Chapter 1880 A Vast Ocean

Qiao Ye reached out and fumbled in his pocket for a while, and finally pulled out Ning Xin's broken cocoon.

Only at this time, Qiao Ye felt that the value of Ningxin Pococoon Pill was irreplaceable.

After swallowing the Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pill, Qiao Ye immediately felt better, but Qiao Ye's condition has not improved much.

The sky was gloomy, and there seemed to be signs of heavy rain. The surrounding sea was choppy, and huge waves were set off from time to time.

The worst thing is……

Qiao Ye doesn't have a flying treasure!

Qiao Ye cursed, it was really bad luck, and she didn't know what happened to the others.


An island!

"Hey, is there anyone here?"

Rong Bao looked around, and then shouted loudly: "Squeak if you are not dead!"

After Rong Bao finished shouting, he looked around and listened carefully, but the only sound he could hear was the sound of the wind.


Rong Bao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It seems that there is no one."

Rong Bao came to the side, grabbed a corner of the black cloth exposed on the beach, and then pulled the flying carpet out of the sand with great force.

The flying carpet has become tattered and tattered. It is obviously a good thing done by Chaos Thunder in the void, and it is obviously unusable.

"Is there any mistake?"

Rong Bao raised his head and shouted: "God, I don't want to die alone, you can give me someone at least... Hey... Hey... I'm just talking..."

Rong Bao hadn't finished shouting, a figure fell from the sky, straight and fell towards Rong Bao, Rong Bao turned around quickly and wanted to run, but it was already too late.

With a bang, the figure directly hit Rong Bao's body, and then a big hole was forcibly smashed into the sand, and Rong Bao was directly smashed into the hole.

"Ge Laozi..." Rong Bao said in pain, "It's killing me!"


The sea, as far as the eye can see!

The pouring rain continued to fall, surrounded by a dark world, and the waves rolled up layer by layer, constantly churning.

"Ten pirates go to sea, hey yo!"

"A bottle of wine, hey yo!"

"One gold coin per person, hey!"


Among the huge waves, a big ship braved the wind and broke through the waves, and continued to advance along the huge waves.

On the top of the mast, the black pirate flag had already been wet and drooped there.

On the deck, a group of pirates sang excitedly while they were busy on the deck.



There was a thunderous sound.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and then a crack in the void opened above, and then, a figure fell from the sky, hitting the deck of the pirate ship.

The pirates around were startled, and then surrounded them one by one.

Soon, the pirates formed a circle, and one of the pirates shouted, "It's a man!"

Another pirate excitedly said, "It's a woman!"

"Damn it, I haven't eaten meat for a few months."

A strong pirate took off his clothes and said, "I'll come first."

"Fart, let me go first!"

"Line up, line up, don't rush!"

But also at this moment...

Xiefeng, who was lying on the deck, suddenly opened his eyes, and then raised his hand violently.


A pirate with his back to Xiefeng widened his eyes for a moment, then looked down, a slender white arm passed through his chest, and in the palm of his...

Holding a heart impressively!

own heart!


Xiefeng squeezed hard, and the heart suddenly burst open.

Xiefeng wiped the rain from her face, stood up and said, "Come on, wait in line to die."


On a deserted island, there is a continuous jungle.

Behind Xiao Ji is a large ancient altar, made of pure stone, about six or seven meters long, and you need to walk through stone steps to get to the top. In front of Xiao Ji, there are people one by one.

Those people were male and female, with dark skin, and the clothes on their bodies were very thin. The men only wore animal skin skirts, and the women only wore a tube top.

The bodies of these men and women are painted with various colors and lines, spreading from the face to the body, which makes people feel quite strange.

At this time, those men and women suddenly stepped aside.

An old woman in a robe came out from behind, holding a wooden staff in her hand, with a slit on her forehead, and a red gemstone was embedded in the slit.

Xiao Ji said: "The Artifact Race?

Witch festival? "


Storms at sea always come unexpectedly.

Come fast, go fast!

The huge torrential rain fell all night, causing the entire ocean to appear turbulent. Accompanied by lightning and thunder, it seemed that the entire sea area was about to be broken and subverted.

However, when the sun rose, the sea returned to calm.

The blazing sun fell from the sky and fell on the sea, sparkling and extraordinarily beautiful.

A huge tiger-headed three-masted ship moved forward along the waves, with the flag flying high.

A sailor suddenly jumped onto the fence next to the deck, then took off his pants, whistled, and began to solve the three emergencies.

But at this moment...

The sailor suddenly narrowed his eyes, then quickly shook his arms, quickly pulled up his pants, and shouted loudly: "Hey, there is someone, there is someone on the sea!"

Soon, with the shout of that sailor, other sailors on the deck quickly gathered over.

"What's all the fuss about?"

An old man with a red nose came onto the deck with a wine jug, yelling and pushing the sailors away.


A sailor shouted: "There is a person floating ahead, I don't know if it is dead or alive."


The red-nosed captain smiled and said: "The wind and waves were so big yesterday, why is it so strange that someone fell into the sea to feed the fish?

Go, go over and have a look, and catch it if you are alive. "

Sailor asked: "Dead?"


Another sailor said: "The dead ones have to be fished even more. See what valuables are on your body. It's better to save us than the fish and shrimp in the sea."

"It makes sense, sail, sail!"

The ship quickly turned around.

at the same time……


Qiao Ye opened his eyes leisurely, looked at the scorching sun in the sky and murmured, "Is it morning?"

But at this moment...

A shadow covered Qiao Ye's body, but a three-masted sailboat came to Qiao Ye's side.


The red-nosed captain stepped on the railing of the boat and shouted, "Is the one below dead?"

Qiao Ye raised her head and said, "I still have some breath left."

"Fuck, live."

The red-nosed captain dissatisfied: "There is no treasure to fish."

The surrounding sailors hissed in unison.

The red-nosed captain shouted again: "Boy, do you want to help?"

Qiao Ye held the board and raised her head, "What do you always think?"

The red-nosed captain smirked and said, "I don't think you need it!"


Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "I think I need it very much."

The red-nosed captain smiled, and said, "Throw a rope down."


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