Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1827 Arriving at Sin City

Chapter 1827 Arrived in Sin City

Rong Bao sighed, then said to Qiao Ye: "Did you see it?

I really don't like this place in Sin City, just because these guys are crazy, and because crazy people have no scruples. "

Qiao Ye said, "Do you want my help?"

"no need."

Rong Bao said: "Although I am lazy, I still want to exercise my muscles occasionally."

After Rong Bao finished speaking, he hooked his fingers towards the other party.

The robbers of the ruffian gang have been fascinated by Rong Bao's identity, and now they are only excited. Here, the Rong Bao is a real treasure.

However, Rongbao is not so easy to win.

When the people around were soaring into the sky and approaching the carriage, Rong Bao suddenly let out a low drink, and then his clothes suddenly swelled up, making Rong Bao look like a balloon.

The next moment, Rong Bao stretched out his hands to the sides, and a burst of energy shot out from his sleeve, hitting the chests of the two of them.

The clear sound of bone cracking suddenly sounded, and the two men spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, and they fell backwards.

When they landed, the two of them were silent, their chests were sunken inwards, and with just one blow, Rong Bao completely shattered their sternums.

Rong Bao said: "I hate the guy who robs me of women first in my life, the guy who robs me of money secondly, and the guy who wants to rob me of money thirdly."

Rong Bao jumped up while talking.

"Yin Yang Wuji, Nine Yin Xuanming!"

Rong Bao's body continued to shine.

The light had a strong smell of evil, and the moment it landed, Rong Bao slapped a palm on the sky cover of one person.

The man screamed miserably in an instant, his body twitched continuously, blood gushed out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then his body limply fell to the ground.

The moment he fell down, Rong Bao stretched out his hand to pull him, and a cloud of black energy appeared from the man's body and landed in Rong Bao's palm.

Qiao Ye saw it in his eyes, and was a little startled, the cloud of black air was really evil, this thing is not a high-end product, after all, it was taught by Ye Xuan, Qiao Ye really didn't expect Rong Bao to do it too.

And after pulling out the evil spirit from the dead body, Rong Bao threw another palm forward without hesitation.

The ball of evil spirit flew forward, hit a person's chest, and knocked him away in an instant.

The moment the man fell to the ground, evil spirits entered his body, and his whole body felt extremely cold. He kept writhing on the ground, howled and struggled in pain, and then quickly lost his voice.

The leading man's face became serious, he looked at Rong Bao and said, "Mysterious Art of Life and Death, it turns out that it is Young Master Rong from Tongbaozhai, why don't you stay in the ring well, what are you doing in Sin City?"

Rong Bao sneered: "It seems that you are really scared this time."

The man said: "Can you save your life?"

Rong Bao said: "Did you plan to save my life just now?"

The man was silent for a moment, then said, "Run!"

Almost instantly, the remaining five people scattered like birds and beasts, and quickly began to flee.

Rong Bao said: "Old man, do something!"

The groom who was driving the carriage suddenly raised his head, and then his figure disappeared suddenly. He jumped forward, and five clones appeared in an instant, chasing after the other five people.

When the five clones raised their hands, five black lights shot out, piercing through the backs of the five people in an instant, and the five people fell to the ground and died on the spot.

In the next moment, the five clones reunited, and the coachman sat back on the car safely.

Qiao Ye was a little surprised that Rong Bao was very good at fighting...

This Qiao Ye was not too unexpected. After all, Qiao Ye had already guessed that although Rong Bao claimed to be a buddy, he had a very high status in Tongbaozhai, and status was not only important to his background, but also his strength.

What surprised Qiao Ye was the driver...

So strong!

The coachman is obviously the same as that Mr. Lan, he is an incarnation outside the body, and the real deity is not cutting off the sky, and he should be a top master.

Rong Bao went back to the carriageway: "How do you feel?"

Qiao Ye said, "Should I feel anything?"

"At least you should know something about the style of Sin City."

Rong Bao said: "There are not many people who dare to offend Tong Baozhai, not because we are very powerful, but because we are very rich. In the entire universe, Tong Baozhai can be ranked among the top three richest forces. , do you know what this means?

When you have money, you can really do whatever you want, but it’s not easy for the guys in Sin City. Let alone me, even if it’s a real dragon or a real phoenix, they won’t give face. These guys are crazy. "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I think it's pretty good."

Rong Bao was stunned and said, "Very good?"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't you think such a guy is very pure?"

Rong Bao said: "And then?"

"It will be very easy to communicate with such a pure guy."

Qiao Ye said: "Either kill them or be killed by them. It's so simple. Unlike you guys, there are so many twists and turns. It's so troublesome!"

"You're crazy too."

Rong Bao said speechlessly: "I have always felt that there are two kinds of people in this world that are the scariest, one is people who have nothing to lose, and the other is people who don't care about losing anything."

Qiao Ye said, "Maybe."

The carriage continued to move forward, and after about half an hour, Sin City finally appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

sin city...

Qiao Ye looked at the city in front of him, and his mood was completely different from that when he saw Fengming City.

Because, Sin City is not in the same style at all.

Qiao Ye's first impression was that it was dilapidated. It was quite dilapidated. The scale of Sin City was obviously much smaller than Fengming City.

At the same time, the whole city has a strange feeling, compared with Fengming City, it has a stronger sense of oppression.

Because, the wall was covered with blood, and there were skeletons hanging one by one under the city gate. On both sides of the city gate, there were wooden sticks, on which were staring at heads one by one, even Still dripping blood, obviously a fresh human head.

When we got to the city gate, there was no one guarding it.

Qiao Ye asked curiously: "Didn't you say there is a city gate tax?

Why is there no one? "

The city gate tax is available in every city, and it is one of the main income of a city, and the other main income is the transaction tax.

Generally speaking, these two taxes are quite reasonable. It takes a lot of money to manage a city, and there must be revenue. Therefore, entering and leaving the city gate, and providing a trading platform in the city are all considered services. It is also necessary to pay some taxes, and this is a win-win situation. Take the transaction tax as an example, the larger the city needs to collect more transaction taxes, because the trading platform provided is better, and the reason is very simple. The flow of people and the number of business customers must be much better than that of a small town.

Looking at the empty city gate, Rong Bao wondered, "As far as I know, there is still a gate tax in Sin City, but it is collected by the top ten forces in turn."


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