Chapter 1841 Confrontation

Qiao Ye looked at Zhao Ziwu with a smile and said, "It would be better if Chief Zhao is willing to wait a little longer."

Zhao Ziwu almost spat out a mouthful of obscenities, do you have to wait?

If you wait any longer, you will go directly to heaven, who shall I go to?

Zhao Ziwu said: "Master Qiao, with so many people watching, I think it's time to do two tricks."

Qiao Ye also casually talked about it, except for the thing that can't be used casually, Qiao Ye has already handed over all the cards.

Right now, it was almost the limit of what Qiao Ye could do.

In terms of strength, Qiao Ye knew that he was still far behind Zhao Ziwu, and his cultivation was flawed. However, Qiao Ye could raise his upper limit to the same level as Zhao Ziwu within a certain period of time.

And there is a time limit for raising the upper limit, so Qiao Ye didn't want to delay too long.


then do it!


Qiao Ye took the first step, and rushed forward. With a sweep of the black halberd in his hand, he slashed towards Zhao Ziwu.

Qiao Ye didn't use all his strength in this move, Zhao Ziwu liked to talk about the rules of the world, so since Zhao Ziwu let Qiao Ye go first, Qiao Ye naturally obeyed the rules, so the first move was just a little tricky.


The next moment, a clear and crisp symphony sounded, Zhao Ziwu raised his arm to block Qiao Ye's blow, and a crisp symphony sounded.

Qiao Ye was taken aback for a moment. Although he didn't use all his strength, he wouldn't be able to easily block a blow with his bare hands, right?

With just such a dazed effort, Zhao Ziwu let out a low growl, pushed away Qiao Ye's black halberd, and then slapped Qiao Ye's face with his palm.

Qiao Ye quickly get out of the way!

The moment the palm brushed against the cheek, Qiao Ye saw that under Zhao Ziwu's sleeves, there were two iron wristbands inlaid with gold on his wrists.

This is obviously a weapon treasure, and its quality is extraordinary.

After one blow, the two passed directly by each other, and then turned around at the same time.


The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand collided with Zhao Ziwu's arm again, and after a crisp sound, the two leaped backward at the same time.

The next moment, Zhao Ziwu roared angrily, and slapped his palm forward: "Yangyang palm!"

That palm was slapped forward, and Zhao Ziwu's palm burned blazingly, and then the flame flew forward, turning into a giant flaming palm, attacking in Chen Ling's direction.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, she just waved her hand, and the magic map behind her suddenly burst into light!

A divine power rose towards the sky at this moment, piercing through the clouds.

Accompanied by the divine power penetrating the heaven and the earth, a thunderclap suddenly appeared, and a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell from the air, smashing fiercely on the huge flaming palm.


Between the collisions, a roaring sound appeared.

Immediately, the thunder and flames exploded at the same time, countless fire balls and thunder arcs scattered towards the surroundings, and layers of air waves appeared, pushing towards the surroundings, pushing Qiao Ye and Zhao Ziwu away.

After a few steps, Zhao Ziwu stabilized his figure and slapped again!

This time, Zhao Ziwu took the right palm.

"Frost Palm!"

That palm came forward, and Zhao Ziwu's palm froze instantly. At the same time, a large piece of silver-white frost mist spewed out in the direction of Qiao Ye. A giant ice palm was quickly condensed and hit Qiao Ye directly. The face of the leaf.

Qiao Ye's eyes froze slightly, and the Spiritual Diagram of Wanfa behind him once again shone brightly, surging with divine power.

"A thousand rains are swords!"

Accompanied by the surge of divine power, the rainwater floating in the sky quickly condensed and turned into rain swords, stabbing down continuously towards the bottom.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

The rain sword kept colliding with the giant ice palm.

With every collision, countless ice shards flew away, until the giant ice palm was completely shattered.

Zhao Ziwu's eyes froze slightly, he didn't think it was a lucky thing to fight Qiao Ye now.

Although it was still just a stage of testing each other, Zhao Ziwu could sense that Qiao Ye might be difficult to deal with.

While thinking about it, Zhao Ziwu stood up abruptly, and slapped again: "Lingyun Strike!"

With that palm, a big handprint appeared on the top of Qiao Ye's head, and the cover fell straight down.

Qiao Ye looked up, and then the blood pupil floating behind her also burst into blood at this moment.

The bloody light soared straight up, soaring into the sky, and hit the falling big handprint with a blow, but it didn't fall behind. During the blow, the big handprint and the bloody light shattered and dissipated at the same time.


At this moment, Qiao Ye stepped out fiercely, and then, the wings on the back flapped at this moment, and then Qiao Ye directly flew into the sky facing the scattered blood.

During the flight, the blood pupils on Qiao Ye's back opened and closed continuously. Immediately afterwards, streaks of bloody light flew down continuously, and blasted towards Zhao Ziwu.

"Eight Cotton Palms!"

Zhao Ziwu's fighting style was also extremely tough, and he didn't intend to dodge at all. With a low growl, he directly met the falling blood.

As Zhao Ziwu's palms continued to shoot towards the air, dense palm shadows appeared in front of Zhao Ziwu, like a wall.


Boom, boom, boom!

The palm prints collided with the blood light continuously, making crackling sounds.

It's tough!

Neither Qiao Ye nor Zhao Ziwu flinched until the blood pupils on Qiao Ye's back kept shrinking, and the condensed blood was no longer enough to release the bleeding light, Zhao Ziwu also gasped, and the two stopped.

However, it was only for a moment!

Zhao Ziwu quickly sacrificed a treasure, but it was a jade gourd.

The jade gourd was only the size of a palm at first, but after it flew out of Zhao Ziwu's hand, it began to grow bigger and bigger, and finally became bigger than Zhao Ziwu's people. After Zhao Ziwu stepped on the jade gourd, it went straight into the sky , that is a flying treasure.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, raised his halberd, and countless black smoke surrounded the halberd.

The black smoke lingered around Qiao Ye's body, churning continuously, and then, a black column of smoke rose into the sky.

God of War map!

Sky False Blade!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.


Almost instantly, Qiao Ye chopped off the black halberd forcefully.

The moment the halberd fell, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaotic haze appeared.

With the appearance of void cracks, the sky seemed to be torn apart.

Endless dome light shone down from the cracks in the void, and the azure sky seemed dim under the brilliance!

After a while, the falling radiance began to condense, and gradually took shape, turning into an incomparably huge light blade.


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