The aura in the air is thin?

This Qiao Ye really didn't pay attention to it, but this could indeed explain why he didn't use the flying treasure.

The flying treasure, which requires continuous infusion of aura, must be driven by the aura of the outside world, which is why the flying treasure has a formation.

However, the flying treasure cannot be driven across the sea by its own aura?

Qiao Ye had something to say. Although the hundred-yuan sea is huge, the one-yuan sea is not so huge. According to the descriptions of the sailors, the sea journey in the small one-yuan sea is about six to seven days. It's only two days at most, and it can last.

Of course, there is also a one-yuan sea area that takes a month to cross. It is indeed more difficult to use one's own aura to push the flying treasure across, but it is only difficult, and it is not very exaggerated. .


Qiao Ye straightened up.

Why did the sailor find it difficult?

That's because the cultivation base is not good enough. The sailors on the boat don't have a single God Realm, most of them are only Supreme Realm, and there are a few who are only at the level of Emperor Realm. The only God Realm is the old alcoholic captain.

Qiao Ye had the urge to burst into tears. Ever since he left Canglan Star and wandered around in Duanliu Jietian, most people were in the realm of great freedom, and the worst was the realm of leisurely travel. Qiao Ye always felt that I am a rookie, and now I am finally healed. It turns out that I am not a good-for-nothing.

But that being said, it's still pretty shocking when you think about it.

Starfish, as one of the seven great stars of Hongmeng, boarded a ship casually, the ship was full of Supreme Realm, and there was also a captain of Divine Realm...

There are only so many supreme realms in the Canglan Star's Nine Realms, and the supreme realm powerhouses in each realm can even be counted one by one, and there is no one in the divine realm.

With such a comparison, the judgment was immediately judged. They are both the seven stars of Hongmeng, and the average level of the two sides is not at the same level at all. It is no wonder that the nine domains of the blue star will completely decline.

"You lazy bastards, what are you doing?" Qiao Ye was dozing off with his feet up in the cabin, when the old drunkard's voice suddenly sounded: "Come out and work, or the boat will capsize and roll into the sea to feed the sharks go!"

Qiao Ye turned over in a hurry, pushed the door open and saw several sailors running outside while putting on their clothes.

Qiao Ye quickly grabbed someone and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's going to rain again." A sailor said cursingly: "I don't know what's going on these days, there are storms every now and then, and God's anger is not such a way to make people live. "

While talking here, the old drunk cursed at the hatch: "Come out, why are you so stupid?"

All the sailors quickly agreed, and ran out of the cabin and onto the deck.

On the deck, there was a dark cloud in the sky, which was very low, and there was a feeling that the sky was about to collapse. The wind was blowing all around, and it had started to rain, but the rain was not strong yet, but listening to the blow On the deck, the "cracking" sound, the fool also knew it was only temporary, and a storm was coming soon.

"Coolie Joe!" The old drunkard slapped Qiao Ye on the back and said, "You go to the back and pull up the sail quickly, and the others go to the front, hurry up, hurry up!"

Qiao Ye agreed, and then ran towards the back of the boat.

The people who lived on the boat didn't like to be called by their first names, and most of them called them by nicknames, so Qiao Ye got the name Coolie Joe.

The reason was naturally because of Qiao Ye's strength.

Those masts are made of rare animal skins splashed with oil, very heavy, and the places where each section of the mast is connected are also engraved with formations for reinforcement. Therefore, in order to pull up the mast, apart from strength, It still needs a lot of aura infusion, and at least five or six people need to work together to do it. However, Qiao Ye alone is enough, so the old drunkard simply let Qiao Ye pull the sail alone, and the other sailors began to shout Qiao Ye is coolie Joe, but there is no malice, just a joke.

After staying on the boat for two or three days, Qiao Ye felt that the people on the boat were pretty good.

Coming to the stern, Qiao Ye untied the sail rope and began to pull the sail. Soon, the sail was pulled up. It is a very dangerous thing to set up a sail in a storm. If not, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

To say that Qiao Ye actually has a bit of experience in going out to sea, and he and Ding Xiang have also been in the sea together, and it's not like they haven't seen the wind and waves before.

However, compared with the hundred yuan sea, that is the level of paddling in the lake, and the wind and waves on both sides are not at the same level as the storm.

On the other side, the old drunk shouted loudly from the bow of the boat: "Everyone, be quick with your hands and feet, throw the floating bucket into the sea for me, and hold the boat..."

Halfway through the shouting, the old drunkard glanced sideways, and suddenly saw a gleam of light.

The old drunkard felt a little bad in his heart, and then he shouted loudly: "Zhaozi, Zhaozi, where are you?"

Zhaozi was a strong man and the navigator on the ship. Hearing the shout, he ran over and said, "Captain, what are you doing?"

The old drunkard said: "Climb up the watchtower to see the situation."

"Captain, are you stupid with drinking?" Zhaozi glanced at the sky and said, "Idiots already know what's going on. It takes at most a cup of tea, this storm is bound to come."

"You are stupid." The old drunkard said, "I didn't let you look at the sky, I let you look at the sea."

Zhaozi took a breath and said, "Is there something? You can't be so unlucky, right?"

The old drunkard said: "It's hard to say, let's go and see first."

Teruko agreed, then ran to the side of the mast and began to climb upwards.

The old drunkard yelled to the deck again: "Don't be idle, the work here is done, go to the bottom of the cabin to see if there is no accident, and send two more people to look at the goods."

"Don't worry!" a sailor said: "Captain, the goods we brought this time are all iron, not so fragile."

"Then let me go and have a look." The old drunkard took out a copper wine jug from his waist and took a sip, "Those goods fell, what if the cabin is smashed out of the hole? Hurry up and go to a few people to have a look. "

Several sailors agreed and ran towards the cabin.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, wiped the rain from his face and said, "Shall I go into the water and have a look?"

The old drunk nodded, and was very satisfied with Qiao Ye. Five or six people hadn't finished pulling the sail, and Qiao Ye had already finished work by himself.

"Come here, hang a rope for this kid."

Navigation is a complicated science. When facing a storm, in addition to observing the storm itself, you also need to observe the currents on the bottom of the sea, whether it will threaten the ship.

Soon, Qiao Ye was wrapped with a rope, and then stepped on the rail of the boat. After turning over, Qiao Ye jumped directly into the sea.


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