Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1881 Sea of ​​Hundred Dollars

Some canvas was randomly spread on the deck, and food was piled on it.

Qiao Ye held a suckling pig in one hand and a chicken leg in the other. His mouth was full of greasy food, and he took a sip of the stale wine beside him from time to time.

The surrounding sailors looked surprised and said, "Is this the reincarnation of a starving ghost?"

Qiao Ye wiped her mouth embarrassedly and said, "I've been hungry all day."

The captain with the red nose said, "Boy, where did you come from?"

Qiao Ye looked at the sky, not sure: "Heaven?"

The red-nosed captain said cheerfully, "You're quite amusing. Let me ask you, what kind of ship are you on? Maritime merchants? Pirates? Or guards?"

While talking, the red-nosed captain took out the pipe and tapped the armor on Qiao Ye.

The red-nosed captain said: "Looking at your outfit, you should have a lot of background. It doesn't seem like ordinary people can wear it."

Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "Then you really guessed wrong, I'm not from this place, I'm from outside."

"Oh?" The red-nosed captain asked, "Where did you come from?"

Qiao Ye said: "Du Liu Jie Tian."

"I know that place." A sailor suddenly said: "I heard that Master Lang from Hailong City went there. It seems that there is a competition, what is it called? Wang, Wang, Wang Ba performing martial arts?"

Qiao Ye said speechlessly, "You want to talk about the throne ring?"

"Ah?" The sailor nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Qiao Ye suddenly thought of something, and said, "Master Lang you are talking about is Tie Lang?"

The sailor nodded and said: "Yes, in the Fourteen Seas, he is very famous."

"Pfft!" Qiao Ye squirted out the food in his mouth and said, "Is this the Sea of ​​Hundred Yuan?"

The red-nosed captain said, "That's right, what's the problem?"

What is the problem? This is a big problem!

Qiao Ye patted his head, feeling a little pain in his head.

Why did Jiang Liuxue come back to life?

And why is it that he was playing in the Throne Arena, but suddenly came to Hundred Yuan Zhihai?

What is Jiang Liuxue's intention this time?

Qiao Ye remembered that Ye Xuan once said that there were also signs of evil beasts appearing in the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan, and now Jiang Liuxue brought people to this ghostly place...

Qiao Ye had an inexplicable bad feeling.

"Hey, hello..." At this time, Captain Red Nose shook his hand in front of Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, are you stupid?"

"Ah?" Qiao Ye came back to his senses, shook his head with a dry smile, "I thought of something, sorry."

The red-nosed captain said: "Boy, no matter where you come from, you must abide by the rules of the sea when you get on the ship. Our next stop is Miaogang, where we can let you disembark, but..."

"I understand!" Qiao Ye took out a bag of star stones from the jade tablet space and said, "Is it enough?"

The red-nosed captain grinned at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye heaved a sigh of relief, as expected, money can turn ghosts around, but the next moment, with a slap, Qiao Ye was slapped on the hand.

"Boy, the rule on board is to work." The red-nosed captain said, "Those who don't work have to be thrown into the sea to feed the fish, understand?"

"Ah?" Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Understood."

The red-nosed captain nodded in satisfaction and said: "Look at the situation where you have just been caught, let you rest for a day. From tomorrow on, you can do whatever others are doing."

Qiao Ye nodded honestly, "Oh."

The red-nosed captain was very satisfied with Qiao Ye's attitude, then turned his head and shouted at the others, "What are you doing here?"

The red-nosed captain cursed and drove everyone away.

Qiao Ye just stayed on the boat.

Qiao Ye didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for him to come to the Hundred Yuan Sea suddenly. From the perspective of good things, because there were evil beasts in the Hundred Yuan Sea, it was the direction to investigate, but from the bad side , Qiao Ye ran to the Hundred Yuan Sea by himself, and was thrown into the Hundred Yuan Sea by Jiang Liuxue, the meaning is obviously different.

However, since it came, it would be safe, Qiao Ye also wanted to see what the hell Jiang Liuxue was doing.

not to mention……

Even if Qiao Ye wants to do something now, there is actually nothing he can do. The sea is vast, and the only thing Qiao Ye can do now is to wait for the Old Drunkard to land first.

Old Drunkard is the name of this three-masted sailing ship.

The name of the red-nosed captain is Xin Xin. Because it is too similar to a woman’s name, the captain doesn’t like it. Therefore, the sailors call him the captain, and the captain’s friends call him the red-nosed, or old man. Drunkard, and then the ship became the Old Drunkard.

As the name suggests, this guy is a drunk.

But it is undeniable that the old drunkard is an excellent captain. Although he loves to drink, he is not in the wrong, and his reputation is not small in the waters of 23 yuan to 27 yuan.

Qiao Ye didn't understand "Yuan" very much at first, but later learned that Yuan is a unit for distinguishing sea areas in the Hundred Yuan Sea. One hundred yuan, so it is called the sea of ​​​​hundred yuan.

And the Sea of ​​Hundred Yuan is actually not a pure sea, but a starfish among the seven stars of Hongmeng, because more than 90% of the area in this place is an ocean. Many times, everyone is more used to calling it the Sea of ​​Hundred Yuan. .

At sea, there are three types of ships that are most common, merchant ships, pirate ships, and security ships. The old captain’s ship is a merchant ship. He has been floating on the sea for more than 30 years and has been running business.

The so-called running business refers to the silk five-star stones in this sea area, but the eight-star stones in another sea area, and the tea ten-star stones in the eight-star stone sea area, after being transported back, they can sell fifteen-star stones. Earning the difference is running a business.

This transaction looks simple, but it is not easy, because these prices are usually current prices and are subject to change.

For example, a port city needs to be built, and there is a lack of a large amount of ore, and then a lot of merchant ships ran away, but the ore was enough, and the second batch of people who sent the ore there lost their money.

In addition, there are many factors that will cause money loss. If you want to do this business, you need enough well-informed news, experience in judging true and false news, and sensitivity to business sense. All are required.

The old drunkard has been in this industry for thirty years, and he has hardly overturned, which shows his ability.

However, Qiao Ye was more curious, why not use the flying treasure?

Isn't it faster to fly through the air than to fly by sea?

"Because the aura in the air is very thin." A sailor answered Qiao Ye's question: "The aura of the starfish has sunk into the sea, and the aura in the air is so thin that the flying treasure can only fly for a short time, not enough to cross A piece of sea area, of course, there are some formidable powers, they can directly use their aura to push the flying treasure to cross the sea area, but such people are a minority after all."


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