Chapter 1858 Xie Lingyan


Before Luo Kuang could react, Xie Lingyan stabbed him in the back.

Luo Kuang was stunned for a moment, then furious, and slapped backwards with a backhand slap, but Xie Lingyan was already prepared, and with a light touch on his toes, he floated backwards.

"The surname is Xie!"

Luo roared angrily: "Are you setting up a trap?"

Xie Lingyan picked up the folding fan, opened it with a swish, and laughed loudly: "The layout of this crime city should be changed. If two more people die, they will naturally get more money."

Zhao Ziwu sneered, "Do you have the ability?"

"Is it?"

Xie Lingyan said: "Now all of you have fallen for my divine fragrance Linglongsan, do you still want to jump around?"

After Xie Lingyan said this, the expressions of the others were also ugly.

Because Luo Kuang got involved with Rong Bao, the poison developed faster, but it didn't mean that the others were fine. They drank all the tea before.

The second unlucky one was Rong Bao, his face was pale at the moment, his chest was churning with qi and blood, he bent down and spit out a mouthful of blood soon, he shook hands with Luo Kuang, which naturally accelerated the poisoning.

"Your grandfather's, Yuwen Lianghua is yours."

Rong Bao cursed at Xie Lingyan: "You dirty old man!"

"Are you worthy?"

Xie Lingyan laughed loudly and said, "Anyway, I'll send you on your way, and this crime city won't be the ten kings anymore!"

While talking, Xie Lingyan jumped up suddenly, and pointed the fan in his hand forward.

But at this very moment...

A streak of black smoke came from behind, turned into a black halberd, and slashed at Xie Lingyan.


The black halberd light collided with the fan in Xie Lingyan's hand, making a clear and crisp sound, forcing Xie Lingyan back abruptly.

Qiao Ye held a black halberd, surrounded by eight small black halberds, and strode from behind.

"Feel sorry!"

Qiao Ye looked at Xie Lingyan and said, "I'm not poisoned."

Qiao Ye didn't join in the fun at all, but sat aside with Miss Mei, and naturally didn't drink the tea prepared by Xie Lingyan.


Xie Lingyan snorted coldly and said, "If you are a young bird, you will die!"

While talking, Xie Lingyan spread out the fan in his hand, and then a dozen steel needles flew towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye went straight up with her nine-turn golden body, but...

Those steel needles were able to penetrate directly after hitting the golden light of the nine-turn golden body!

Nine-turn golden body, unstoppable!

Qiao Ye quickly twisted her body, reached out and grabbed the steel needles and shook them vigorously, throwing the steel needles aside.

But also at this moment...

Xie Lingyan had already reached in front of Qiao Ye, and a palm fell on Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye greeted him with raised palms!

After the two palmed each other, they pushed each other towards the back.

At this time, Zhao Ziwu gritted his teeth and said: "Let's go together, wait for everyone to die, and take down Xie Lingyan, I don't believe he has no antidote!"

While talking, Zhao Ziwu took the lead and rushed towards Xie Lingyan.

Xie Lingyan was also fierce, first he slapped his palm to the side, and suddenly there was a strong wind around him, and he pushed towards Zhao Ziwu.

Zhao Ziwu was already poisoned, so he was naturally not his opponent. After holding on for two seconds, his body was pushed away and smashed against the wall.

But also at this moment...

Luo Kuang suddenly attacked from behind, slammed into Xie Lingyan's back fiercely, and pushed Xie Lingyan away with a blow.

Han Fei and Ronan attacked at the same time, flanking Xie Lingyan from left to right.

"sucker Punch!"

Xie Lingyan sneered and said, "I'll see how you guys die!"

Xie Lingyan jumped up while talking.

"It's raining flowers all over the sky!"

Xie Lingyan let out a low cry, and then swept the folding fan in his hand vigorously.

In the next instant, silver light all over the sky shot out in all directions.

Han Fei and Luo Nan, who had just jumped up, collided with the silver light, and were immediately blasted out. One hit the pillar and the other hit the wall.

more importantly……

It was just one blow, and Han Fei and Luo Nan were already gasping for breath. Obviously, what Xie Lingyan applied was not ordinary poison, but fierce poison.

Qiao Ye knew that these guys were unreliable, so he stretched out his hand a little forward, and the black smoke around him quickly condensed.


In front of Qiao Ye, a forbidden character was formed, and then the eight small halberds floating beside Qiao Ye flew forward in an instant.

The eight black halberds did not attack directly, but fell directly around Xie Lingyan, black smoke suddenly spewed out from the end, and the moment they passed by Xie Lingyan, the black smoke was like a rope, binding Xie Lingyan tightly. tied up.

"Small tricks, but you dare to make an axe?"

Xie Lingyan let out a low growl, and continued to struggle. With all his strength, he dragged the eight black halberds over.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, then stretched out her hand to hold the halberd, and slashed forward.

The surrounding black smoke condensed and quickly turned into a huge halberd of smoke, which fell towards Xie Lingyan with all its might.

Xie Lingyan said: "Glass miasma!"

A small bottle was hung on Xie Lingyan's waist, and as Xie Lingyan drank in a low voice, a cloud of colorful smoke suddenly floated out of the small bottle, floating around Xie Lingyan.


It was obviously a defensive treasure, Qiao Ye slashed down with a halberd, and landed on the colorful mist, making a loud noise.

Xie Lingyan sneered and said, "Boy, you can't!"

But at this moment...

Xie Lingyan's face suddenly changed, but he felt the sound of strong wind coming from behind.

Xie Lingyan looked back, and saw two straight streaks of red silk falling straight, coming from behind, piercing through the colorful mist, and hitting Xie Lingyan's waist fiercely.

Xie Lingyan staggered, spit out a mouthful of blood, then gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Mei, you have always been neutral, so you don't interfere in this kind of matter, why?

Want a piece of the action now? "

Sister Mei smiled and said: "I just want to do business in a safe and secure manner, but if you want to make the ten kings of the crime city exist in name only, how will I do business in the future?"

Xie Lingyan said: "Then what's the big deal?

Isn't this still me?

I guarantee that your business will not be less at all! "

"How can you be convincing with empty words?"

Sister Mei shook her head and said, "I don't believe it!"

In fact, this is not a question of belief or not, but that the structure of the sin city cannot be broken.

Sister Mei is the master of both sides, half of the ten kings of the sin city are gone, and the situation will inevitably change drastically in the future. Even if the business remains the same, but at that time, is it still called "both sides"?

No, at that time, I would be serving Xie Lingyan, like fish and meat, at the mercy of others. The so-called business is my own in name, but who actually controls it?

Sister Mei knows well that she is not stupid!

Xie Lingyan said with a grim expression, "Then you die with them!"


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