her surroundings getting brighter and brighter?

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, and immediately gasped, a huge fireball was falling towards him.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Go away!"


The fireball fell to the ground, and the loud roaring sound shook the night sky again, and a deep hole was smashed out of the ground.

The guard and Lan Bao came to the edge of the pit and stood with their hands behind their backs.

After a while, the surrounding flames and black smoke dissipated, and in the deep pit, the figure of Whale Luo gradually emerged, and at the same time...

There is also the jet-black Qiao Ye who was bombed!

Lan Bao was stunned for a moment, and then said happily, "Guye, are you here?"

"What uncle?"

Qiao Ye lowered his head cleanly, intending to crawl out of the deep pit and said, "You've got the wrong person."

As soon as Qiao Ye lowered her head, she planned to rub the soles of her feet with oil, so she hurried away.

But at this moment, there was a roar from behind Qiao Ye, and then Jingluo jumped up, grabbed Qiao Ye, and put the knife on Qiao Ye's shoulder.

"Are you the new kid from the Phoenix Clan?"

Jingluo said ferociously: "I came to Fengming City this time to sleep with Xiefeng, but I didn't have a chance to do it because you disturbed the situation."


Lan Bao said angrily: "Whale Luo, believe it or not, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"


Jingluo roared angrily: "You dare to come here, I'll kill this little boy first, don't you Phoenix clan expect this human to continue the Xiefeng bloodline?

I killed him, let's see how you continue! "

Lan Bao originally wanted to move forward, but when he heard this, he abruptly withdrew his feet.

A whale fall is obviously not as important as Qiao Ye.

"No..." Qiao Ye said: "Brother, you guys hit you, can you not take me?"

Jingluo knocked Qiao Ye's head off with a knife and said, "Shut up, or I'll kill you now."

Qiao Ye said: "Let me tell you, I hate it when someone hits my head. You'd better not mess with me."

Jingluo raised his knife again and said, "I tell you to shut up, you can't hear..."

But at this moment...

The moment the saber was just raised, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and grabbed the blade, preventing Jingluo from taking the saber off!

Jingluo was shocked, but he didn't dare to let go of Qiao Ye. Right now, Qiao Ye was his amulet!

In just that moment of stupefaction, a large cloud of black smoke rose from under Qiao Ye's feet, and then Qiao Ye reached out to grab a dagger from the black smoke, and stabbed it fiercely on Jing Luo's thigh.

Whale fell in pain, and his body shook involuntarily.

Qiao Ye broke free, the dagger in his hand was surrounded by smoke, and soon turned into a black halberd, and swept towards Jingluo's chest.


Whale Luo was hit in the chest, and the whole person flew backwards, hitting the outer wall of the side house, knocking down a piece of the outer wall in an instant.

Qiao Ye raised his halberd and pointed: "I don't know how to compliment, so they say don't mess with me."

Lan Bao immediately stepped forward and said, "Grab him!"

Everyone around rushed towards the direction of Whale Falling, and Qiao Ye turned around and ran wildly without saying a word.

Lan Bao, who had just chased out, stopped abruptly, turned around and started chasing Qiao Ye, shouting while chasing: "You guys took Jingluo, I'm going to chase my uncle."

Qiao Ye turned her head and smiled wryly: "I'm really not your uncle, can all the good men in the world die?

What are you guys trying to do with me? "

Lan Bao said: "Maybe there are many good men in the world, but the problem is that there are no one."

Qiao Ye couldn't refute what he said. Is he a person, or is it his own fault?

While talking, Qiao Ye leaped onto the side roof, and Lan Bao was unambiguous, with a pair of ice wings spread out on his back, soaring directly into the sky, catching up with Qiao Ye from the air.

The next moment, Lan Bao fanned the ice wings, and then a large piece of hailstone fell from the sky.

Qiao Ye could only stop abruptly, raised his halberd to shatter the hail that fell towards him, and then raised his halberd to point at Lanbao.

"I tell you, stop chasing."

Qiao Ye said: "If you chase after me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lan Bao said: "If you don't run, I will naturally not chase."


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