Chapter 1821 Lan Ji

"Guest officer, come to play?"

A woman with heavy make-up quickly came up to her, and Qiao Ye could smell her rouge from three meters away, which was so strong that it made people feel pungent.

Qiao Ye came back to his senses, looked away from those white thighs, and said "righteously", "I came here not to play, but to drink?"

The woman laughed and said, "Then what does the guest officer like?

I'll find one for you! "

Qiao Ye casually threw the bag of star stones over and said, "Don't worry about it, I've got an appointment."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she ignored the bustard and walked directly upstairs.

This brothel is a good place, there are so many Yingying and Yanyan, Lan Bao will not be easy...


As soon as Qiao Ye reached the third floor, the door of the brothel was kicked open, and then Lan Bao rushed in with a lot of people, and the dancers on the stage screamed in fright.

Qiao Ye couldn't help twitching the corners of her eyes, wouldn't it be easy for Lan Bao to come over?

Not a fart!

Qiao Ye quickly bent down, walked forward under the cover of the railing, then pushed open a door and got in.

Sitting in front of the table in that room was a young man with red lips and white teeth, extremely handsome, with exquisite facial features that women would feel envious of, he was dressed in a long black dress, and his hair was raised up by a sky-high crown.

Except for the man, Qiao Ye didn't see a woman. Presumably, she just arrived and the woman hasn't come yet.

The moment Qiao Ye entered the door, the other party raised his head and looked at Qiao Ye with piercing eyes.

"Excuse me, excuse me!"

Qiao Ye laughed dryly and said, "I'm just passing by."

Qiao Ye quickly walked through the living room and came to the window on the other side.

But as soon as he opened the window, Qiao Ye cursed, Lan Bao was too careful, there were guards around the brothel, so he was so sure that he was in the brothel?

Qiao Ye could only retreat, walked past the living room, and said with a dry smile again: "Sorry, sorry, I passed by again."

Qiao Ye came to the door, opened the door a gap, and looked outside, Lan Bao had already dispersed the people, and began to search the brothel floor by floor. As soon as Qiao Ye opened the door, he saw seven Eight people went up to the third floor.

Qiao Ye hurriedly closed the door again.

The young man in the living room took a sip from his wine glass and said, "It seems that you are passing by again?"

"Hey, hey..." Qiao Ye pulled the corner of his mouth down with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I'll go now, I'll go right away."

The young man took a sip and said, "It seems that you have caused a lot of trouble."

Qiao Ye said: "It's okay, I'm used to it, please trouble this thing to stay closer to me."

Qiao Ye was talking, when footsteps suddenly came from the door.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then planned to break the window.

Lan Bao is inside the brothel, and those outside the brothel are obviously easier to deal with.

But at this moment, the man suddenly raised his hand, grabbed Qiao Ye's shoulder, and pressed him on the chair.

"Turn your back to the door and don't make a sound."

The man took out a set of blue and white robes from the treasure of space and threw them to Qiao Ye, saying, "Change the clothes on me."

After the man finished speaking, he took off Qiao Ye's bun and threw it aside, letting Qiao Ye's hair hang down.

Qiao Ye said: "Do you think the other party is stupid?

Just change clothes? "

The man said: "You still have time to change it now, if you don't do it again, I won't be able to help you."

Qiao Ye said: "Trust you once!"

Qiao Ye quickly took off the armor and threw it into the jade tablet space, then put the robe on her body, but before she could tie it on, the door was pushed open.

Qiao Ye simply left her robe open, anyway, there are no well-dressed men in the brothel.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye propped his head on the table with one hand, holding the wine glass in his hand, and pretended to be drunk from drinking.

At the same time, two soldiers of the Feng clan walked into the room and said, "Hey, stand up and accept the inspection!"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said that changing clothes is useless!

Qiao Ye slowly clenched his fists and was about to make a move, but at this moment, the young man turned his face and said, "You want me to be checked?"

The two Feng clan soldiers were startled, and hurriedly saluted, but before opening their mouths, the young man waved his hands and said, "Go out, hurry up if you have nothing to do, I still have to listen to the song."

Two Wind Clan soldiers hurriedly said: "Okay, let's go now."

While talking, the two Feng clan soldiers quickly exited the room and closed the door carefully.

Qiao Ye glanced back, then looked at the young man and said, "You seem to have a lot of background?"

The young man said: "My surname is Lan, you can call can call me Lanji."

Surname Lan?

Damn, isn't that the family name of the Phoenix lineage!

Qiao Ye quickly got up and wanted to run away, but the other party grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back.

Lan Ji said: "I didn't say I would hand you over, so what are you afraid of doing?"

Qiao Ye said: "They all want to arrest me, don't you want to?"

"I know who you are. They arrested you to make you Xiefeng's husband. I don't want to. Why did they arrest you?"

Lan Ji took a sip of wine, glanced at Qiao Ye and said, "You are not worthy to marry Xie Feng."

"You are so right!"

Qiao Ye grabbed Lan Ji's hand and said, "Boss, can you tell that Mr. Lan to let him let me go, I don't deserve it!"

"What are you doing!"

Lan Ji pulled out his hand vigorously and said, "Don't touch your feet."

"It's all old men, what's the matter with grabbing hands?"

Qiao Ye looked at the other party, he was very clean, and couldn't help saying: "Are you a clean freak?"

"Yes, can't you?"

"Okay, I won't touch you."

Qiao Ye took the wine glass and poured it out, "It's good that all of you from the Phoenix lineage are as reasonable as you."

Lan Ji looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Although I don't think you are worthy of marrying Xiefeng, according to what you mean, you don't want to marry either?"

Qiao Ye said: "I want to marry her a hammer, unless my head is broken."


Lan Ji raised his hand violently, and slapped the table. Almost instantly, the table fell apart, and the jug and wine glass fell to the ground.

Qiao Ye held up the wine glass, neither drinking nor not drinking, looked at Lan Ji and said, "What are you doing?"

Lan Ji said: "Why don't you want to marry Xiefeng?"

Qiao Ye said: "You are sick, didn't you say that I am unworthy?"

Lan Ji said: "I can think you are unworthy, but you can't refuse to marry!"

Qiao Ye wondered, "What kind of logic is this?"

Lan Ji snorted coldly: "Not worthy and not wanting are two different things. Everyone wants to marry Xiefeng, why don't you want to?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then I want to marry Xiefeng?"

Lanji stared and said, "What are you?

Want to marry Xiefeng too? "

Qiao Ye said: "Then I still don't want to marry."

Lan Ji said: "Why do you dare to despise Xiefeng?"


Qiao Ye said in pain: "Then tell me, should I think about it or not."


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