Chapter 1864 Glazed Dragon

Gu Beichen chuckled, wanting to get out of the battle circle and change positions with the gun king.


How could Rong Bao, Zhao Ziwu, Han Fei and Ronan be willing?

At present, they have the upper hand, and the reason for the upper hand is that Qiao Ye singled out the gun king, abruptly turning the situation into a situation where more fights are less.

At first, everyone thought that Qiao Ye would sacrifice his life for righteousness at most. It would be nice to be able to hold back the King of Guns. Even holding back the King of Guns would be enough. First kill Xie Lingyan, and then fight five against two. There is no chance of winning, even if you may not win, it is okay not to lose.

In the end, what everyone didn't expect was that Qiao Ye didn't sacrifice his life for righteousness, he could really beat the gun king.

Even, be able to hit the opponent's real body to force out!

That being the case, how can the sword master and the gun king be swapped?

Now it has become that they will hold Dao Zun to death, and let Qiao Ye kill the gun king!

"Bang Tian Fist!"

Zhao Ziwu took the lead in attacking, blasting forward with a fist, a huge fist mark appeared, and fell directly from the sky, like a huge meteor, falling from the sky, and smashed towards Gu Beichen.


The fist print hit the ground and there was a loud noise. As for Gu Beichen, it seemed that he was smashed under the fist print.

However, the next moment...


There was a loud noise, and the fist seal was suddenly broken. Gu Beichen shot into the sky from below, and with a horizontal knife in his hand, the light of the knife overflowed in an instant.

Han Fei gritted his teeth and rushed out in Gu Beichen's direction.

In mid-air, Han Fei's figure turned sharply, leaving behind more than a dozen virtual faces lined up in the air.

Gu Beichen sneered and said, "Small tricks!"

While Gu Beichen was talking, he swept the knife in his hand, and then a circle of knife light retreated towards the surroundings, and all the afterimages in the air were cut off by the knife.

"You guys want to stop me?"

"Are you sure we can't stop it?"

The moment Gu Beichen finished speaking, he suddenly found his legs were stagnant, and when he looked down, he was holding a treasure that looked like an iron chain in his hand. The treasure was wrapped around his ankle, locking him firmly. .

Gu Beichen raised his sword without hesitation and cut it, but the iron chain was extraordinary, Gu Beichen cut it several times, and the iron chain didn't move at all, it couldn't be cut off at all.

the other side……

Qiao Ye naturally didn't give the gun king a chance, so he jumped up and rushed up again!

No matter whether he suppressed the Gun King or not, he had to admit what he should admit. With his own ability alone, Qiao Ye was indeed far from being the opponent of the Gun King. Qiao Ye was able to suppress the Gun King because of Dragon Slaying!

For the Dragon Clan, this dragon-slaying knife is really a guillotine hanging around the neck, it is simply heavenly.

Therefore, Qiao Ye must not allow the gun king to switch positions with the sword master. He can't deal with the sword master. He is not a dragon.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, he rushed straight into the sky, and slashed out with the dragon-slaying knife in his hand, and another ray of light from the knife overflowed, and slashed forward.

The spear king roared, and the glazed body continuously gushed out the glazed light!

next moment...

The brilliance condensed together, turned into a beam of light, and shot out towards the front.


The glazed light beam collided with the sword light, and then there was a loud roar.

The gun king was extremely angry, and roared at Qiao Ye: "Little devil, don't be too arrogant, if I don't have that knife, I can cut your body to pieces in ten breaths."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I have it!"

These words really made the Gun King very angry, but it is still true!

The Gun King couldn't help gritting his teeth, and glanced at Gu Beichen's side. Although Dao Zun is strong, but facing the three ten kings of the crime city at the same time, in the case of the opponent's life, it is obviously impossible to get out of it in a short time. Not an easy task.

In this way, the gun king also chose to work hard, his whole body burst into five-color brilliance, and then his body shook violently.

"Glass divine light!"

In an instant, the five-colored brilliance turned into long spears, continuously condensing in the air, and then...

Puff puff……

The wound on Gun King's body kept tearing, and a large amount of blood kept flowing out.

That glazed light is the blood power of the spear king, and it is true that it is powerful. However, it is self-evident what will happen if the glazed light is used forcibly in front of Zhanlong.

The blood power was forcibly suppressed, and the spear king was also in great pain, but he still insisted on attacking.

This is also a helpless thing for the gun king. The core of everything in the orc race is the blood power. If you abandon the blood power, the gun king really can't beat Qiao Ye, but if you want to use the blood power, you must bear the pain of being suppressed by the dragon. Even the blood power After being forcibly suppressed, it will also cause injuries.

However, the Gun King is indeed tyrannical, even under this kind of suppression, he still forcibly released the power of his bloodline.

The glazed spears formed by the condensed brilliance kept shooting down from the sky.

Boom, boom, boom!

The loud explosion sounded continuously.

The power of the glazed gun is quite terrifying. The moment it stabs the ground, the ground explodes on the spot, and when it stabs the surrounding houses, the houses are instantly smashed to pieces.

Even, the people who were fighting couldn't help pulling away a little distance, not daring to stay around, for fear of being affected.

Qiao Ye was also the first to let the black smoke around her disperse, and then moved quickly in the black smoke, constantly avoiding the falling glazed gun.

But at this moment...


A scream suddenly appeared, which caught Qiao Ye's attention!

Qiao Ye looked sideways, and then saw that the woman who was following Sister Mei looked terrified on the dilapidated Qunying Building, and a glazed sharp gun seemed to be about to stab her in front of her.

Qiao Ye's figure flashed immediately, and the moment the Liuli gun came in front of the woman, Qiao Ye rushed out from the black smoke.

The next moment, Qiao Ye hugged the woman's waist horizontally, pulled the woman behind him, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hold it, the black smoke quickly gathered in Qiao Ye's palm, and condensed into a black euphorbia!

As soon as he shot the halberd towards the sky, the surrounding black smoke surged in immediately, gathered in front of Qiao Ye, and slammed into the glazed gun hard.


The colored glaze gun collided with the black smoke, and after a loud noise, the black smoke and the colored glaze gun exploded.

The woman hid behind Qiao Ye, and said timidly, "Thank you, my lord, for saving me."

Qiao Ye didn't say much, let go of the woman and said, "Don't stay here, stay away."

The woman nodded and wanted to back away, but at this moment...

Suddenly there was the sound of iron hooves on the street, and then...


The sound of humming suddenly sounded, and a piece of golden light like a ribbon rushed to the sky, and quickly spread in the air, like a huge barrier, blocking the air and also blocking the gun king's glazed gun.


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