Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1894 I lost your mother

Qiao Ye took out the conch that Rong Bao had given him before, and began to try to send a message.

This thing is still very useful, but...

No response!

Qiao Ye said: "There shouldn't be any problem with Hundred Yuan Zhihai's summons, right?"

Xiefeng took out a feather from her pocket and handed it to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye was confused, and then saw Xiefeng walking more than ten meters away, and a voice came from the feather: "Young master, can you hear it?"

Qiao Ye suddenly realized that it was a Noble Phantasm of Communication.

Qiao Ye looked at Xiefeng who came back and said, "It seems that it's not a problem with the communication treasure, but that Rong Bao can't speak now."


Islands, mountains!

It is true that Rong Bao can't speak now, because he is tied up with a rope, and it is tied tightly, with his head sticking out of his whole body.

Therefore, Rong Bao actually heard the sound of the conch hanging on his waist, but he couldn't reach out to take it.


Rong Bao could only cry out in pain, and then...


Rong Bao was slapped hard on the head.

Those were two naked men wearing animal skin skirts. They were streaked with something like dye, which looked chaotic, but upon closer inspection, those stripes seemed to contain some patterns. In the end, it turned into a color of surprise.

The paintings on those two people turned out to be array pictures!

And after being hit on the head, Rong Bao was also furious: "Don't shoot, you will become stupid."


"Ah, ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

A man raised his hand without hesitation and hit Rong Bao's head again, and then muttered some words that Rong Bao couldn't understand.

Rong Bao was also a little crazy, this group of guys couldn't communicate at all, he just gave himself a head shot when he talked, and then said a bunch of things he didn't understand, like savages!

The point is that these two savages are really powerful.

How powerful is it?

Rong Bao hit, and then did not hit...

These savages are not ordinary, or rather, they are inexplicably powerful.

Facing the two savages, Rong Bao's attack was ineffective, and then Rong Bao was arrested.

After being honest for a while, Rong Bao couldn't help but say again: "None of you can speak human language?"


The next moment, Rong Bao was punched in the head again.

"Ge Lao Tzu!" Rong Bao scolded: "I have the guts to let go of Lao Tzu, single-handedly fight!"


Rong Bao responded with another head punch.

Rong Bao was smashed, and he was finally honest.

At this time, two savages carrying Rongbao also walked out of the forest, and what appeared in front of them was a cliff. Between the cliffs was a suspension bridge that was constantly shaking and looked like it would fall down at any time.


Islands, beaches!

After confirming that the flying carpet is on the island, Rong Bao should be there most likely, and there is no problem with the communication treasure, which means that Rong Bao's situation seems to be not very good, and he may not be able to respond.

Therefore, Qiao Ye and Xie Feng immediately searched on the beach, hoping to find footprints or other traces.

Even the traces of battle are fine. If Rong Bao's situation is not good, he may experience battle.

However, after searching, neither Qiao Ye nor Xie Feng found any clues to track down Rong Bao.

Qiao Ye was also very helpless about this. When they fell into the sea of ​​100 yuan, it happened to be a rainstorm, and after that, there were two more rainstorms, so even if there were any traces, the possibility of keeping them was true. not tall.

Qiao Ye looked at Xiefeng helplessly and said, "It seems we have to search the island."

Searching the island is a big project. Although the island doesn’t look that big, it will take at least two days to go around, and then go to the island to search for at least five or six days. Moreover, you have to stay in a Don't move, and don't hide in some hidden place.

Xiefeng thought for a while and said, "Let me try it!"

"Oh?" Qiao Ye said, "Do you have a solution?"

Xiefeng blinked her eyes and said, "I can do everything except fight!"

While talking, Xiefeng took out a porcelain bottle, and after unscrewing the lid, bees flew out of it one by one.

Xiefeng said: "The conch was given to you by Rongbao, right?"

Qiao Ye nodded, and Canglanxing used talisman papers for communication.

Xiefeng casually stretched out his hand, and then the bees circled the conch, and then flew out towards the side mountain forest.

Xiefeng said: "These little guys will help us find Young Master Rong, so they should be much faster than the two of us."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I hope Rongbao will not be too unlucky. Even if something happens, the desire to survive will be stronger, and it will last until the two of us find him."


Islands, suspension bridges.

Rong Bao's current desire to survive is quite strong.

The conch is his personal communication treasure, and there are only a handful of people who can contact him with the conch, either from the tribe, such as his father, or some people who have a close relationship with Rong Bao, and among these people, Including Qiao Ye!

This is Rong Bao's hope!

Even if other people get in touch, it may be difficult to change Rong Bao's current situation, but if it is Qiao Ye, Rong Bao feels that he can still rescue him.


Rong Bao was punched in the head again!

Rong Bao was furious in an instant: "Is there a mistake? I didn't say anything, I can't do it if my butt itches twice!"


As soon as the words fell, Rong Bao was punched in the head again!

Rong Bao was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, but he was hammered as soon as he opened his mouth. Rong Bao finally gritted his teeth and endured it.

Soon, two savages carried the bag across the suspension bridge.

On the other side of the suspension bridge, there is a big hill.

Rong Bao was surprised to find that there were quite a few savages here. They set up small tents and lit bonfires. There were wooden stairs on the surrounding mountain walls.

Soon, Rong Bao saw several savages brought a large pot and put it on the campfire, and then a savage poured various elixir into it and sprinkled it with seasonings.

"Is this stewing soup?" Rong Bao wondered, "No main ingredients?"

As soon as Rong Bao finished speaking, he saw a group of savages looking at him.

Rong Bao was shocked: "Is the main ingredient?"

The next moment, a savage came behind Rong Bao, cut the rope, pulled off Rong Bao's pants, grabbed a handful of salt, and rubbed it on Rong Bao's butt.

"I lost your mother!" Rong Bao jumped up instantly, cursing, "You grandsons actually want to eat me!"

Because the rope was cut, Rong Bao also briefly regained his freedom, without any hesitation, he turned and ran towards the suspension bridge.

But at this very moment...

A figure flashed past, and then a savage appeared in front of Rong Bao, kicked Rong Bao's chest with a sweet kick, and kicked Rong Bao to the ground.

Rong Bao sat up rubbing his chest, and immediately felt the sound of strong wind.


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