It's been a long time since I've seen Si Bu Xiang, she seems to be more clingy than before, she just swooped towards Qiao Ye, and then...


Qiao Ye opened his arms, but he hit Qiao Ye's face directly, sending Qiao Ye flying.

"My nose!"

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, clutching her nose, and then saw Si Bu Xiang standing there with a face of displeasure, the meaning in the eyes was obvious: I haven't let your dog out for so long, and I still want a loving hug ? There are no doors!

"Okay, okay!" Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pulled Si Buxiang up from the ground and said, "I won't let you into the beast cage later, it's important to fight first!"

While talking, Qiao Ye threw Sibuxiang into the air.

"Beast Soul Resonance!"


Si Buxiang writhed in the air, and then let out a roar. Immediately afterwards, Si Buxiang's body began to continuously glow and swell, and soon grew to a height of nearly two meters.

Qiao Ye also stepped forward and stepped hard on the deck.

next moment...

Click, click!

The sound of freezing continued to sound, and countless solid ice appeared, spreading along Qiao Ye's body, and soon turned into an ice armor.

Standing at the bow of the ship, a circle of white mane around the neck of the ice armor fluttered in the wind.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to hold it, and a huge ice halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.

at the same time……

The Lantern Fish King jumped out of the sea again, splashing a large wave, and then rushed towards the ship again.

Qiao Ye blew a whistle, and Si Bu Xiang came to Qiao Ye's side.

Qiao Ye smiled and rubbed Si Buxiang's head, "Let's go, old friend!"

Qiao Ye fell silent, turned over and rode Sibuxiang.

The next moment, Sibuxiang jumped up and jumped out towards the sea.

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't look like they could swim, but the moment they landed on the sea!

Click, click!

Silver-white frost continuously gushed out from under the four different feet, and spread in all directions. Immediately afterwards, the turbulent sea surface was gradually frozen.

In an instant, a sea of ​​ice sculptures took shape, and even the turning waves were frozen.

Sure enough, as Qiao Ye said, he did not go to sea to fight.

Looking at the Lantern Fish King in front of him, Qiao Ye patted Sibuxiang's neck and said, "Let's go!"

Sibuxiang nodded, and rushed forward fiercely.

Fast as lightning!

Although he stayed in the imperial beast cage and did not come out, after coming to the world of primordial void, the one who benefited the most was not Qiao Ye, but Xiao Ji, Four Different Phases and Polaris.

Needless to say, Xiaoji, as the source of the earth, the stronger the surrounding environment, the stronger Xiaoji will be. The decline of the Canglan Star actually limits Xiaoji's upper limit to a large extent.

The second is Polaris. Polaris is actually similar to Xiao Ji, and needs the external environment to boost his strength. However, Polaris is only a first-class beast in the Canglan Star Beast Realm. It has reached the top because of mutation evolution. The environmental blessings of the world cannot be compared with Xiao Ji, but there are still many benefits.

In the end, there are four different phases!

The root of the beast race is the Primordial Void World, so the environment of the Primordial Void World is very beneficial for the growth of the Four Different Phases. Secondly, there is the issue of food.

Canglanxing can find and feed four different elixir and spiritual materials, how can it be compared with the elixir and spiritual materials of the Primordial Void World?

Therefore, if the Four Different Foods eat and drink well, their strength will naturally continue to improve.

Speaking of which, the orc race is really enviable. Not to mention their long lifespan, and they don’t need special training. They can become stronger by eating and drinking well. As long as they live long enough, they won’t be too weak. There is only one factor that restricts the strength of the beast clan, and that is the untimely death.

At this moment, Sibuxiang skimmed across the frozen sea and directly turned into a silver line.


The moment the Lantern Fish King jumped up from the sea, the silver thread brushed past the Ice Fish King.

Click, click!

The sound of freezing appeared again, and then a large piece of frost continued to freeze, and soon, the Lantern Fish King turned into a huge ice sculpture, directly hitting the ice.

Qiao Ye raised the ice halberd and slammed it hard, and the fishing net was instantly torn apart and completely shattered. Naturally, it was dead and couldn't die anymore.

"My darling!" A sailor blurted out, "So Coolie Joe is so fierce?"

"Shhh, you can't call people like that anymore, they can cut off your head with a halberd later."

"What are you afraid of? I share a room with him, and he even drank my wine!"

While speaking, Qiao Ye had already returned on Sibuxiang.

After jumping onto the boat, Qiao Ye shouted at the old drunkard: "Captain, the storm is coming. I see that the rain ahead is already heavy, and it will be here soon."

The old drunkard came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "A bunch of little bastards, didn't you hear? Hurry up and work, hurry up!"

The sailors around laughed loudly, and then rushed away and went to work quickly.

Strength often represents identity.

Although the sailors didn't care about it, after seeing Qiao Ye's strength, they might not be able to deal with it as calmly as before. Similarly, they couldn't confirm that Qiao Ye after showing his strength was still the coolie Joe. .

And Qiao Ye's voice was like telling everyone that nothing had changed.

Qiao Ye made Si Bu Xiang change back to the size of a palm, and then went to check the ropes around the ship's rails and fixed them. The other sailors also continued to work, chanting.

Soon, before the storm finally came, everyone settled everything and hid in the cabin.

Several sailors were holding oil lamps, fiddling with some stones, squatting at their feet and chanting.

Qiao Ye took the sackcloth, wiped the four different bodies and said, "What are they doing?"

A sailor handed Sibuxiang a few pieces of dried meat and said, "Oh, they believe in the Great Oneiroi, the legendary god who brings sweet dreams and peace, and prays that the storm will pass quickly."

Qiao Ye was surprised: "Do you believe in gods?"

Qiao Ye's surprise was not unreasonable. Belief in the so-called Great Oneiroi is not as good as belief in an old alcoholic. Isn't he in the realm of gods?

The sailor smiled and said in a low voice: "Not everyone believes it. After all, there are so many gods above the gods, what kind of gods do they believe in? However, there are always some people. There are many ruins related to the Great Oneiroi, so they believe that in the ancient times, the Great Oneiroi was an extremely strong man who guarded the twenty-four yuan sea area, so they believed in him. In fact, they were giving themselves a comfort. This kind of thing If you believe it, you have it, if you don’t believe it, you don’t.”

Qiao Ye nodded, it was understandable to say so, and thought that those people really thought there was a god.

Although Qiao Ye believed in gods and demons before entering the real God Realm and Demon Realm, until Ye Xuan told Qiao Ye the truth, to put it bluntly, Qiao Ye was not good enough at that time, and the stronger the strength, the more illusory things were shattered.


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