A sailor on the side heard the conversation between the two, and leaned over and said, "However, it is true that God has not given face recently, and the frequency of storms is too high. This sea area was not so restless before."

The previous sailor nodded in agreement and said: "I heard that it was like this at the end of last year, and many sea areas are not peaceful."

Another sailor said: "Yeah, I've also heard about it, especially the thirty-three yuan sea area, hey, give me a jug of wine."

Qiao Ye said, "What's the reason for the unrest?"

A sailor said: "Storms and tsunamis have suddenly become more frequent. Of course, there must be those corpses. These things are very troublesome and difficult to deal with."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Then have you ever seen an evil beast?"

A group of sailors looked at each other, and then wondered: "What is the evil beast?"

Qiao Ye scratched her head and said, "It's a very troublesome thing, I also heard it from other people."

A sailor said: "Maybe it's not here. The hundred-yuan sea is too big. It takes a year to sail between the one-yuan sea and the hundred-yuan sea. Therefore, it's normal for the news to be blocked. Maybe the evil beast you mentioned is in other seas."

Qiao Ye nodded, Ye Xuan's news can't be wrong, it should be that the place of hell is too big, the news is not so easy to exchange, and those zombies can actually pay attention, I don't know if it has something to do with the evil beast .

Of course, the most important thing is Jiang Liuxue.

Okay, how did you survive?

"Stop chatting nonsense here." The old drunk walked into the cabin, ordered a few sailors, and said, "You guys sleep in the cargo hold tonight and keep the cargo safe for me."

After the old drunkard finished speaking, he looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, are you keeping watch tonight?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Okay!"

You see, this is the result of showing off. It is not a good thing to have strength. If you have strength, you have to do more things. Night watch must be done by powerful people.

The old drunkard nodded in satisfaction and said, "I'll give you two jugs of wine, and you can eat whatever you want..."

The old drunkard hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I'll give you two more pears!"

The most precious thing at sea is not meat, but fruits and vegetables.

"Chengli." Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Leave it to me."

The old drunkard nodded and said, "Others should go to bed early."

The sailors agreed and dispersed, while Qiao Ye came to the observation room with his things.

The so-called observation room is a room close to the roof of the cabin, which has been specially heightened. There are windows on the top and sides, and a layer of transparent crystal is sealed, so that you can see the outside situation.

Qiao Ye took the task of night watch, just staring outside, checking the wind and waves, whether there is any abnormality on the deck, and of course, the most important thing is whether the ship will be attacked.

If there is an abnormality, while notifying everyone, it is necessary to deal with the situation as soon as possible.

However, although the storm was strong, it was not to the extent that it could overturn the ship directly. In the middle of the night, the wind and waves became much smaller, and by the time it dawned, the storm had completely passed.

Even, when the sailor woke up and stepped onto the deck, the sun was already high in the sky and it was warm.

A sailor said to Qiao Ye: "This is the only lucky thing. If the storm persists for several days and nights, it will be really troublesome. Although it appears frequently now, it comes quickly and goes quickly." quick!"

The sailor ran off to work while talking.

After the storm, there is also a lot of life.

For example, check whether the hull is damaged, whether there is water, especially the engraving of the pattern, etc., and even check the bottom of the boat, which is more important. If the bottom of the boat enters water, everyone has to feed the sharks.

The old drunkard held a compass and frowned.

While tidying up the sail, Qiao Ye leaned forward and said, "Captain, what's the matter?"

The old drunkard sighed and said, "It's off course again."

Why do you say again? Naturally, because the previous storm also caused the yaw.

Even experienced captains and navigators cannot avoid this matter, after all, it is a force majeure from the outside world.

However, with the level of an old drunkard, everyone is not very worried. After all, this is an old captain who has been in these few yuan seas for decades. Incorrect.

The old drunkard picked up a tobacco stick, smoked it and said, "The problem is that it was a little bit off course, but now it's even further off course. Moreover, this sea area is not smooth."

Zhaozi climbed down from the observation deck, and said to the old drunkard, "Captain, you're not in the bloody area, are you?"

"Not yet!" The old drunkard said, "But it's almost here."

Zhaozi said, "Then it will be a big trouble."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Why are you two talking about it? Where is it?"

The old drunkard said: "This is the place where the most sea beasts are entangled in this yuan sea area, and there are a large number of sea beasts' lairs. In the past, everyone avoided that sea area, especially since the zombies appeared, that ghost place is even more like this yuan sea area. The restricted area in the sea area is average."

Qiao Ye suddenly realized: "A place with a lot of sea monsters naturally means that there are also a lot of corpse monsters."

Zhaozi said, "That's the reason."

Qiao Ye said: "It's ok to avoid it, isn't it there yet?"

The old drunk said: "This is the only good news."

"Captain!" At this time, a sailor suddenly shouted: "There are wrecks!"

"What?" The old drunk stretched out his hand and said, "Bring me clairvoyance!"

The old drunkard came to the side and looked forward with clairvoyance, and he saw the wreckage of the ship floating on the sea.

The ship was completely broken, and even, from a structural point of view, only two-thirds of it was still floating, and the bow part disappeared without a trace, so it should have sunk.

Qiao Ye leaned forward, sniffed the air around him and said, "It smells like blood."

The old drunkard said: "The boat is like this, there must be a lot of corpses, it's normal to smell blood."

A sailor said: "Captain, what should we do now?"

"Go over and have a look." The old drunkard said: "The rules can't be broken, go to confirm and see if you can find out where the ship is, if you know it, let me know when you land back, after all, a bunch of people are looking forward to going home , so that people don’t wait in vain, and then see if the boat can still be boarded, and if they can board, then board the boat, and take what they can take away.”

The other sailors nodded.

It's not that the old drunkard is greedy for the goods on the wreck, but there is indeed such a rule. When a ship on a long voyage sees a ship in distress, it will bring back news as much as possible, along with some belongings. As a reward, if there is goods on board, it will be found. If it is not a merchant ship, they will get some rewards as a thank you after reporting the letter.


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