Chapter 1828 Advance

Rong Bao and Qiao Ye thought for a while and didn't understand what was going on, and then they went straight into the city.

It's a little bit of money to save a little, isn't it good to not have to pay?

As a result, the moment they entered the city, the two of them smelled the smell of blood. They opened the curtain of the carriage door and saw that there were more than a dozen corpses lying around the gate of the city.

Rong Bao looked at it and said: "The scarves on the left arm belong to the Northern Spear King, and the rest of the robes are scholars. It turned out that there was a fight. No wonder no one guards the city gate."

Qiao Ye looked at the corpse and said, "How did you read the jingle before?"

Rong Bao said: "Northern Spear King, Nan Dao Zun, flamboyant partridge boy, Han Fei who sings opera, Luo Nan who is a juggler, the most ruthless are old martial arts students, scholars, ruffians, bird walkers, and Miss Goulan singing songs!"

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Which of these ten people is the strongest?"

Rong Bao said: "If you want to talk about the power of these ten people in Sin City, it should be about the same. No one can say that they are better than anyone else. If you want to talk about personal strength, you can talk about it. There are generally three kinds of opinions. .”

Qiao Ye became interested and said, "Let's hear it?"

Rong Bao said: "The first way to say it is to follow the rhetoric. The Northern Spear King and the Nan Dao Zunxiong dominate the northern and southern districts. They are the strongest, and then just go down."

"The second theory is basically the same as the first one. However, some people say that Sister Mei is the strongest. Although she is ranked last, no one has seen her make a move. If she is serious, no one can match her. "

"The third statement is a bit interesting. It is said that the city lord of Sin City is the most powerful."

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "Is there a city lord in this ruined place?"

"Yeah, the creatures of the Longliang Ghost Clan, small forces, they built Sin City at the earliest time. At that time, everyone didn't know that Sin City was so well located, so they got it, but it's really nothing. Use, didn't you keep it?

Right now, Sin City is in chaos, with the top ten forces vying for the top spot, and the city lord is like a puppet. "

Rong Bao spread his hands and said: "So, I have no idea how this statement came about."

While speaking, the carriage entered the city and moved forward all the way.

Qiao Ye looked around. The streets were deserted. Although there were shops, they were all closed, and some even had their doors demolished. There was dust and spider webs everywhere.

That feeling makes people feel that Sin City is a ghost town.

Rong Bao explained: "Because no one has settled in this poor place, who wants to live in this kind of bird place?

Sin City does not establish a market, does not carry out trade, and there is almost no flow of people. The outsiders in this place are roughly divided into three categories. The first type is those who make trouble outside and encounter enemies. , after all, no one in Sin City is willing to come here, and sometimes, if the hatred is not serious, it is common to simply let it go. "

"The second type is to collect things. Sin City has robbed things, so they can't sell them. But apart from the three major companies, there are not many people who come here to do business. I'm afraid that I won't make any money, and I won't spit out my bones if I get eaten. , There are also some very skilled, skilled people who are bold, only accept a small amount of goods, and have the confidence to make a breakthrough with their own abilities. Of course, there are also many overturned cars."

Qiao Ye said: "With the three major companies, they don't dare to cheat, right?"

"Of course."

Rong Bao said: "The three big companies don't accept their goods, and their things really can only be rotten. Therefore, although they often go too far, the three big companies are still more polite. .”

Qiao Ye reminded: "You were almost robbed just now."

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help scolding: "These little bastards are immoral, what can I do?

Besides, it is usually shipped. As for the shipment, no one dares to transport it to Sin City. They dare to charge you half of the tax and leave him alone. You may not have entered the city yet, and there is only a cart left. There is no One is for things, it is good to rob you, you can fight anyway, the key is to steal. "

Qiao Ye shrugged and said, "What about the third type?"

"Come to plant the flag!"

Rong Bao said: "The place in Sin City is a bit broken, but it is indeed a good place to make money. Let me just say this. The annual income of each of the top ten forces in Sin City can equal that of Shangfeng. Ming City’s annual income, and Fengming City’s ranks eighth among the top ten cities in Duoliu Jietian, think about how much Sin City’s annual income can be.”

Qiao Ye said: "So, among the top ten cities in Sin City, it ranks first?"

Rong Bao said: "The top ten cities don't have their share. Is the income earned by a group of bandits from robbery a normal income?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "So, the meaning of planting the flag is to become a power in Sin City, right?"


Rong Bao said: "At first, Sin City was owned by the city lord, and then evolved into three major forces, then became five major forces, and finally became ten major powers. However, after the ten kings of Sin City, their power has not increased. The ten forces are almost at their limit. Except for the ten kings, there are still others begging for food. It is no longer possible to share a piece of cake. However, some of the ten kings have been replaced, and Han Fei, who is singing an opera, is considered a crime. A new force in the city, he only took root in Sin City nine years ago, and this position was previously occupied by a man nicknamed the cook."

Qiao Ye said: "Many people want to become the eleventh force, and at worst, they want to get rid of one person."

"Yeah, it's just..." Rong Bao spread his hands and said, "Many people think that way, but few people do it when they want to."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Understood."

While talking, the carriage stopped in front of a dilapidated shop, and the crooked signboard seemed to be about to fall off, with two large characters written on it: ghost shop!

Qiao Ye said, "Is this Tongbaozhai's property?"


Rong Bao explained: "Sin City doesn't need those miscellaneous shops, and no one settles here. There are only two kinds of businesses here. The first is flesh and blood business. Where there are men, women are needed. Moreover, sometimes women also want to Looking for a man, but 90% of the business in this area is occupied by Meijieer, and no outsiders dare to open a shop here. Leave them alone."

Qiao Ye said: "The second kind of business should be medicinal materials and medical clinics, right?"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "You are smart, right?

Yes, you are right, the second type of business is medical halls and medicinal materials. After all, this poor place kills people every day. Medical halls and medicinal materials are indispensable. Sin City only ships goods, and you have to buy them if you want to buy them. I send people to other places by myself, but only medical centers and medicinal materials can take root here, and doctors who can treat diseases and treat injuries have a high status in Sin City. The top ten forces have unwritten rules, and doctors must not be attacked. Otherwise, it is breaking the rules and attacking them in groups. "


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