Chapter 1863 Confrontation

It's no wonder that the dragon spear king in front of him lost his composure. In the eyes of ordinary people, formations require a lot of things and a lot of time to set up. Even ordinary formations take about an hour or two.

There are even some large formations that take three to five years to set up, and there are also some big formations of sects that not only need three to five years, or even more than ten years to set up, but also require generations of people to maintain them continuously.

What's the matter with Qiao Ye waving his hand and appearing all at once?

It's just cheating!

Of course, it was more of disbelief, the gun king felt that Qiao Ye was fooling.


Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the pattern of the Five Spirits Breaking Evil forming in the air, the ground suddenly made a loud roar, and then the ground continued to shatter and crack, and then vines kept rising from the ground one by one, heading towards the gun king. rolled over.

The gun king was dumbfounded again, it turned out to be a real battle!

Seeing those vines falling down continuously, Gun King jumped up decisively, and then those vines hit the ground, smashing the ground to pieces.

next moment...

The gun king suddenly shot!

The gun is out, and the cold light is on!

The silver gun light suddenly exploded into one after another, blooming in all directions, and after being hit by the gun light, those vines also exploded root by root, constantly becoming pieces.

Qiao Ye raised his palm again, and pressed it towards the void in front of him, and then a large piece of sky fire appeared in the air, falling down continuously.

The gun king looked up, and then he stabbed out with a single shot, head-to-head with Tianhuo!


The roar of the explosion sounded, and then the fire exploded that day, turning into countless fist-sized fireballs and falling downward.

The gun king snarled, it was a formation, but it was not the same as the news he received, the power of this formation seemed a little watery, and this level could not stop Luo Kuang so many people.

Thinking about it this way, the gun king understood that the formation is really a formation, but if there is nothing and no arrangement, it will come as soon as you wave, and its power will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Qiao Ye did not intend to use the Five Spirits Breaking Evil Records to deal with the Gun King. The real ultimate move is not this!

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she reached out and wiped the jade tablet, and then the Dragon Slaying Saber appeared in her hand.

In an instant, the pair of vertical pupils of the Gun King shrank crazily.

Gun King said in a deep voice, "This knife!"

"It seems that you know this knife!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Do you still think I have no chance?"

"Boy, you will die today!"

The gun king raised his golden gun and pointed at Qiao Ye: "Whoever holds this sword is the enemy of the Dragon Clan."

"There are already many dragons who want to kill me, but they are all dead."

Qiao Ye said, "Will you be next?"


Gun King roared angrily, "Then come and have a try."

As the gun king spoke, he jumped up and stabbed at Qiao Ye with the golden gun in his hand.

However, before the attack arrived, the gun king's expression became a little ugly.

The dragon-slaying knife really conquers the dragon clan. The two of them haven't fought yet. Just getting close, the spear king feels extremely uncomfortable. The blood in his body is churning, which is extremely manic and unstable. An invisible force was suppressed.

However, the gun king is always the gun king. As the leader of the Ten Kings of Sin City, he is so ferocious that it is unimaginable.


Qiao Ye didn't show weakness. The moment the golden gun came to her, she immediately swung the knife across.

When the weapons of the two collided, there was a crisp clanging sound, and then they each retreated towards the rear!

The two opened up some distance, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye raised the Dragon Slaying Saber, and stretched out his hand to caress the blade!


In an instant, the Dragon Slaying Saber trembled suddenly, and then a crisp humming sound suddenly sounded.

And on Qiao Ye's body, the black smoke billowed and swirled around, and the feeling suddenly became tyrannical.

Killing intent, very strong killing intent!

Cut the sky, cut the ground.

can also...

Kill the dragon!

This is the first form of the Dragon Head Guillotine's six-style knife technique!

One style, angry sky!

I turn my anger into a knife, and everything in the world can be cut!

The next moment, Qiao Ye raised the Dragon Slaying Saber, and a large piece of silver-white blade glow shot up into the sky, and exploded in the air, like a bright firework shattering in the air.

The gun king's bright color is dignified, and then...


It was as if something exploded in the sky that day, and then dense silver blade lights fell from the sky.

Like a pouring rain, it washed down and fell.

It's just that if it's rain, it can't kill people.

However, Dao Mang can!


The gun king took a deep breath, and suddenly opened his mouth to roar, and then, dragon scales appeared continuously on the gun king's neck and arms, covering part of the gun king's body.

Animal form!

The oppression of the dragon-slaying sword obviously brought considerable pressure to the spear king. Under the normal human form, the spear king knew very well that he couldn't resist that knife, so he directly entered the second stage of beast transformation form.

The next moment, the gun king bent his legs, and then kicked hard, and his whole body soared into the sky.

Accompanied by the spear king stabbing out the golden spear in his hand, a piece of golden gun light exploded, and a dragon roar appeared, shaking the world!

Soon, the gun light wrapped the whole body of the gun king, and directly transformed into a lifelike golden dragon.



The golden dragon soared straight up and collided fiercely with the falling blade light.

The earth-shattering bang appeared at this moment!

silver Gold!

In an instant, the sky was directly filled with these two colors, and it was even difficult for the stabbed bystanders to open their eyes, so they could only temporarily stop fighting.

The terrifying fluctuations spread crazily towards the surrounding fields, and lasted for almost half a stick of incense before gradually spreading away.


The gun king fell back to the ground from the air, trampled a large piece of the ground, and smashed the golden gun on the ground, panting heavily, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The collision of the first blow was a small loss for the gun king.

However, Qiao Ye was still astonished. The old guy in front of him was really strong.

It is true that the spear king suffered a loss, but this was a knife to kill the dragon. When the blood was suppressed, he only suffered a small loss.

This does not mean that the gun king is weak, on the contrary, this guy in front of him is too strong.

Qiao Ye now feels that the rhetoric circulating in Sin City is not unreasonable. Compared with Zhao Ziwu, Xie Lingyan and others, the King of Spears is obviously a level higher, and the standard is much higher.


After a while, the gun king finally calmed down, and then he raised his gun and pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, I have some skills, but you think that you can kill me with that knife alone, that's a big mistake!"


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