Chapter 1854 Preparation

"It's more than a mess."

Rong Bao threw the candied fruit into his mouth and said, "It's a bloodbath!"

Qiao Ye said: "How bloody and bloody?"

"It's been crazy for the past two days. I don't know how many people died."

Rong Bao said: "Especially those who want to take the opportunity to come to Sincheng to make a fortune, they are all crazy now, they say that there is a Xiaohui mountain next to Sincheng, and there is a yellow pine village on the mountain. Originally, this group of people It can be regarded as one of the few people who can gain a foothold around Sin City. They are engaged in the robbery business. They also had conflicts with Sin City, but they did not suffer. As a result, they were wiped out last night. Han Fei and Ronan personally led people to take it Their lair, more than a thousand people, disappeared overnight."

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that the ten kings of Sin City are indeed very united when they go out to the outside world."

Rong Bao nodded and said: "That's true. Han Fei and Ronan don't deal with each other. One is a singer, the other is a juggler. They are old rivals. However, if someone crosses the line, that's another matter."

Qiao Ye said: "I told you to keep an eye on Qunying Building, did you keep an eye on it?"

"Watch it."

Rong Bao said: "The people of the Garbage Gang have also gone crazy recently. Wherever there is garbage, they will go to where there is garbage. Recently, they have made a lot of dead money. However, the actions of the Garbage Gang have nothing to do with Qunyinglou, and, Because of the chaos recently, the Qunying Building stopped doing business and closed the shop directly."

Qiao Ye wondered: "What does the word "Qunying Building" mean by Lan Jina?"

"how could I know?"

Rong Bao casually took another bite of candied fruit and said, "However, it's almost over."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Is the partridge's property soon to be divided up?"

"How can it be so fast, even if the property in Sin City has been divided, there are still territories outside Sin City."

Rong Bao said: "However, now there are Luo Nan the technician, Han Fei the actor, Zhao Ziwu the ruffian, Luo Kuang the martial artist, Xie Lingyan the scholar, five people are fighting, old man Hu who is walking the bird, and sister Mei. , but they have never done anything, and if this stalemate continues, the two most difficult people will come back."

Qiao Ye said: "Northern Spear King, Nan Dao Zun?"


Rong Bao said: "Last time I told you about the strength of the Ten Kings of Sin City, it was almost based on that jingle, but there are some disputes among them, but if it is about power, then this jingle is very accurate. Gun King and Nan Dao Zun are the most powerful among the ten kings."

While talking, Rong Bao stretched out his hand for a gesture, and asked Qiao Ye if he would eat candied fruit.

Qiao Ye said, "You eat yours."

"Among the ten kings of Sin City, there are three nail households, namely Spear King, Dao Zun, and Xie Lingyan."

Rong Bao said: "Let's talk about the Spear King first. That old guy is a dragon. The blood of the glazed dragon in the lineage of the real dragon has lived for thousands of years. At his age, his cultivation is only in the realm of great freedom. In Duanliu Jietian, it's actually a bit embarrassing, but it is undeniable that in Duanliu Jietian, he is an extremely good master."

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "After all, I have been immersed in this realm of cultivation for too many years. Under the same realm, I must have a huge advantage."

"That's right, that's what happened. He's not a fart when Duolu Jietian comes out."

Rong Bao said: "At the same time, at the earliest time, this old guy followed the first generation of Sin City Lord to conquer the world, and he was also responsible for the establishment of Sin City at that time, so, after so many years, his foundation in Sin City How stable it is, you can imagine."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "What about the other one?"

"Master Dao."

Rong Bao said: "He is similar to the King of Guns, but the King of Guns belongs to the old and immortal. He inherits his father's career, and he is better than the blue. A small faction, until Dao Zun came here, it was carried forward by Dao Zun, speaking, if talent is also included in the strength, Dao Zun should be the strongest."

Qiao Ye said: "Since these two people are nail households, then ten kings of Sin City will become nine kings, but they have no share, so they must not be happy."


Rong Bao said: "When these two guys get involved, things may be messed up. According to my guess, the people in Sin City must want to end this matter before they come back, and then work together to fight against the guns." The king and Dao Zun."

While Rongbao was talking, Yuwen Lianghua suddenly walked into the room.

Yuwen Lianghua said: "Master Qiao, Master Rong, Zhao Ziwu sent someone over."

Rong Bao asked, "Where are people?"

"left already."

Yuwen Lianghua said: "I brought a word, saying that at noon tomorrow, all parties will gather in Qunying Tower, and I invite you two to come too."

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao showed surprise and looked at each other involuntarily.

There is really something about this group of heroes.

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "We know."

Yuwen Lianghua nodded, and then left.

"What's the origin of this Lanji?"

Qiao Ye said in astonishment: "Is it possible to pinch or count or what?

Is this the meaning of Qunyinglou on his note? "

Rong Bao's mood is the same as Qiao Ye's now, a bit astonished.

It is not uncommon to be able to see the situation in Sin City clearly and guess the trend. Rong Bao also guessed it. Tomorrow, at the Qunying Tower gathering, it is obvious that the spoils are to be divided, and he will come up with a charter that everyone is satisfied with. The territory of the army has been completely divided up, and it will be implemented before the gun king and the sword king come back, and then they can fight against the gun king and the sword king together.

However, this matter is going to be discussed in the Qunying Tower, how could they have guessed it in advance?

Isn't this evil phoenix too evil?

Rong Bao said to Qiao Ye, "Shall we go?"

Qiao Ye said, "Do you think we have the right not to go?"

Rong Bao said honestly: "You must be going, as for me, I don't really have much to do with me, hey, don't stare at me, go and go, can't I go?

By the way, did Zhao Ziwu say whether to take anyone with him? "

"There's nothing to say about that."

Qiao Ye said: "Can you bring more people than them?"

Rong Bao thought for a while and said, "It's true, but..."

Rong Bao looked left and right, and suddenly approached Qiao Ye.

"Three hundred people are waiting outside Sin City."

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "What's the matter?"

Rong Bao said: "This Yuwen Lianghua can't be trusted, is he the owner of the city?

Or Langji's people?

Are you right?

Anyway, he just looks like one of us, so we have to keep a hand. What if this guy quits and we two are alone in this crappy place? "

Qiao Ye said: "So, you transferred from Tongbaozhai?"

"how is this possible."

Rong Bao said: "No one troubles us now, because we only occupy Caiyu Building, and what can we do with this few people?"


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