Chapter 1855 Negotiation

Qiao Ye said: "But if we have more people under our command, no one will believe that we only intend to occupy Caiyu Building."

Rong Bao said: "That's the truth."

Qiao Ye said: "I understand that if you transfer people from Tongbaozhai, people will definitely find out, but if you don't transfer people from Tongbaozhai, where did you find people?"

Rong Bao stretched out his hands and rubbed them together: "If you have money, are you afraid that no one will be around?

Moreover, this group of people are all hanging around the city of sin, they are all familiar faces, no one will find out, as long as they don't enter the city. "

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "Do you want to stay behind?"

Rong Bao nodded.

Three hundred people is not a lot, and Rong Bao didn't intend to take a share in Sin City, but Sin City suddenly became so chaotic, there might be accidents, Rong Bao had someone to support him when he wanted to run away.

Although this idea is a bit cowardly, there is nothing wrong with it.

Qiao Ye said: "Then let's see the situation tomorrow."

Qiao Ye felt that there was nothing good about this group of Yinglou and his party, and the guy named Lanji was going to deceive him in all likelihood, but this matter belonged to knowing that there were tigers in the mountain and going to the Tiger Mountain, and Xiaoji was in the other party's house. hand, can I not go?


Qiao Ye got up and said, "I'm going to adjust my state!"

Since the premonition is not good, Qiao Ye thinks that there is a possibility of a fight, so he should adjust his state in advance to save himself from being at a disadvantage when fighting. None of the ten kings of the city of sin is easy to deal with.


One day passed quickly.

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao also appeared in front of the Qunying Building on time, and their subordinates did not bring any more, so they brought Yuwen Lianghua, and then asked Yuwen Lianghua to pick two more capable fighters.

According to Rong Bao's words, this is just for show. It's too ugly to wear it alone, and it's meaningless to wear too much. It's almost impossible to fight. It's best to have two or three subordinates, especially Neither Qiao Ye nor Rong Bao believed in Yuwen Lianghua, so it was better for them to stay by their side.

When they came to Qunying Building, someone was waiting at the door. When they saw Qiao Ye and Rong Bao, they smiled and said, "Master Qiao, please, Master Rong."

Qiao Ye and Rong Bao nodded, and led them into the Qunying Building.

When this group of elite buildings was first built, it should have been a restaurant, but the people from the Garbage Gang converted it into a gambling house.

However, having said that, although there are restaurants in Sin City, they are basically their own territory, and their own people go to patronize them. In fact, it is difficult for the forces to open restaurants here to have business.

For example, if Zhao Ziwu owns a restaurant on his own territory, people from Zhao Ziwu will visit it, while people from other forces will hardly come over. They also have their own restaurant, and the only restaurant that can attract the patronage of all parties is Miss Mei. the tick bar.

To put it bluntly, places like restaurants and teahouses are the places where people gather most often. For the Ten Kings of Sin City, they can also be regarded as small strongholds of their own forces. How could it be possible to go to other restaurants?

Therefore, the members of the Garbage Gang are still a little bit smart. Instead of opening a restaurant, they set up a gambling house, which is still a business.

After entering the Qunying Building, someone stopped Yuwen Lianghua and the three of them, and said with a smile: "The three brothers, why don't you drink, drink and have tea downstairs, and gamble a little by the way, how about it?"

The first floor of Qunying Building was split into two halves. One side is a place for drinking and drinking tea, and the other side is a place for gambling tables. There are quite a few people, about twenty or thirty people. They should be the subordinates brought by the Ten Kings of Sin City. .

So, after the man finished speaking, he also added a sentence very clearly: "Everyone is like this."

Qiao Ye said to Yuwen Lianghua: "You guys take a rest below."

Yuwen Lianghua nodded, and led others to find a table to sit down.

On the other side, Qiao Ye and Rong Bao walked up the stairs, and when they were halfway there, they heard shouts of cursing.

After a while, we reached the second floor.

All the tables on the second floor were removed, leaving only a large table by the window. When Qiao Ye and Rongbao went upstairs, Zhao Ziwu was pointing at a white-faced man and cursing.

Needless to say, Zhao Ziwu, Qiao Ye had met before, but as for the others, Qiao Ye was not very familiar with them.

However, Rong Bao knows people.

Rong Bao said: "The guy who quarreled with Zhao Ziwu is the scholar Xie Lingyan. Don't look at this guy wearing a scholar's uniform, holding a fan, and looking at the gentleman. The machine fan even has seven hidden weapons inside, so the more he looks like a boy, the less he is a thing."

Qiao Ye glanced at the fan stuck behind Rong Bao's waist, are you embarrassed to say someone else?

Rong Bao continued, as if he didn't see Qiao Ye's gaze, "The one in the blue shirt is the old martial artist Luo Kuang. This guy is the most ferocious and the most combative among the ten kings of Sin City."

"Then needless to say about the one in the costume, right?

Han Fei, who sang opera, was a sissy, a member of the Cailing family in Luoshan. "

"Sitting opposite Han Fei is Ronan, a juggler. This guy is a bit magical. His hands are ever-changing, and his attacks are unpredictable. His tricks are like juggling. However, every move may be a killer move. The kung fu is very weird. The strength may not be the strongest, but it is the most difficult."

"Old man Hu who was walking the birds didn't come, neither did Sister Mei..."

"I am here."

Just as Rong Bao was speaking, a pretty voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Rong Bao immediately turned around with a flattering face, and right after that, Rong Bao almost died of fright.

Behind Sister Mei was followed by a woman, wearing a long black dress. Although her face was covered, Rong Bao could recognize who it was just by looking at those eyes.

Evil Phoenix Lan Jiaer!

Xiefeng glanced at Rong Bao, the meaning of the warning was obvious, Rong Bao moved his throat, vowing to kill himself without opening his mouth!

Qiao Ye asked strangely, "Why can you bring people up?"

Sister Mei smiled and said: "We are women, why do we have to be so strict?

Moreover, I am not here to fight or anything, I am just a witness today. "

While talking, Sister Mei stepped aside and pulled a table to sit down, without any intention of getting closer.

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Aren't you a witness?

Don't go? "

Sister Mei smiled and said: "Just to join in the fun, I don't need to do anything, besides, they don't want to have a good time arguing, come up with a charter, this matter is endless, so don't worry, let's take it easy Wait."

Rong Bao said dissatisfied: "Sister Mei doesn't want to participate in this matter, but don't our brothers have the right to break up with them?

Why wait? "

Sister Mei squinted at Rongbao and said: "Master Rong only has a Caiyu Tower in his hand, isn't it?

What can you tell them?

Are you expecting them to foolishly divide up your territory?

Or are you going to give up the Caiyu Tower that you have occupied? "


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