Chapter 1859 Tough

While talking, Xie Lingyan reached out and thumped the wall.


Amidst a loud bang, the wall made a loud bang and then collapsed.

Looking out from the shattered walls, you can see that there are wars everywhere in Sin City.

Xie Lingyan looked at the front fiercely and said: "They are all finished. Gun King and Dao Zun have returned to the city this morning. Before nightfall, their territory will be destroyed."

Han Fei gritted his teeth and said, "So you colluded with those two bastards!"

Xie Lingyan laughed heartily, looked at Miss Mei and said, "Sister Mei?

Do you still have to hold on now?

Nod your head, from now on, the ten kings of the sin city will be the four kings of the sin city, but if you don't know how to praise, don't blame me, there are too many masters in this sin city, and there is a lot less! "

Sister Mei was a little confused, she didn't expect that Gun King and Sword Master would come back!

When these two most powerful guys return to Sin City, the situation in Sin City may not be able to recover.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye sneered, "You think I'm dead?"

Xie Lingyan looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I don't know where it came from, you little brat, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Qiao Ye smiled and pointed at Xie Lingyan with a halberd: "Come and kill!"

Xie Lingyan said: "Okay, then I will kill you."

In an instant, Xie Lingyan's aura soared, and his aura continued to soar. There seemed to be a strong wind around him, and the floor and ceiling exploded inch by inch.

"Silver Snake Crazy Dance Skill!"

Xie Lingyan shouted: "Kill!"

Suddenly, Xie Lingyan's aura was exposed, and then pieces of silver light covered Xie Lingyan's body.

In the silver light, countless illusory silver snakes appeared, rushing towards all directions.

Boom, boom, boom!

Where the silver snake passed, everything around it exploded continuously.

Zhao Ziwu growled and said, "Withdraw!"

Right now, Zhao Ziwu and the others are looking extremely ugly, Xie Lingyan's poison is very fierce, not to mention only two or three out of ten of their strength, and this two out of ten has to be used to save their lives, they are completely powerless to fight, being affected by the silver snake , it can be said that he must die.

Ronan bit it, and suddenly took out a treasure and threw it to Qiao Ye: "Little brother, help us hold on, and when we suppress the poison, I will help you kill this beast."

Qiao Ye took the treasure, which turned out to be an oil lamp.

Luo Nandao: "It can be used after infusing the Qi machine."

The majestic Ten Kings of Sin City are really miserable right now, they don't even have the ability to use Noble Phantasms.

After Qiao Ye took it, without any nonsense, he directly instilled air into the oil lamp, and then the oil lamp suddenly ignited, and after flying into the air, a dim light shield appeared around, covering everyone in it.

Boom, boom, boom!

The oil lamp treasure is also extraordinary, after the mask is stretched, it can block all the fluttering silver snakes.

After protecting everyone, Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and jumped forward, surrounded by black smoke.

As one of the ten kings of Sin City, Xie Lingyan was naturally not easy to deal with after he got serious. Therefore, Qiao Ye also did not dare to neglect.

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Under the black smoke, black scales gradually appeared on Qiao Ye's body, and soon turned into a suit of armor. Two huge horns appeared on his forehead, and bloody lines appeared on both sides of Qiao Ye's cheeks.

After being enchanted, Qiao Ye swiped his halberd on his arm, blood spurted out, danced in front of Qiao Ye, and soon transformed into a blood pupil.

Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.


The dual states were superimposed, and Qiao Ye didn't delay, and went straight to Xie Lingyan.

The blood pupil suddenly opened its eyes, and then a bloody light flew forward.

Seeing this, Xie Lingyan swung the folding fan fiercely in his hand, and countless silver lights flew forward, continuously heading towards Qiao Ye.


The blood light collided with the silver light, and after a loud noise, it exploded into pieces.

The halo of red and silver colors continued to scatter towards the surroundings.

In the first blow, both sides fought hard, and then, Qiao Ye and Xie Lingyan jumped up at the same time.


The roof of the Qunying Building was smashed by two people, and went directly to the roof.

The moment his body had just stabilized, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand again, red light flickered in his blood pupils, and streaks of red light flew forward continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

The bloody light hit the roof, like a giant knife slashing, cutting the roof open continuously.

However, Xie Lingyan's body skills are also quite powerful, constantly walking on the roof, turning into fragments of video, constantly avoiding the attack of blood light.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's blood stopped, and Xie Lingyan immediately stretched out his hand forward.

A huge phantom snake appeared and attacked Qiao Ye, opening its mouth wide, looking very ferocious.


Qiao Ye hurriedly slashed in front of him, and bumped head-on with the huge phantom snake.

After a loud noise, Qiao Ye felt a huge force coming, and his body was constantly pushed backwards. The tiles under his feet were constantly shattered and flew around.


Xie Lingyan let out a low growl, pointing the folding fan in his hand forward, and then densely packed silver needles flew out, turning into silver light and approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye held the halberd in one hand to resist the phantom snake's attack, and pointed forward with the other.


The eight black halberds floating around Qiao Ye immediately flew forward, intersecting in front of Qiao Ye, forming a large black net.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The sound of crisp metal clanging continued to sound, and the flying needle was blocked between the collisions.

On the other side, Qiao Ye let out an angry roar, grabbed the phantom snake's head, and pressed it downwards forcefully, and then there was a loud noise. fell in.


Xie Lingyan took the opportunity to go up to Qiao Ye and slapped her directly.

Qiao Ye didn't show weakness, and also palmed forward.


The palms of the two greeted each other and collided.

And at the moment when the palms collided, a white snake suddenly came out from Xie Lingyan's cuff, and bit Qiao Ye's wrist.

Xie Lingyan burst out laughing and said, "This snake is called Moonlight White. Its poison is so fierce that ordinary people can't stop it. You are finished!"

While talking, Xie Lingyan withdrew his palms and stepped back.

Xie Lingyan sneered at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you still crazy now?

Obediently kneel down and kowtow to me three times. If I am happy, I might let you go. What do you think? "


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