Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1822 Don't force me

Chapter 1822 Don't Force Me

Lan Ji said: "Neither can!"

"Fuck, tell me something."

Qiao Ye said: "Besides, you guys forced me to marry, so I don't blame me for this matter."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then a waiter said: "Guest officer, do you need help?"

"come in."

Lan Ji said: "Clean up your things and change to a new table. By the way, people don't have to come here. I won't listen to the music for now."

The guy agreed, quickly collected the things, and soon brought a new table with a new table of wine and food.

"Then I'll pretend you don't want to."

Lan Ji sat down and said, "I'm curious, why don't you want to marry Xiefeng?"

Qiao Ye was not too polite. She was hungry after running all night, so she took the flagon directly, put the vegetables in it, and started eating while drinking.

"If you don't want to, don't want to. Is there a reason for this?"

Lan Ji said: "If you marry Xie Feng, you will have the support of the Phoenix lineage behind you. I heard that you have offended the real dragon lineage. There are not many forces who dare to be tough with them. It happens that the Phoenix lineage is one of them." One, let’s take a step back and let’s ignore your enemies, with the support of Phoenix’s lineage, from now on, you can enjoy the glory, wealth, and prosperity, isn’t it good?”

Qiao Ye said: "First, I'm not afraid of those dragons. Second, prosperity and wealth and prosperity are not achieved by wives, but by fists. Husbands are more valuable by their wives, and fathers are more valuable by their sons. This is not suitable for me. Third, Phoenix Is it a big one?

I also know someone with a bigger background. I really need a backstage. What kind of evil phoenix am I looking for? Can't I hug someone's thigh and call him dad?

There are not many people in the universe who can be stronger than him. "

Lan Ji asked curiously: "The first two sounds a bit spine-chilling, what the hell is the third?

Who has a bigger background than the Phoenix lineage. "

Qiao Ye held a spare rib in his mouth and said, "Do you know Ye Xuan?"

Lan Ji said: "Ruyi Restaurant?"


Qiao Ye sprayed out the ribs directly.

Qiao Ye thought Ye Xuan's existence was a very secret thing, so he just bragged about it casually, and everyone knows about it?

Lan Ji said: "Do you have friendship with the owner of Ruyi Restaurant?"

Qiao Ye said, "I've seen it."

"There are so many people I've met, what are you bragging about here?"

Lan Ji said with a look of disdain: "I thought you knew who the owner of Ruyi Restaurant is."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously: "You don't know what Ye Xuan's background is?"

"No one knows, but the old generation passed down the word that the phoenix's lineage walks in Hongmeng, and there are four places where the masters can't be messed with. They are the flying birds on Baiyun Mountain, the magic sword under the Jiuyou Spring, and the roadside Ruyi Pavilion. , Worry-free boat at the ends of the earth!"

Lan Ji said: "Besides, it's not only the ancestors of the Phoenix lineage who passed it down like this, but all the ancient families have the same saying. When you go to these four places, you must be honest. Among them, Baiyun Mountain, Jiuyou Spring and Wuyou Leaving Zhou alone, I have always been curious about the origin of the owner of Ruyi Restaurant, because Ruyi Restaurant can be seen everywhere, and I have been there before, and the food is delicious, but the owner of Ruyi Restaurant is nothing special. , apart from being a bit handsome, I don't see anything you can't mess with."

Qiao Ye touched his chin and said, "Is Ruyi Restaurant a place that can be seen everywhere?"

The disdain on Lan Ji's face became stronger, he looked at Qiao Ye and said, "So you haven't even been to Ruyi Restaurant, and you dare to blame the boss."

Qiao Ye said: "Why haven't I been there?

I often go okay. "

Lan Ji made a "tss" and said, "Is that a place where you can go if you want?"

Qiao Ye wondered: "Isn't it?

You just said that it can be seen everywhere. "

Qiao Ye always felt that the Ruyi Restaurant he knew was different from what Lan Ji knew.

"It's useless to talk too much."

Lan Ji said: "What you said is not a reason for not wanting to marry Xiefeng. Just because you are not afraid of the real dragon's lineage does not mean that you have a better way to deal with them. You don't want to rely on the Phoenix lineage. I am more concerned about that." Appreciation, but it's not a reason. With the support of Phoenix's lineage, you can get more cultivation resources and better cultivation conditions. If you have the backbone, don't think about marrying Xiefeng and just lie flat. Yes, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can still stand out. On the contrary, if you don't work hard, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a waste. Do you think that under those powerful bloodlines, there is no waste?

Talent and blood are the foundation, but talent and blood can only be fulfilled through hard work. "

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and then said, "But I have someone I like."

Lanji smiled and said, "Daughter of the sky?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

Lan Ji said: "It's a very rare bloodline, but I don't think it can compare with Xiefeng."

"Worthy of being a member of the orc race."

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "It's blood when you open your mouth and shut it up."

Lan Ji said, "Is there a problem?"

Qiao Ye said: "Like or dislike is not measured by blood."

"You are right."

Lan Ji thought for a while and said, "But have you ever thought about it? If it lasts for another two thousand years, or even such a long time, maybe a new evil phoenix will be born, and in this way, the prosperity of the phoenix lineage will become even longer."

"I still can't believe I can't escape."

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "Isn't it better for me to sit here?"

"Aren't you able to sit here because I helped you?"

Lan Ji said: "Believe it or not, I can kill you just by shouting now."

Qiao Ye hurriedly said: "Don't you think I'm not good enough for Xie Feng, so we're on the same front, so don't sell me out."

Lan Ji said: "So what if I don't sell you?

Can you run out of Fengming City?

Even if you can escape from Fengming City, can you escape from Duanliu Jietian?

Even if you can run away from Duoling Jietian, do you think it's fine if you belong to the Phoenix lineage?

The blood of the phoenix spreads throughout the primordial void! "

"I actually think it's really bad."

Qiao Ye sighed and said, "Big things will happen!"

Lan Ji narrowed his eyes and said, "A big deal?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I don't think you of the Phoenix lineage would want to put your life in my hands."

Lan Ji laughed and said: "You mean, so far, you have kept your hands?"

Qiao Ye said: "My principle of doing things is that if people don't offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will kill others and slaughter the clan. Right now, my impression of the Phoenix lineage is not too bad. Although you force me to do things I don't want to do , but at least he is very polite, and he has never killed me, and I have never beheaded even a Feng Clan, but..."

Qiao Ye raised her wine glass, raised her head and drank it down in one gulp.

"Don't force me!"


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