Chapter 1849 Great Formation

Qiao Ye said: "According to the rules of the world, shouldn't we exchange some pleasantries or say some harsh words before doing anything?"

"Please, do you think Luo Kuang is Zhao Ziwu?

Everyone knows that the old martial artist Luo Kuang is the most unruly person in Sin City. "

Rong Bao said: "He will still abide by those big rules. He absolutely doesn't pay attention to such etiquette rules. According to his style, he will follow them directly in all likelihood."

Sure enough, as soon as Rong Bao's voice fell, Luo Kuang's people rushed towards the Caiyu Tower, jumping up the wall one after another, intending to enter the Caiyu Tower.

It's just that the people Yuwen Lianghua arranged in the courtyard didn't hesitate at all, they fought back immediately, and soon, the two groups became a ball.

Qiao Ye said to Yuwen Lianghua: "You stare here, I'm going to the roof."

Yuwen Lianghua agreed: "Young Master Qiao, let's go, I'm here!"

Qiao Ye nodded, gestured to Rong Bao, and then walked towards the roof.

After going up the stairs, Qiao Ye said, "Find out what this Yuwen Lianghua is when you have time."

Rong Bao said: "It must be someone from the Phoenix lineage."

Qiao Ye said, "Don't you know people from the Phoenix family?"

"This..." Rong Bao scratched his head and said, "I can only say that most people should know each other."

Qiao Ye said: "Secondly, if someone from the Phoenix lineage is recognized, will he be in serious trouble?"

Rong Bao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's right, it means that the Phoenix lineage wants to take control of Sin City. If this is the case, the ten kings of Sin City should unite and they will not allow any big forces to enter Sin City." of."

Qiao Ye said, "So, let's check it out."

Qiao Ye was talking to Rong Bao, and he had already reached the roof of Caiyu Tower.

After Qiao Ye went out through the window, she climbed outside Caiyu Tower.

Rong Bao hurriedly followed and said, "What exactly do you want?"

Qiao Ye said: "Just look at it!"

Qiao Ye stood on the roof of the Caiyu Building, constantly pinching out changes in handprints, and then...

The spiritual materials that Qiao Ye had hidden in Caiyu Building began to emit light at this moment.


Accompanied by the light emitted by the spiritual material, it turned into a halo, floated towards the sky, and continuously condensed above the Caiyu Tower. Suddenly, a loud thunder sounded.

In the sky, a thundercloud condensed, and then...

The spring rain is falling.

The season of growth!

Qiao Ye gave a soft drink, and stretched out his hand to cover Luo, "Woo!"

With Qiao Ye's palm falling, the feeling of endless life suddenly appeared, and a five-element seal appeared in the sky, flowing down continuously.

The ground below suddenly became green.

The ground kept making "click, click" sounds, and then cracks appeared one after another.

In those cracks, various plants grew continuously, filling the surroundings of Caiyu Tower in the blink of an eye.

However, it would be a big mistake to treat those plants as ordinary plants!



The ground suddenly shattered, large pieces of mud were scattered in all directions, and rocks shot up through the air.

Immediately, two huge vines suddenly drilled out from the ground, danced continuously in the sky, and then fell continuously towards the surroundings.

Bang, bang, bang!

Accompanied by the smashing of the huge vines, the front of the Caiyu Tower instantly became overwhelmed. Luo Kuang's people hadn't understood what was going on, and were directly knocked into the air by the sweeping vines.

A man faced the vines and kept retreating, suddenly...

The man felt that something was entangled under his feet, and when he looked down, it was just a small grass. The man showed a ferocious expression, and he raised his weapon directly to cut it down, but at this moment...

Poof, poof!

The grass suddenly shot out and hit the man's eyes.


The man screamed miserably, covered his eyes and kept backing away, blood seeping out from between his fingers.

On the other side, in the broken ground, a mushroom grew slowly, and then gradually became huge.

Someone stepped forward, a golden radiance burst out of his eyes, turned into a golden flame and landed on the mushroom, trying to burn the mushroom, but at this moment...


The moment the mushroom collided with the golden flame, it exploded suddenly, and a large amount of green dust began to scatter.


"Help, help!"

"Itchy, so itchy!"

Some people in the front row screamed the moment they were covered in dust, and blood flowed from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

A rash began to appear all over the body, and then I reached out to scratch it involuntarily, and then...

Pieces of flesh and blood were scratched off so easily, and then corpses appeared on the ground one after another.

"Poison, very poisonous, back up quickly!"

The rest of the people were also terrified when they saw the extra corpses that appeared in an instant.

Poison is not something that can be resisted simply by relying on cultivation, but the moment everyone retreats...

They found that the road was gone!

Behind everyone, at some point, a small sapling has grown into a towering tree, filling the entire street horizontally.

Divide the battlefield!

at the same time……

There was a wind blowing, the big tree suddenly swayed, and a large number of leaves fell down one after another, and then...

Puff puff……

Each of those leaves was as sharp as a knife, and after passing by everyone's side, they immediately left wounds on everyone's bodies.

Immediately afterwards, the two huge vines struck from behind, charged into the crowd, and swept people away in an instant.

But at this moment...

"Get out of the way, I'll come!"

There was a roar, and someone rushed straight into the sky with a long sword in his hand!

"Broken Wind Sword!"

There was a roar, and then, a sword light suddenly cut down, landed on the two vines, and cut off the vines with a single blow.


Qiao Ye stood on the roof of Caiyu Building and said, "There are masters!"

Rong Bao said: "This guy's name is Lan Ziling, and he is indeed an expert under Luo Kuang's subordinates. Under Luo Kuang's subordinates, his strength can almost enter the top five!"

"That's really powerful."

Qiao Ye said: "However, it's useless!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, she raised her hand!

Qiao Ye's hands were constantly intertwined, fingertips intertwined to form handprints, and then he pushed forward with a palm and said, "Golden line, golden armor descends from the sky!"

Almost instantly, the five-element seal in the sky suddenly circulated, and then a large cloud-like golden light descended from the sky, shining on the earth.

In an instant, the battlefield was filled with a sense of murder, and then...





One after another, the sky-shaking roar sounded continuously at this moment.


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