The battle lasted for an hour.

Those frogs who turned into wights were slaughtered.

A kind of sailor sitting on the deck, panting heavily, is really tired.

The old drunkard asked people to count the casualties. There were quite a few injured, about forty or fifty wounded, but none of them were serious, thanks to Xie Feng's healing.


It is three people!

The sailors around looked at the corpse with sorrowful expressions on their faces, but their emotions didn't fluctuate much. After all, those who live in this sea are planning to bury themselves at sea.

There are too many dangers at sea, how can it be so easy to survive?

The old drunkard said: "Take a rest and get ready to leave."

"Don't worry." Qiao Ye persuaded with a smile next to the old drunkard: "Before you left, you should be more decisive. If you leave now, the gain will not be worth the loss. The things in the shipwreck that can turn into corpses are all gone. After cleaning up, there will be no more danger, those goods are lost now, but it is really like losing them for nothing."

The old drunkard is a good captain, he will put the safety of the crew first.

However, hearing what Qiao Ye said, the old drunkard also felt that it made sense. If he was afraid of danger, he would go straight away. Now that the danger has been taken care of, it would be a bit silly to leave the goods behind.

"Rest quickly, and then go to the shipwreck to carry goods." The old drunkard shouted: "All the things found this time are divided up, anyway, they are all illegal goods of pirates."

The sailors around immediately cheered and became excited.

Why go to sea? Isn't it just to make money!

Is it going to sea for fun!

Qiao Ye continued: "Captain, I want to discuss something with you."

The old drunkard looked at Qiao Ye and said: "Thanks to your help this time, I am very glad to have fished you out of the sea, otherwise we would be in great danger, so if you have anything to say, just tell me, I will help you if I can." .”

Qiao Ye said: "It's like this. The bloody area is in front, so you don't want to go in. So, I want you to sell me the boat hanging from the stern."

The old drunkard was stunned for a moment, and then said in shock: "You want to enter the blood corpse area?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The old drunkard said: "Didn't I tell you what that place is? It's dangerous in there, especially if you want to use a boat to get in? Do you know that any large sea beast can destroy your ship and people?" Death?"

Qiao Ye said: "I know, but I still have to go in. I still have my companions inside. Jia Er saw that the flying treasure used by my companions hit the sea area."

The old drunk persuaded: "You have to know that your friend may be dead, and you will give it away when you go in."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "It's not absolute if I didn't see the body, so I still have to go in and have a look."

The old drunkard sighed and said, "I really don't know whether to scold you for being overconfident or to praise you for your loyalty. Now that you have made up your mind, I won't talk about it. Take the boat and talk about whether to buy it or not. Yes, Zhaozi..."

Zhaozi agreed, "Captain, I'm here."

The old drunkard said: "Give me the map of the sea area."

Zhaozi agreed, as the navigator on the ship, he naturally carried this thing with him, took out a roll of parchment and threw it over.

The old drunkard spread out the map of the sea area, stretched out his hand and said, "This is the sea area of ​​the blood corpse area."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "The place is not small, but there is no detailed label."

"No one will go to that place, so why come here?" The old drunk said, "However, I have actually entered the blood corpse area twice. The first time was when I was young and ignorant. I broke into the Blood Remains area, and ended up with a narrow escape. I almost confessed to it. The second time was because I was greedy for money. At that time, I just entered the God Realm. First, I felt that I might have the ability to enter the Blood Remains Area. The ship entered the bloody area, and the items on board were very important, and the Chamber of Commerce offered a high price that was undeniable, but I brought 80 people into the bloody area, and instead of completing the task, there were only 16 people left when I came back."

The old drunkard was a little bit embarrassed when he said this. This was his most painful past. Not only did he lose so many brothers, but it was also a stain on his life.

"It's far away." The old drunkard said: "I entered the deepest area, which is about one-third of the blood corpse area. The deeper area is definitely more dangerous. I have no advice for you, but, about the first three One-third of the area, you have to remember two things."

While talking, the old drunkard reached out and clicked on the chart.

"After entering the bloody corpse area from this direction, you must go southeast." The old drunkard said: "You are very strong, I know your cultivation level is beyond the god level, but you don't have enough equipment to travel in the bloody corpse area , go along the southeast, about less than a day's journey, there is an island, if you don't want to have an accident, and you want to continue to march in the bloody area, you must go to that island as soon as possible."

Qiao Ye said, "Can you find a boat on that island?"

"Yes, but it's not the kind of discovery you understand." The old drunkard said: "I have been there, the island is very dangerous, there is no human habitation, no one lives there."

Qiao Ye means to buy, but there is no human habitation, no one lives, of course, there is no possibility of buying a boat.

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Then?"

"The boats left by others." The old drunkard said, "Let's put it this way, almost no one wants to go to the blood corpse area, but there are still some people, and these people are pirates."

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "Risk and opportunity coexist. Although the bloody area is very dangerous, if they hide in the bloody area, it is not easy for the guards to arrest them, because entering the bloody area is very dangerous."

The old drunkard nodded and said: "Why do you think the ships of the Eight Hundred and Eight Pirates are here? They are going to enter the bloody area. They will wander around the periphery, looking for a place to rest. They may even have their own lair. In addition, of course, it is a merchant ship that entered by mistake, and it may also enter the blood wreck area. When I arrived on this island, I saw many ship wrecks there, and there were many intact ships. Whether you can find them depends on your ability. "

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "What about the second thing?"

The old drunkard slapped his fingers a little, and continued: "Turn northeast from that island, about three days away, you can see the second island, if there is a chance, that place is the only good luck for the two of you Yes, there is a cliff near the north side of that island, and there is a hole under the cliff, and there is a boat in the hole, which is the boat I was looking for when I entered the bloody area."

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "It's been a few years, right? Is that ship still usable? Besides, you found the merchant ship back then, why didn't you bring it back?"


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