Chapter 1819 Confrontation

"You forced me to do this!"

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and with a flick of his wrist, the black halberd in his hand was thrown out by Qiao Ye, turning into a black light and heading straight into the sky.

Lan Bao quickly put the ice wings together to form a defense!


The black halberd hit the ice wing, and after making a crisp sound, it directly pierced the ice wing with a hole.

However, Lan Bao obviously didn't care much about this, and with the sound of "click, click" freezing, the hole was quickly re-frozen.

The ice wings are just made by Lan Bao out of ice, and they are part of Lan Bao's ability, not the wings of Lan Bao's real body.

In fact, when the orcs fight, they will be divided into several forms, and these forms can also be distinguished by stages.

The form of the first stage is the human form, which is the weakest form. After all, the human body is more suitable for fighting, but it cannot display the characteristics of the beast race.

The form of the second stage is a partial animal form, that is, to manifest a part of the real body, such as claws and tails, to strengthen one's physical body.

The form of the third stage is the true body, that is, to show your true appearance. In the state of the real body, the blood power of the beast race will be fully released, the ability will be greatly improved, and the pure power will be greatly increased.

The fourth stage is a half-beast form. This form is very similar to partial animalization, that is, it will become the original shape, but the overall form will become human-like. The difference from partial animalization is the half-animal form. , but the body looks like a human, and other aspects are the real body, and the half-beast form is an extremely difficult form, not everyone can master it, because this form is not only suitable for fighting, but also can completely liberate the beast The blood power of the clan, and this form has nothing to do with cultivation, it is purely dependent on talent to master.

Usually, if there are heirs in the clan who are relatively weak in cultivation but can master the form of half-beasts, all lines of the beast clan will try their best to cultivate them.

Lan Bao admitted that Qiao Ye was stronger than he imagined, but no matter before or now, Lan Bao only used the human form to fight.

Lan Bao looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you can't force my real body out, you'd better follow me obediently."

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "Then I will do as you wish!"

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd and swung it vigorously towards the ground.

A large cloud of black smoke appeared from under Qiao Ye's feet, spreading towards the surroundings, churning continuously!

Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.

Almost instantly, an extremely terrifying killing intent emanated from Qiao Ye's body!


Qiao Ye raised his hand and stroked his arm with a black halberd, and then a large amount of blood scattered. In a moment, Qiao Ye's body seemed to be covered with a layer of blood mist.

And in the center of the blood mist, a blood sphere was gradually forming, floating behind Qiao Ye.

Slowly, a crack appeared in the center of that blood cell!

That was a blood pupil!

Qiao Ye raised his halberd and shouted, "Kill!"

Almost instantly, the moment Qiao Ye raised his halberd and pointed at Lan Bao, a bloody light shot out from the blood pupil.

The red light beam passed over the ground, and the ground was cut open in an instant, and the red light beam passed over the house, and the house was split into two in an instant!

Lan Bao's pupils shrank, watching the red light beam attacking towards him, this time he didn't catch it hard, but stretched out his icy wings, and quickly soared into the sky.

The red light beam almost brushed Lan Bao's body and flew towards the rear.

But Lan Bao didn't get much chance to breathe because of avoiding this blow, because, in that blood pupil, the second beam of light had already shot out immediately after.


Third way!

Fourth way!

Fifth way!

From the blood pupil transformed by Qiao Ye, beams of light continuously shot out, hitting the blue treasure continuously.

The ice wings on Lanbao's back quickly opened, flying in the air, constantly moving, continuously avoiding the attack of the red light beam, and then swooping down from the air!

During the dive, Lan Bao folded his hands together, and then pulled them apart. Immediately afterwards, an ice sword appeared in Lan Bao's hands!


Accompanied by the dive, Lan Bao also slashed towards Qiao Ye with a sword, and the ice sword slashed on the black halberd, making a crisp chirping sound.

The two pushed each other's weapons to compete.

After a while, Lan Bao suddenly shook his left hand to the side, and then a second ice sword appeared in Lan Bao's hand, sweeping towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's reaction was also extremely fast, and she leaned back violently, avoiding the second sword.

The next moment, the moment Qiao Ye straightened his body, the black halberd turned around Qiao Ye's waist and slashed towards Lan Bao's.


There was a sound of clothes being torn!

Lan Bao's clothes were torn open.

Qiao Ye's halberd technique was obviously superior to Lan Bao's sword technique.

However, it is not a strange thing. The source of kung fu and martial arts is Canglan Star, and more directly, it is human beings. In terms of strength, it is hard to say that human beings must be powerful, but in terms of martial arts skills, humans are definitely far superior. All living beings in the void world of Primordial Mist.

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth and said to Lan Bao, "Come again!"

But at this moment...

There was a sound of combat boots stepping on the ground, and then many shaking figures appeared on the dark street.

Qiao Ye gasped, looked at Lan Bao and said, "You call people, you don't talk about martial arts."

Lan Bao smiled and said: "I didn't intend to fight alone with you, to decide a winner, because that doesn't mean anything to me, I just want to arrest you and get married."

"You are dreaming!"

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded, Qiao Ye sacrificed a treasure directly.

Emerald Star Record (Treasure Phantasm) (first grade): Made of the emerald star stone outside the sky, it contains the magic formula of the universe astrology array pattern, which can transform into stars to attack, and can summon up to twelve pieces. After each twelve pieces are formed, the treasure Phantasm Need to sleep for six hours.

On the Emerald Star Record, dots of silver light continuously swayed out, like bright stars.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye spread out his palms, and stars appeared one after another in Qiao Ye's hands. There were twelve stars in total, forming a circle and spinning rapidly.

Qiao Ye held up his palms, and then the twelve stars flew through the air. After passing through the air, the brilliance continued to bloom, and became bigger and bigger, turning into huge stars, dragging for a long time. The silver tail continued to fall downwards.


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