Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1823 Only like big ones

Chapter 1823 I only like big ones

Lan Ji smiled and said, "I really want to know what confidence you have to say such a thing."

"You think confidence is strength, but I think confidence is attitude."

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her lips, her smile was a bit sinister, she looked at Lan Ji and said, "Even if I am going to hell, I will drag a few people with me!"

Lan Ji tilted his head, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I'm starting to be a little interested in you."

"I think it's better for you not to be interested in me, not only you, but your whole family, and the entire Phoenix lineage."

Qiao Ye put down his wine glass and said, "I'm full, thank you for the hospitality, I should continue to run away."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she got up and went to the window, opened the window and looked, and Lan Bao had already led people away.

But at this moment...

Lanji raised his glass and said, "I can solve your troubles."

Qiao Ye paused, then turned around and said, "Can you tell the Phoenix family to stop staring at me?"


Lan Ji said: "Simply put, you don't want to marry Xiefeng because you are a daughter of heaven, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "Actually, I think there are many reasons, such as I am not interested in a woman who has never masked, and I don't like being forced to do anything, etc. However, you can also understand it that way, because I have someone I like, so I don't plan to marry Xiefeng."

Lanji smiled and said: "In this case, you can prove to me first, how much you can do for the daughter of heaven, and then I will help you solve the trouble, what do you think?"

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "What are you going to ask me to do?"

Lan Ji chuckled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to caress the table, and the wine glass suddenly flew out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye instinctively punched the cup to pieces.

However, the moment the table shattered, Lan Ji stood up abruptly, kicked the table, sent the table flying, and tumbling towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately stretched out his hand and grasped it. The black smoke in his palm quickly turned into a black halberd.

The next moment, Qiao Ye slashed forward with a halberd, and with a bang, the table was cut into two pieces.

What is wrong with this table?

Rotten again!

Qiao Ye looked at Lan Ji and frowned, "What do you want?"

Lan Ji chuckled again, and suddenly jumped out in the direction of Qiao Ye, clapping his palms towards Qiao Ye.


Lan Ji clapped his palms on the halberd pole, and after the two collided, neither Lan Ji nor Qiao Ye retreated. Then, Lan Ji suddenly grabbed the halberd pole, and his whole body slammed close to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye said again: "What on earth do you want to do!"

But at this moment...

Lan Ji opened his mouth suddenly, and finally a ray of black air protruded and landed on Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye immediately patted Lan Ji on the shoulder and pushed Lan Ji away.

Qiao Ye waved his hand, pushed the black air away and said, "Poison is useless to me, I won't do it."

Lan Ji flicked the sleeve of his robe, and said with his hands behind his back: "I didn't use poison!"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and a feeling of dizziness suddenly struck.

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and stabbed at the ground, trying to stabilize his body forcibly, but the feeling of dizziness became more and more intense. Soon, Qiao Ye felt that his vision was also blurred and gradually became pitch black. .

"Sleep honestly!"

Lan Ji came to Qiao Ye's side, stretched out his hand and pushed, Qiao Ye's body fell backwards and fell directly to the ground.

After finishing all this, Lanji pushed the door out, and said to the guy next to him, "Put the people inside into my carriage."

The man replied: "Okay, miss."

After Lanji nodded, he walked downstairs.


Fengming City, Tongbaozhai.

Holding a box in his hands, Rong Bao came to Xiao Ji in a hurry, opened the box and offered the treasure and said, "Look, this is the treasure I mentioned earlier, as long as you put on this mask, not only can you wear it at will You can change your appearance, even your body shape and gender at will, so after using this thing, you can walk out of Fengming City in a fair manner when you turn around, and you will never be discovered by others. However, there is only one treasure, but we It can be manipulated, for example, one person leaves first, then I ask someone to send the things back, and then the second person can go out again."

Xiao Ji nodded and said, "I'll come back later."

Rong Bao nodded and said, "Okay."

At this time, a fellow from Tong Baozhai hurried into the room and said, "Young master, young master, someone wants to see you."

"Are you sick?

Who wants to see you at night? "

Rong Bao waved his hand impatiently and said, "Tell him to go, just say I'm not free!"

"Yo, the young master of the Rong family has such a big tone, tell me to get out?"


Rong Bao gasped, quickly pushed the man out of the door, and while closing the door, said to Xiaoji: "Don't come out, you must not come out."

Just as Rong Bao closed the door, Lan Ji strode into the backyard.

Rong Bao stepped forward and said with an apologetic smile, "Miss Xiefeng is so interested in visiting my place?"

Lan Ji sneered, took off the soaring crown, and threw it away, and the long black hair hung down like a waterfall, hanging down to his waist.

Immediately afterwards, he wiped it on his face again, and the originally delicate but slightly tough facial features softened and became feminine in an instant.

Even, when he spoke again, Lanji's voice...

No, it should be said that Lan Jiaer's voice also became thinner: "Go and invite that heavenly daughter out."

Rong Bao immediately shook his head and said, "What kind of daughter, Miss Xiefeng made a mistake?"

"Rong Bao, don't play tricks in front of me, can you hide your tricks from me?"

Lan Jiaer said: "I will give you ten breaths, if you don't invite someone, then I can only invite you in person."

Rong Bao smiled wryly: "Miss, I really don't have any heavenly daughters here..."

Before Rong Bao finished speaking, Lan Jia'er stretched out her hand, pointed her five fingers forward, and then...


The door of the bedroom made a loud bang, and flew straight ahead, collapsing to the ground.

Xiaoji got up slowly, then walked to the door and looked at Lan Jiaer.

Lan Jiaer smiled and said, "She really is a beauty, no wonder your man likes you so much..."

While talking, Lan Jiaer looked at Xiao Ji, her eyes flicked over Xiao Ji's face, and when she looked at her chest, Lan Jiaer's face suddenly changed slightly, and the smile froze on her face.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Jiaer looked at Xiao Ji's chest, then at her own chest, then at Xiao Ji's chest, and then at her own chest. After comparing for a while, she suddenly became angry.

"Men are indeed virtuous!"

Lan Jiaer snorted coldly and said, "I only like the big ones!"


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