Chapter 1826

"No, absolutely not!"

Rong Bao hurriedly waved his hands and said, "What can I hide from you?

Don't talk nonsense! "

Qiao Ye looked at Rong Bao suspiciously and said, "Your attitude makes people feel wrong."

Rong Bao laughed and said, "How could it be?"

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that we have to reconsider our cooperative relationship. A dishonest partner is not worth having."

Rong Bao said: "Don't, actually I didn't hide anything, but I think you are too naive."

Qiao Ye said, "How should I say it?"

Rong Bao said: "Brother, they took a lot of trouble to knock you out, then snatched the daughter of heaven from me, and then sent people to Sin City, do you think it's just for you to save people?" ?

If it's just to save people, wouldn't it be fine to stay in Fengming City, what's the point of going to Sin City?

So, obviously, it's not just that you go to Sin City, find someone and come out, it's not that simple. "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "That makes sense, by the way, who is that Lanji?"

Blue Kit?

His name is Lan Jiaer, but he is actually Xiefeng, who else could he be?

However, in the current situation, Xie Feng obviously wanted to do something to Qiao Ye, and deliberately concealed her identity. In this case, for the sake of her own happy life and for the sake of the magic dragon, Rong Bao felt that it was better to pretend that she didn't know.

"Lan Ji..." Rong Bao said: "Long Jin, Feng Lan, the family name of the real dragon is Jin, and the family name of Phoenix is ​​Lan, what should I say about this Lan Ji?

Xiefeng's cousin or cousin?

I don't know, anyway, it's from the same family line, or the line of the patriarch, with a high status, not much worse than Xiefeng. Although the Lan Bao and Lan Tian you have seen are also from the same family, they can only shout when they see them., and this guy has a bad temper. "

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean by having a bad temper?"

"I can't say it's bad."

Rong Bao thought for a while and said: "This guy has a weird temper, no one knows what this guy is thinking, he does things in his own way, and he is self-willed, even the Lord of Fengming City can't control him, but, There is one thing you can rest assured, the daughter of heaven should be fine."

Qiao Ye said: "How did you judge?"

Rong Bao said: "He asked you to go to Sin City, obviously wanting to play with you, or use you to do something, the daughter of heaven is the bargaining chip, if he destroys the bargaining chip, how can this continue?"

"It also makes sense."

Qiao Ye thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he could only see the tricks at the moment, so he simply said, "How long will it take to get to Sin City?"

Rong Bao said: "We have already reached the border of Sin City, about half an hour, we will be able to see Sin City..."

Before Rong Bao finished speaking, there was a loud noise outside the carriage, and then the carriage stopped.

Rong Bao opened the door curtain of the carriage, probed and asked, "What's going on?"

The groom said: "Master, you are a robber."

Rong Bao took a look at the other party with his head. There were about eight or nine people, wearing short shirts and shorts, with messy hair, looking sloppy.

Rong Bao said: "The ruffian Zhao Ziwu?"

"This master has good eyesight. We are members of the ruffian gang."

Among the few people blocking the way, someone stepped forward and said: "Since you have heard the name of our leader, it's easy to say, let's pay the toll, and you can pass."

Rong Bao said with disdain on his face: "Did Zhao Ziwu go back more and more?

Are we a truck?

There is nothing in the car, and you also rob? "

The man said: "What you said, if it's goods, it's not a toll, right?

Right now, just charging a toll is not a robbery. When you enter the city, do you have to pay the city gate tax? "

Rong Bao said: "Then I paid the toll, so I don't have to pay the city gate fee?"

The man laughed and said, "That's not our business. By the way, by the way, besides the city gate, there is also a carriage tax. If you look ugly, you have to pay the unsightly tax, and if you look good, you have to pay the seduction tax. Our Sin City also has a new walking land tax, you have to pay it when you pass by, and you have to pay it every 100 feet, and you can also sign up for a year, and you can walk freely in Sin City within a year."

Rong Bao turned to Qiao Ye and said, "Did you hear that?

Do you know what the hell that is? "

Qiao Ye asked curiously: "It's obvious that you are cheating, why did he tell you in advance?"


Rong Bao looked at the other party and said, "Why did you tell me?"

The humane said: "Such a tricky thing, after you hear it, don't you want to turn around and run away immediately?"

Rong Bao said: "Nonsense, do you think I want to run?"

The man said: "If you ran away, wouldn't I have an excuse to cut you off? Then it would be more than tolls, and all the things in the car belonged to our brothers."

After the man finished speaking, he directly pulled out a steel knife from the back of his waist, and other people also surrounded him.

Rong Bao looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I finally understand."

"I understand too."

Qiao Ye said: "This girl is teasing you."

"These old ruffians!"

Rong Bao cursed, then pointed at the other party and said, "I tell you, even if Zhao Ziwu saw me, he wouldn't dare play tricks on me like this."

The man said: "I know, the style of our gang leader is usually to cut directly, but my style is more gentle."

Rong Bao said cursingly, "You are gentle, sir."

While talking, Rong Bao raised his hand and slammed his palm towards the opponent.

A strong wind appeared all around instantly, and a nearly invisible palm print blasted towards the opponent.


The man hurriedly crossed his sword in front of him, took Rong Bao's palm forcibly, and his body floated several meters behind, but the others took advantage of the opportunity and rushed forward one after another, surrounding the carriage.

Rong Bao let out a low cry, turned over on the roof of the carriage, staggered his palms, and patted all around.

In an instant, strong winds howled all around.

The surrounding area is like a typhoon passing through, rolling up pieces of dust and flying up.

One after another, almost invisible palm prints kept appearing, heading in all directions, and constantly slapping the rushing people away.

The leading man said: "Huayingshou, are you from the evil spirit family?"

Rong Bao sneered, "My last name is Rong!"

The man in the lead said with a startled look: "The Xie Ling clan's surname is Rong, so could it be that they belong to the same line as Baozhai's owner?"

Rong Bao said, "Are you afraid?"

The leading man suddenly became excited and shouted to the surroundings: "Brothers, did you hear that?

This is the guy from Tongbaozhai, big fish, he must have a lot of good things on him, kill him, we eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and when we are looking for girls at night, we can ask for two each. "

The people who were just blown away became enthusiastic in an instant, and their gazes staring at Rong Bao became extremely hot, revealing greed and cruelty.


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