Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1842 Violent Collision

Chapter 1842 Violent Collision

The feeling of destruction!

The feeling of destruction where everything is about to perish!

Zhao Ziwu couldn't help raising his eyebrows as he watched the Void Blade fall from the sky. The feeling of destruction made one's heart tremble, and there was a natural sense of oppression.

"Those who dare to act presumptuously in Sin City..." Zhao Ziwu laughed and said, "Sure enough, there are no weak hands!"

While talking, Zhao Ziwu let out a soft drink, and stretched his arms to the sides.

In the next moment, Zhao Ziwu's aura continued to rise, and he suddenly became terrified.

"The sky is chaotic!"

Zhao Ziwu roared angrily: "Jie Tianzhi!"

The moment Zhao Ziwu said that, he pointed his finger towards the air, and then a ray of light shot out from Zhao Ziwu's fingertips, passing across the sky, like a silver ribbon, very beautiful.

Gradually, the silver radiance grew bigger and bigger, finally forming a terrifying beam of light.

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes, he knew this trick, Zhao Ziwu used the same trick when fighting Nan Yunqi before, it was very terrifying.


At the moment when the brilliance collided, a loud explosion suddenly appeared.

The moment the Sky Void Blade collided with Zhao Ziwu's Jietian Finger, the two pieces of silver light seemed to merge together, and a huge silver ball of light appeared between the two, and then...


The second roaring sound appeared, and the silver ball of light suddenly burst open.

Layer after layer of silver fluctuations are constantly pushing away in all directions!

The two instigators, Qiao Ye and Zhao Ziwu, were naturally unlucky first.

Qiao Ye felt as if her chest had been hit by a hill, and she was thrown straight down from the sky, like a meteor falling from the sky, falling directly to the ground, and then...


The bang of the explosion reappeared, and as Qiao Ye fell to the ground, a complex of buildings below was crushed to pieces, and a large cloud of dust flew up and scattered in the air.

A huge deep hole was smashed into the ground, and Qiao Ye's whole body was inlaid in the center, his chest heaved and heaved, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

On the other hand, Zhao Ziwu didn't feel any better. After being swept up by the silver wave, Zhao Ziwu felt as if he was in a hurricane, and every stream of the hurricane was as sharp as a knife.

Zhao Ziwu was smashed on the wall of the Caiyu Building, a stream of light appeared on the surface of the wall, and then the clothes on Zhao Ziwu's body were constantly torn, and wounds appeared one after another, splashing all around.

Besides Qiao Ye and Zhao Ziwu, the others couldn't feel better.

The collision of this blow was too terrifying.

Just being affected can make people feel extremely fearful.

Rong Bao and the others who were fighting had no choice but to give up the fight for the time being to resist the sudden silver wave.

The jade fan in Rong Bao's hand kept waving, and then a large cyan wind appeared, forming a wall of wind to stop him.

The other three also showed their magical powers to resist the silver wave.

However, Rong Bao was more surprised by Qiao Ye's strength than the fluctuating attack.

"This kid actually has three links between gods, men and demons?"

Rong Bao felt turmoil in his heart, looked at the smoke and dust in the distance and murmured: "This Canglan Star is interesting, either it will be useless for a thousand years without a single person, as if all the human races are dead, or there will be a pervert as soon as it comes out."

at the same time……

It was even worse for those people who fought outside Caiyu Building.

Experts like Rong Bao can still use various means to resist the silver wave, but the rest of them are obviously inferior.

The moment the silver wave blew past, everyone in front of Caiyu Building was pushed away by a blow, and fell to the ground in disarray. fainted.

After a while, a boulder was turned up in the deep pit, and Qiao Ye climbed up from the ground panting.

On the other side, as the surrounding silver fluctuations disappeared, Zhao Ziwu also stabilized his body again.

The two stepped up and down, looking at each other.

The Caiyu Building is also powerful, under such turmoil, it is not damaged at all. Obviously, the building materials used to build the Caiyu Building are not ordinary things. Secondly, there should be a large formation inside.

That being the case...

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then he could be more impolite.

"Punch the same!"

Qiao Ye stuffed a Heart Concentrating and Breaking Cocoon Pill into her mouth, and raised her fist and roared angrily.

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.

Click it, click it!

As Qiao Ye clenched his fists, his knuckles crackled.

The surrounding black smoke flew in quickly, quickly encircling Qiao Ye's arm, making Qiao Ye's whole body hidden in the black smoke.

The next moment, Qiao Ye punched forward forcefully.

That punch blasted out, and the frenzied wind of the fist was like a typhoon passing through, and it was pushed forward frantically.

The black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye suddenly rose into the sky and spread out in the sky, like a black ocean, constantly churning and undulating.

The sky trembled and the earth cracked!

The black smoke in the sky continued to condense, turning into a gigantic black fist, which then fell from the sky and fell towards the bottom.


The surrounding earth trembled, feeling as if the sky was falling apart, the phantom of the fist was terrifyingly large, unparalleled in horror, as if the sky was shattered with one punch, and the black smoke billowing around was like a sea, as if it could annihilate nine heavens and ten earths.

That momentum seemed to smash Sin City to pieces with one punch.

Not just the area around Saiba House.

Farther away, in order to compete for the property left by Nan Yunqi, the people who were fighting to death at the moment also noticed the movement here, and all looked in the direction of Caiyu Tower.

The black smoke formed a vortex.

A huge black fist fell from the center of the vortex and hit the ground.

The man in a costume and with red makeup on his face looked at the smoky fist, and said in a shrill voice, "Whose trick is this?

Why don't people know that there are such characters in this crime city?

I'm afraid I won't be able to take down this Caiyu building? "

In an alley, an old man in a martial robe was holding a nine-ring machete upside down. The surrounding area was already covered with corpses, and blood flowed past, dyeing the surrounding bluestone slabs red.

Suddenly, the old man raised his head and looked in the direction of Caiyu Tower, his tiger eyes suddenly widened, and then he laughed loudly and said: "Is there a new master in this crime city?

Interesting, some played, this partridge boy did not die unjustly, he brought us a lot of fun, good death, good death! "


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