The frogman had one arm broken, but he turned around and roared at Qiao Ye as if nothing had happened, and then rushed towards Qiao Ye with all his strength!


Qiao Ye was hit straight, and then fell from the air.

Fortunately, Sibuxiang jumped towards Qiao Ye immediately, and his body continued to grow in mid-air. After catching Qiao Ye, he landed firmly on the deck.

On the deck, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to pinch the frogman's throat, and snapped it hard, breaking the frogman's neck.

But what surprised Qiao Ye was that even though his neck was broken, the frogman still waved the mist and slashed in Qiao Ye's direction.

"What's the situation?"

Qiao Ye hurriedly turned her body to one side and lay directly on Sibuxiang's back, avoiding the knife.

In the next moment, Sibuxiang kicked the frogman's chest with his legs, sending the frogman flying.

A sailor yelled at Qiao Ye: "It's useless to break the neck, the whole body must be chopped off so that they can't move."

Qiao Ye nodded, and could still move with a broken neck. These corpses really deserved their name, just like corpses that can move.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, with a flick of his wrist, the black halberd in his hand stabbed forward and hit the chest of a frogman. Then Qiao Ye twisted his wrist, and the black halberd spun rapidly, knocking the frogman A bloody hole opened directly in his chest, and then Qiao Ye exerted his strength again, and with a stretch of inner strength, the frogman was split in two.

After the body was completely split open, the half of the corpse still twitched a few times on the ground, but this time it couldn't stand up again.

Having said that, this has become two and a half people, and Qiao Ye is really convinced that he can still get up.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye shook the halberd in his hand, and stabbed continuously towards the surroundings.

It was too slow to cut off the limbs and then the head, so Qiao Ye chose to use a simpler method, directly piercing through the frogman's body, and then split the body with force.

However, this method is still too slow!

Qiao Ye simply raised his hand and directly sacrificed the treasure.

Fantasy octagonal box: from the hand of the famous craftsman Tian Daozi, it can be magical weapons and attack by itself, divided into eight curses: attack, defense, array, break, ban, spirit, devour, and absolute.

The long box appeared, countless black smoke flew out, and soon turned into a series of fine black smoke, and rushed forward quickly, turning into black short halberds one after another, constantly flying towards the sky. All around, heading towards those frogmen.

In this way, the efficiency has naturally increased a lot.

On the other side, the old drunkard also immediately organized his hands to resist the attacks of those frogmen.

It is not only the twenty or so frogmen in the passage that have mutated, the corpses of frogmen and pirates in the cargo hold have also begun to mutate, and they continue to come out of the cargo hold.

The number is quite terrifying!

However, the spirit level of the old drunkard is not blown out after all. The normal level of those frogmen may be the supreme level, and even most of the supreme level can't reach it. Definitely manageable.

After becoming a zombie, all aspects will improve, the most troublesome thing is physical strength, the physical strength of these frogmen has reached the god level.

Don't look at each of Qiao Ye's halberds, like chopping melons and vegetables, but for others, it is not easy to hurt those frogmen.

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that some earth-shattering tricks are not dared to use.

For example, when Qiao Ye shot down the sky blade, the frogman Kong was terrified, but...

The Old Drunkard probably had to be buried directly at sea.

Therefore, everyone can only choose to fight hand-to-hand, not only to kill those frogmen, but also not to smash the boat, and finally to prevent those frogmen from smashing the boat.

Fortunately, there are Qiao Ye and the old drunkard who can fight and hold the scene, and the others are in groups. If they work together, they can still deal with it.

As for the evil phoenix...

She is now a gentle and charming little maid. Although she can quickly solve the trouble with her hands, she can only run around on the deck to treat everyone.

Of course, the effect is also very good. There is a doctor who can make everyone fight more boldly.


With a flick of his wrist, Qiao Ye swung the halberd backwards. The branch at the end of the halberd pierced the throat of a frogman and chopped off the frogman's head. Sweeping, cut off the frogman's body.

But at this moment...

A sailor shouted loudly: "No, they are digging the ship!"

Everyone was shocked.

Qiao Ye also ran for the first time, stepped on the railing of the boat and shouted, "I'm coming!"

Qiao Ye jumped up and jumped into the sea.

The moment his body fell, black smoke billowed around Qiao Ye's body.

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Accompanied by the black smoke, Qiao Ye entered a state of enchantment in mid-air.

In an instant, on Qiao Ye's face, bone fragments emerged one after another, and those bone fragments soon covered Qiao Ye's entire face, which looked like a mask made of white bones.

At the same time, on Qiao Ye's shoulders, chest, hands, and legs, bone fragments continued to appear, making "click, click" crisp sounds, and soon, those bone fragments covered Qiao Ye. His body is like a body of white bone armor.


At the moment when Qiao Ye's body was covered with bone fragments, Qiao Ye also fell into the sea, and then saw several frogmen attacking the bottom of the ship with weapons, trying to carve a big hole through the bottom of the ship.

Seeing this, Qiao Ye didn't say a word, just swept forward with a halberd.

The moment the halberd was swept out, the surrounding water burst instantly, and countless white foams appeared, and then...


With the water foam rushing forward, the body of a frogman was instantly cut in two, and blood was continuously floating in the sea.

Qiao Ye kicked her legs vigorously, swam forward, and swung her halberd at will, but several frogmen quickly turned their weapons sideways to block Qiao Ye's attack!

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, and this group of guys became troublesome again.

Qiao Ye is bound to be affected in the water, and his strength will be greatly affected in hand-to-hand combat in the water. However, those frogmen themselves are aquatic creatures, so naturally they will not be affected in the slightest.

So, after that halberd slashed down, Qiao Ye was only able to fight the opponent evenly.


Puff puff!

In the next moment, the bone fragments on Qiao Ye's body suddenly turned into bone spurs one after another, and they were nailed into the bodies of those frogmen in an instant. open!


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