Chapter 1850 Shock

The shout of killing caught everyone's attention, and they couldn't help but look towards the golden light.

In the next moment, amidst the golden radiance, rows of soldiers wearing golden armor and holding golden weapons came out, marching forward continuously along the street, with the golden weapons in their hands pointing straight ahead.

Lan Ziling sneered and said, "Small skills, pretending to be a ghost."

While speaking, Lan Ziling swept the long sword forward again.

The sword was handed out, and the sword energy criss-crossed all directions, appearing one after another, gushing out towards the front.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sword energy continuously fell into the golden armor formation, and then made loud roaring noises.

The ground continued to shatter, and the originally neat formation was pushed away by the air waves at the moment the ground shattered.

"it is good!"

Luo Kuang's subordinates immediately shouted.


In the next moment, the golden armor that was blasted by Lan Ziling stood up again, and quickly rearranged into a row, without any impact from Lan Ziling's attack at all.

The handprint in Qiao Ye's hand changed again: "The sky is dry, the earth is dry, Jin Ge is upright..."

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, she pointed towards the bottom of Caiyu Tower, and the golden aura around her continued to condense.

Qiao Ye growled again: "General Ning!"

A new golden armor appeared, but it was taller and burlier than ordinary golden armor, and it also held a pair of golden giant hammers in its hands.

The golden armor appeared, and walked towards Lan Ziling with strides.

Lan Ziling sneered and said, "Good job!"

While speaking, Lan Ziling drew out his sword continuously, attacking the golden armor!

Lan Ziling practiced an incomparably fast sword, and the moment the sword came out, he could only see the afterimage of the sword but not the body of the sword.

One sword after another stabbed forward continuously, and the silver sword light danced in front of Lan Ziling's body, completely covering the golden armor in the blink of an eye.


Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The sword light kept slashing on the golden armor, continuously stirring up golden sparks, but it had no effect at all.

The golden armor stood there unyielding, allowing Lan Ziling to attack, without any reaction at all.


The golden armor suddenly raised the golden hammer, and smashed it forward forcefully.


The golden hammer hit Lan Ziling's chest, and Lan Ziling vomited blood on the spot, and flew backwards.

"So fierce?"

Rong Bao looked at Lan Ziling who flew out with a look of astonishment, and said to Rong Bao: "You have this ability, why do we still give half of the things to Zhao Ziwu?

Does he deserve it? "

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "Idiot!"

"Depend on!"

Rong Bao said: "You can insult my appearance, but you cannot slander my IQ."

Qiao Ye said, "Do you think I'll have time to set up the array I use when we fight with Zhao Ziwu?"

"That's right."

Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "However, this technique array is a bit fierce. Lan Ziling is ranked among the top five masters under Luo Kuang, and he vomited blood when he hit it with a hammer?"

Qiao Ye said: "Of course he can't fight. The golden armor army summoned by using the energy of the golden element is connected with the five elements evil formation. Fighting the golden armor is like fighting an array. It is useless. If the formation is not broken, the golden armor will be there and live forever." Indestructible."

Qiao Ye paused for a moment, and then said: "The masters in the primordial void don't know much about battles, do they?

There is no such thing as some treasures that can be used to break the formation? "

Luo Kuang's subordinates are not weak, or in other words, no matter how weak they are, their cultivation has reached the level of a leisurely excursion. No matter how weak they are, how weak can they be?

Therefore, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be so flustered by Wuling Poxielu, but in fact the other party was really beaten.

There are several reasons for being beaten, one of which is...

Qiao Ye found that these guys didn't know how to break the formation at all!

First of all, the key to breaking the formation lies in the word "breaking the formation". Even if you are not proficient in formations, this can be regarded as common sense, but now Luo Kuang's subordinates, Qiao Ye found that not many people even know this common sense.

They were all fighting against the things transformed by the five spirits breaking the magic circle, including vines, trees, and golden armor.

And these are meaningless, even if those golden armors are killed ten thousand times, as long as the array is still there and Qiao Ye has enough spiritual materials, these things can be summoned continuously.

Of course, it would be a different matter if the other party wanted to consume all of Qiao Ye's spiritual materials, which was not enough to support the continued operation of the spell array.


Using flesh and blood to consume these illusory things, but anyone with a little brain should not think about it this way, right?

Secondly, Qiao Ye had just occupied the Caiyu Building and won a large amount of property from Partridge. It was a bit naive to want to consume all the spiritual materials in Qiao Ye's hands.

Rong Bao explained: "I don't understand the technique you are talking about, but if I look at this thing as a formation, it is not entirely true that people in the primordial void do not understand the formation. They seldom show up, but there are still a small number of people walking around. Each of these people is a master of formations, curses, and witchcraft. Our Tianxuan lineage is all the top masters in this field."

Qiao Ye said, "What about the younger ones?"

Rong Bao said: "Speaking of it at a young age, formations are indeed not for the general public, and there are indeed not many people who study formations intensively, but they still know a thing or two, especially in the place of Duoling Jietian. In fact, everyone knows some formations, why?

Because, there are many secret realms, places of treasure hunting, places left over from the ancient times, and there are many formations in them. If you don't understand anything, if you go to these places, isn't it a dead end?

Taking a step back, I have never seen a pig run and I have eaten pork. I have been to this kind of place a lot, and I will learn a little bit. "

Qiao Ye wondered: "What does Luo Kuang mean?

Why don't they have any intention of breaking the formation?

I thought they didn't understand formations at all. "

If they want to break the formation, the opponent must find a way to rush into Caiyu Building first.

Although formations have different functions and changes depending on different formations, one thing remains unchanged, that is, the core of formations is broken, and no matter what messy functions and changes are of any use .

In the end, what Qiao Ye couldn't understand was that Luo Kuang's people didn't intend to attack Caiyu Building, but kept entangled in the surrounding streets. Such a choice was really stupid.

No matter what formation is arranged, the core of the formation cannot be placed on the street.

Rong Bao said: "However, these guys are stupid. Your formation is also very powerful. Although I have seen many formations, your formation is the most vicious I have ever seen. The most murderous."


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