Chapter 1856

What he said made sense, and Rong Bao couldn't refute it at all.

"We only have Caiyu Building, so they probably won't make up their minds, otherwise we can't reach an agreement on this matter, but it's impossible to give us extra benefits..." Qiao Ye said halfway, showing a dazed expression: "So In this way, they are just planning to pull us as coolies."

Rong Bao said, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "I hope we can do something to deal with Gun King and Dao Zun, but compared to the leftover resources of the partridge they seized, a Caiyu building is really nothing."

Rong Bao said: "Can't we not play with them?"

Sister Mei smiled and said: "Then you have to pray, they must not lose, otherwise no matter how much they take, they may be settled by the gun king and the sword master later."

"So, it's better to participate in comparison."

Qiao Ye said: "Actually, it may not be impossible to get some benefits. We have the capital to negotiate on this matter."

Sister Mei smiled and said, "Oh?"

Qiao Ye said: "They don't share more things. When Gun King and Dao Zun come back, we will take our things and leave. Caiyu Building is no longer there. They won't talk to us, so we will talk to Dao Zun and Gun King. The final result is that one side must want us. After all, I think our strength is still good. The worst result is that both sides ignore us and we leave easily with our things. Help us deal with the strong ones from Gun King and Sword Master."

Sister Mei thought for a while, then smiled and said: "It makes sense."

When Qiao Ye said this, Rong Bao suddenly became excited.

"Then go and play with them?"

After all, it is the young owner of Tongbaozhai. Rongbao is still very interested in the matter of business negotiation. Even whether he makes money or not, how much he earns and how little he earns, is not that important to Rongbao. With Tongbaozhai's financial resources, In fact, there is no need for Rong Bao to do these things, Rong Bao just enjoys this kind of fun.

Rong Bao fled away in a hurry, and Sister Mei smiled and said to the woman beside her, "Go, make a cup of tea for Master Qiao."

Qiao Ye looked at Sister Mei and said, "Since you have no interest in Partridge Cub's territory, why do you want to participate in this matter?"


Sister Mei smiled and said: "Do more of this kind of thankless work. If there is anything in the future, you can count on everyone to say hello. Anyway, I didn't get any benefits. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, I won't do it." trouble me."


Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth, this girl is a fine person, what she says is 80% true and 20% false.

Is what Miss Mei said makes sense?

Makes sense!

However, Qiao Ye didn't believe that he could become one of the ten kings of the city of sin by relying on his knowledge of the world and his ability to meet his needs.

Or, should I put it this way, which one of the ten kings of the sin city is easy to get along with?

How can it be possible for them to give you a piece of cake with just a mouth and a pretty face without this ability?

After a while, a woman in black brought tea and put it beside Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked at the other party twice, feeling a little weird.

"My lord..." The woman said timidly, "If you look at him like this, he will be ashamed."

Sister Mei smiled and said, "Why?

Has Master Qiao taken a fancy to my maid?

If you like it, you can go to my place to play when you have time. "

Qiao Ye picked up the tea bowl and said, "I'm not interested."

Qiao Ye just took a second look at the woman because she felt familiar. However, Qiao Ye was sure that from the look of the woman's eyebrows, he had never met her before, so he thought it was all a mistake.

It's quite interesting to drink tea and watch the big guys quarrel.

Qiao Ye now understands a little bit why everyone likes to join in the fun. It feels quite comfortable that this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

However, no matter how noisy they were, they had to come up with a regulation. After about an hour, everyone finally calmed down a lot, and the division of the partridge's territory was finally almost done.

In the end, Zhao Ziwu slapped his hands and said, "If you don't have any objections, let's do it this way!"

The old samurai pondered for a while and said, "Okay!"

Han Fei took out his handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and said in a secretive voice, "Since you both said that, then I will suffer a little bit, and it will be done like this."


Ronan cursed, "What's wrong with you?

I'm at a disadvantage! "

The scholar Xie Lingyan coughed lightly and said, "Are you two still arguing?

The four of us have no problems. If the two of you are still arguing, why don't you go out and meet the real chapter under your hands, just one-on-one. "

Han Fei sneered and said, "My surname is Xie, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You'd better let us kill another one. You'll get a bigger share, right?"

Rong Bao said: "Then my asking price will have to increase in the future. If there are fewer people, we will have to work more."

Zhao Ziwu said: "Okay, okay, it's just the two of you, tell me if it's okay or not."

Han Fei and Ronan looked at each other, then took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's do this!"

Zhao Ziwu turned his face and shouted: "Miss Mei, please be a witness."

Sister Mei smiled at Qiao Ye and said, "Master Qiao, it's time to finish."

Qiao Ye nodded, and came to the crowd with Sister Mei.

Sister Mei said: "Since you have reached an agreement, then follow the old rules and drink the blood bar. After drinking the blood wine, whoever goes back on his word will be punished with death. Credit comes first, rules cannot be broken.”

After Sister Mei finished speaking, seeing that no one objected, she nodded and said to the woman in black beside her, "Let them bring the blood wine."

The woman nodded, and walked downstairs gracefully.

When the woman came down from upstairs, Yuwen Lianghua looked up, then silently lowered his head, looked at the wine glass in front of him, and reached out to touch the knife on the side.



When the knife comes out, the light of the knife suddenly appears!

Yuwen Lianghua suddenly slashed behind him with a knife. Before a man could react to what was going on, his head flew up, tumbling continuously in the air.


Yuwen Lianghua let out a low cry, then rushed towards the next person, without giving the other person a chance to react, he stamped his palm on the other person's chest.

On the other side, everyone on the second floor was waiting, and suddenly felt a little noisy, Zhao Ziwu couldn't help but said, "What the hell are you doing?"

While talking, Zhao Ziwu came to the window and opened it to have a look.

At this moment...

A man fell directly from Qunying Building and hit the ground hard.

Zhao Ziwu couldn't help being startled, and then turned around and said, "Something happened, a fight broke out."

As soon as Zhao Ziwu finished speaking, a man covered in blood grabbed the stairs and climbed up to the second floor, gasping for breath.


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