"Uneducated!" The old drunkard cast a glance at Qiao Ye and said, "That happened fifteen years ago. Do you know what the lifespan of a ship is? If it's well maintained, it won't be a problem to use it for a hundred years, even if you don't care about it all the time. , it’s not left to soak in the sea, or exposed to the hot sun, it’s just a little old after fifteen years at most.”

Qiao Ye said with a dry smile, "If you say it's fine, then it's fine!"

The old drunkard said: "Besides, I didn't just ask you to find a boat."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Huh?"

The old drunkard said: "Back then we were narrowly escaped from death and almost couldn't leave alive, but at the most critical moment, we found that ship, and there was a treasure on that ship. I don't know what the treasure is, I only know that it is A ball of light floated on the deck, and after we boarded the boat, all the things that were chasing us disappeared."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "If that's the case, why didn't you bring that boat back? Isn't your mission complete?"

The old drunkard shook his head and said, "I want to open it, but we can only move around on the deck, and other places seem to be affected by the formation, so we can't move around at all."

Xiefeng said: "Then take the treasure away, shouldn't it be enough? Then what the firm wants you to find is not the boat, but the treasure, right?"

The old drunkard said with a wry smile: "I've done the same thing before. After all, if we got that treasure and could expel the evil spirits, we would be much safer, but the gods are not accessible to ordinary people, and we can't even touch that thing, let alone Said he took it away, but I don’t know which company’s people got it from.”

The old drunkard was talking, picked up the pipe and took a puff: "The meaning of telling you this is very simple. If you have to run there, if you are lucky, you may be able to save your life."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Thank you for the captain's advice, we will take note of it."

According to Xiefeng's style of doing things, he directly detained the old drunkard, so that he had a boat and a guide, but after taking a look at Qiao Ye, it was obvious that Qiao Ye had no such intention.

Xiefeng couldn't understand this. According to her understanding, Qiao Ye was not considered a soft-hearted and kind person, so why didn't he think of this method?

So, it's not that I didn't expect it, it's that I didn't intend to do it, and this is what Xiefeng can't understand.

But since Qiao Ye didn't intend to do this, Xie Feng naturally didn't say much.

Soon, the sailors began to carry the goods, and the old drunkard asked the boat to be lowered into the sea with the stern hanging.

"If you want to go, go quickly." The old drunkard knocked down the pipe and said, "The weather is inexplicably weird recently. The wind and rain come as soon as you say, without any sign. I can't understand it after decades of sailing experience, but, So far, either the storm has continued, and once it breaks, it has not appeared consecutively. Secondly, after the storm, those sea monsters can be silent for a while. Maybe you can reach me without provoking any sea monsters. Said island."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Thank you, Captain!"

While talking, Qiao Ye dragged Xie Feng into the boat.

It's a sloop...

No, to be precise...

It should be a very playful sloop!

The size of the boat is the size of a rowing boat, and there is not even a cabin. It takes Qiao Ye five steps to walk from the bow to the stern, but a mast and a small sail are installed in the center of the hull. Qiao Ye's evaluation of this yes……

It's useless!

However, this small boat was not originally used for sailing, but for fishing, in emergencies, and occasionally when the hull needs to be repaired urgently at sea.

Because the oars were too tiring to use when fishing, the old drunkard installed a small sail himself.

Standing on the boat, Qiao Ye waved his hand to the old drunk as a farewell.

The old drunkard waved his hand, and said, "Speaking of which, can you row a boat?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I don't need to row."

Qiao Ye waved his hand casually, and a large cloud of black smoke poured out from Qiao Ye's feet, and then flowed along the sides of the ship, leaning back against the sea.

And as the black smoke pushed the sea towards the back, the boat naturally started to move forward.

The old drunkard looked stunned, can he still play like this?

The sailors around also smiled and waved to Qiao Ye, wishing Qiao Ye a smooth journey, Qiao Ye smiled and waved to express his gratitude.

Soon, under the gaze of the old drunkard, the ship continued to move forward, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.


Qiao Ye pushed the boat forward, and after getting away from the wreck, the front soon turned into a vast ocean again.

Judging from the distance advanced, it should have entered the range of the blood remains area, but on the surface, compared with the general sea area, there is no difference.

I saw no scary sea beasts, no floating corpses, and no wrecks of ships. The weather seemed to be fine, and the sun was shining brightly.

"My lord, wipe off your sweat." Xiefeng wet the handkerchief in the sea, handed it to Qiao Ye, and said, "Maybe the captain was right, after the storm, those sea beasts hid and haven't come out yet, so, it's calm now." of."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It's also possible."

Xiefeng said: "My lord, do you want Jia'er to replace you?"

"Oh?" Qiao Ye said, "Can you?"

Xiefeng smiled and said: "This is not a fight with someone. As long as you have cultivation, it shouldn't be difficult."

While Xiefeng was talking, she stretched out her hand and pushed towards the rear, the sea surface pushed away layers of waves, and then, the boat accelerated towards the front.

"Not bad." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "Then I'm tired later, you can replace me, not yet."

"Okay." Xie Feng nodded with a smile, then sat down beside him and said, "My lord, you seem to know the person who was on the throne ring that day?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

Xiefeng asked curiously: "Who is that? Why did you do such a thing?"

In fact, Xiefeng wants to ask, why "can" do such a thing!

It is not an easy task to break through the void and send everyone on Tiandao Mountain to the Sea of ​​Hundred Yuan. Of course, if you are strong yourself, coupled with an extremely powerful space treasure, it is not impossible .

But what is even more frightening is that the Hundred Yuan Sea is now banned, and no one can leave this place to cross the void.

This is what makes people feel terrible!

Hundred Yuan Sea...

But a big star!

What kind of strength can block a big star?

This is simply unheard of.

"It's a bit complicated to say who it is. This guy seems to have a lot of identities. I can only say that he is not a good person." Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "As for why he did such a thing..."


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