Chapter 1825 Sin City


Qiao Ye quietly opened his eyes, and was stabbed by the sun.

Qiao Ye turned over involuntarily, and then covered it with her hands.

There was a "boom, boom" sound in my ear, which seemed a little noisy.

"Hey, wake up and get up!"

Rong Bao said: "How long have you been asleep!"

Qiao Ye opened his eyes in a daze, only to realize that he was sitting in a carriage with the windows open, and the sunlight came in, falling right on his face.

Qiao Ye got up and looked around, Rong Bao was sitting on the other side.

Qiao Ye said, "Where is this?"

Rong Bao said: "In the carriage!"

Qiao Ye looked out the window, and saw a vast wilderness, and couldn't help but ask, "Have you left Fengming City?"

Rong Bao nodded and said, "Yes!"

"How did you leave?"

Qiao Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong, she widened her eyes and said, "Where's Xiao Ji?

I asked Xiao Ji to find you. "

Rong Bao spread his hands and said, "I've been arrested."

Qiao Ye was taken aback again, and then shouted, "Stop!"

Rong Bao quickly hugged Qiao Ye, who was about to jump off the car, and said, "Brother, can you listen to what the person has to say first?"

Qiao Ye said: "Aren't you all doing good things? If it weren't for you, would there be so much trouble?"

"Isn't it enough for me to apologize?

It's useless to say this now, isn't it? "

Qiao Ye said: "Besides, even if you go back to Fengming City, you can't find Tianzhinv, she is no longer in Fengming City."

Qiao Ye said, "Where is she?"

Rong Bao said: "Sin City!"

Qiao Ye wondered, "Sin City?

Where? "

Rong Bao said: "The entire Duoling Jietian is the most dangerous place with the most villains."

Qiao Ye said: "Why did Xiao Ji go there?

what happened? "

Rong Bao said: "Think about how you fainted."

Qiao Ye recalled for a while and said, "Damn, that dead boy named Lan Ji, don't let me see him again, he dares to bully me!"


Rong Bao curled his lips, then understood something, and immediately said: "Yes, he did it, he took Xiao Ji away from me."

Qiao Ye said, "Then why are you here?"

Rong Bao said: "Wait until you wake up."

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "I mean, why don't you die if you lose someone?"

"Brother, don't be joking... Seeing Qiao Ye's fierce eyes, Rong Bao said aggrievedly: "I resisted, but I can't beat it, what can I do?

I am also very desperate, so let's talk about it later, why not talk about how to save people first? "

Qiao Ye said, "Why did you take Xiao Ji to Sin City?"

"do not know."

Rong Bao said: "Anyway, the other party has stopped talking, if you want to save someone, go to Sin City."

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

There is good news, at least Xiaoji can't die, there is no Hongmeng Rare Earth who can't kill Xiaoji.

Qiao Ye said, "Tell me about this crime city."

"Except for those areas that haven't been explored, Sin City is the most dangerous place in Duanliu Jietian. However, in addition to being dangerous, that place also represents innumerable wealth."

Rong Bao said: "You should know that there are many factions in Duanliu Jietian who have built cities, such as Fengming City."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes!"

Rong Bao said: "What is the purpose of building the city?

It is roughly divided into two parts. The first part is that it is very powerful. It does not only refer to Duan Liu Jietian, but also includes Duan Liu Jietian. Take the lineage of the Phoenix and the lineage of the real dragon. He said that every once in a while, they would send people into the Heaven-Duan Jietian experience, and it would be much more convenient to have a stronghold. After a long time, they will continue to build, and the scale will become a city. "

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I know, you told me about this before."

Rong Bao continued: "The second is to make it easier to seize resources. This is true everywhere. Most of the resources must be controlled by the big forces. Of course, the same is true for Duoling Jietian. The first tier It belongs to the unique resources of this place, the second level belongs to precious resources, and the third level is ordinary resources. Therefore, another reason for building a city after cutting off the flow is to be able to occupy and protect it more conveniently after robbing resources. Take Fengming As far as the city is concerned, there are two treasure lands on the edge, one treasure land has the red jade sand that is produced exclusively by Jietian, and the other treasure land is a river bed that produces the rare spirit crystal wind magic stone."

Qiao Ye said, "What does this have to do with Sin City?"

Rong Bao said: "Because this is the reason for the chaos in Sin City. Tiger Fish Rock, Fengqi Wood, and Jingjin Rock are three kinds of spiritual materials that are produced exclusively by Jietian, and there are more than a dozen precious spiritual materials around Sin City. That's all, the geographical location of Sin City is excellent, radiating out from the surrounding area of ​​Sincheng, there are a large number of places where spiritual materials and medicines are produced, these things have to pass through the surrounding area of ​​Sin City, can you guess the result? "

Qiao Ye said: "Jie Dao?"


Rong Bao said: "This is the root of the chaos in the city of sin, all kinds of robbery and plunder, as well as the crazy fights and fights for the resources around the city of sin, which led to all the villains in that place. , Those who enter the city of sin will either die or become villains."

"A place like this..." Qiao Ye said curiously: "It's okay to compete for resources in the territory of Sin City, but in the matter of robbery, it should be all forces who can occupy the place and get the materials for delivery. Why not resistance?

Even if a single force is not the opponent of Sin City, wouldn't it be possible to unite and suppress the bandits in Sin City? "

"That's as simple as you think."

Rong Bao said: "You should think this way, if you can gain a foothold in a place like Sin City, will you have no background?

In Sin City, everyone is a ruthless character. "

When Rong Bao said this, his face became more serious.

"Northern Spear King, Southern Dao Zun, flamboyant partridge boy, Han Fei who sings opera, Luo Nan who is a juggler, the most ruthless are old martial arts students, scholars, ruffians, bird walkers, and Miss Goulan singing songs!"

Rong Bao said: "These ten people are the ten kings who ruled the city of sin, and they are also the ten forces of the city of sin, each of them cannot be underestimated, except for the people under his command, each of them is also a ruthless character, so let's take them out They are not easy to deal with, how many people want to gain a foothold in Sin City these years, and want to get a share of the pie, but they have never passed these ten people, not to mention that if you want to wipe out Sin City, you have to face all ten of them at the same time!"

Qiao Ye pondered for a while and said, "I have no intention of going to war with the forces of Sin City, nor do I want to confront these ten people. I just want to find Xiaoji."

"This...that..." Rong Bao gritted his teeth, his face was a little strange, he groaned for a while before saying: "That's it, um, if you want to get the person back, it depends on the other party's plan."

"Hesitating, hesitating..." Qiao Ye glanced at Rong Bao and said, "There is something wrong with you, are you hiding something from me?"


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